similar to: Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available"

2012 Nov 19
puppet-dashboard - rake API not working
Hello all, I am quite new to the puppet arena, but I am really impressed with puppet as a tool and the possibilities it gives you with regards to managing many systems. I am running dashboard 1.2.14 and am trying to query via the rake API: when I do, I get the following error: <snip> # sudo -u puppet-dashboard rake -f
2012 Oct 24
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 is a maintenance and bugfix release candidate of Puppet Dashboard. This release is available for download at: Debian packages are available at RPM packages are available at See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2011 Nov 04
ANNOUNCE: Puppet-Dashboard 1.2.3rc1 available
This is a maintenance release of Puppet Dashboard. This release resolves issues #10198, #10270, and #10543. More details below. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2011 Jul 13
puppet-dashboard delayed workers
Hello I have just installed puppet dashboard from git. everything seems to load ok except it seems as though background tasks are not being run. According to the code README: running: # env CPUS=4 RAILS_ENV=production /.../script/delayed_job -p dashboard -n $CPUS -m start will start the worker. however it seems as though it is not running (or if it is how can I check?) and the back ground
2012 Mar 06
Issue with pe-dashboard-workers
I''ve almost gotten PE running -- Based on tips from a recent Webinar, I''ve started on a minimal RHEL 6 system, and have installed the PE 2.03 packages. Once I set up /etc/ hosts (DNS will come later), I started the PE services. Given past problems (possibly just me), I was pleasantly surprised that the puppet-enterprise-updater script was so accommodating as I remembered which
2013 Jun 05
dashboard/passenger not connecting on port 8140
I have setup passenger w/ apache, but my dashboard is not connecting properly. I am getting the following errors em::Specification#installation_path called from /etc/puppet/puppet-dashboard/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/vendor_gem_source_index.rb:93. NOTE: Gem::Specification#installation_path is deprecated, use base_dir. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
2013 Mar 21
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 is a maintenance release of the 1.2 series of Puppet Dashboard with bug fixes and minor features. This release is available for download at: Available in native package format in the Puppet Labs yum and apt repositories at: and Please report
2013 Jan 29
stuck installing puppet in RHEL 5
Hi All, Im trying to install but with no luck. Any idea what I did wrong ? ** mkdir -p /var/log/pe-console-auth ** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas.log ** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/auth.log ** chmod 770 /var/log/pe-console-auth ** chmod 660 /var/log/pe-console-auth/auth.log ** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas_client.log ** chmod 660 /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas_client.log ** chown -R
2013 Feb 08
Puppet dashboard stuck pending jobs
Hi Guys, I am a new puppet user and wanted some type of monitoring for puppet so deployed puppet-dashboard. It has been working very well for a few days not, but all of a sudden I start getting pending tasks and they never finish even after restarting all processes. They keep accumulating and never seem to finish even though the clients are running fine. I have the puppet-dashboard
2013 Oct 04
Puppet dashboard stuck pending jobs - MySql Error: Incorrect string value
Hi have add issues with stuck pending jobs on my puppet dashboard. Here is the error message from my delayed_job.log file in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/log directory. Report.create_from_yaml_file failed with ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Incorrect string value: ''\x96 $bas...'' for column ''details'' at row 1: INSERT INTO `delayed_job_failures`
2012 Jul 12
Announce: PuppetDB 0.9.2 Available
PuppetDB 0.9.2 is the third beta release on the road to 1.0. Changes include new features and bug fixes. For details on changes in this release, please see the release notes below. # Downloads Available in native package format at Source (same license as Puppet): Available for use with Puppet
2013 Dec 24
dashed by dashboard
Thoughts? [root@ca-sna-pm01 config]# rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01. Gem.source_index called from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:21. config.gem: Unpacked gem rdoc-3.6.1 in vendor/gems has no
2013 Jan 02
puppet-dashboard load balanced report processing issues.
I just upgraded the second half of a two node puppetmaster cluster and now I am having issues with puppet-dashboard report processing. If I have workers running on both servers, they try to process each others reports, but since the report data file is not there, it fails. I would have assumed this data was local, not in the database. Does anyone else have this issue, or have a suggestion
2012 Oct 04
Puppet 3.0 + Inventory search
Hello, I am having problems with Puppet since upgrading to 3.0.0. When I call an inventory search I get a Error 400. I have used dashboard + Perl Oct 4 08:58:43 puppet01 puppet-master[7008]: Handling request: GET /production/facts_search/search?facts.lsbdistcodename.eq=lenny Oct 4 08:58:43 puppet01 puppet-master[7008]: header too long ii facter
2013 Nov 01
HELP!!! puppet-enterprise-3.1.0-el-6-i386 master/agent test fails
** I installed PE Master on one VM and Agents on two VMs pointing to master . Agent1 VM 64 bit works fine , but agent2 VM 32 bit fails with below error. Only difference is architecture. One more note both the agent nodes were accepted from Dashboard,so master has both the certificates. Any help will be greatly appreciated. puppet-enterprise-3.1.0-el-6-i386]# puppet agent --test Info:
2012 Dec 17
puppet-dashboard install not generating 'dashboard' cert
Hello, I''m trying to get puppet-dashboard installed on a CentOS 6.3 machine running puppet v3.0.1. I''m following the puppet-dashboard documentation here: In the documentation page linked above, it says: Puppet uses SSL certificates to control who can make requests to the puppet > master, so Dashboard has
2013 Jan 29
Questions/Concerns Related to Changing Console DB Password
Hello, I ran into an issue today as I began to transition into a production environment from my Puppet testbed. I am using Puppet Enterprise 2.7 for Ubuntu (x64) and ran through the Installer and configured the Console, Cloud Provisioner, and Master on the same box. This all went well. I then began setting up agent1 for testing and after installing PE, updating the environment in the
2012 Oct 11
Puppet Dashboard won't install MySQL schema
I have been working on this issue for almost 5 days and can not get past this error. Puppet Dashboard is installed via RPM from puppetlabs. I have tried versions 1.2.12, 1.2.9 and am currently on 1.2.1. Regardless of the version, I get the same exact error every time I run rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate. (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) rake aborted! no such file to load --
2013 Feb 05
dashboard permission issue
I''m having trouble getting puppet dashboard (1.2.21) to run on apache. i installed puppetmaster-passenger and puppet-dashboard package. It didn''t create user puppet-dashboard automatically as stated in the installation guide, so i created one manually and chowned all files under /puppet-dashboard. when testing with webrick everything works fine (as root). when i try with
2009 Aug 22
AD auth with lowercase domain name
Hi All, I'm having issues getting Samba/Winbind to work with a domain that is lowercase. I have read on some sites that it won't work, is this the case? system is Debian lenny, samba 3.2.5-4. Windows server is 2003 running AD in 2000 native mode. I've done everything I would normally do that my running samba/ad authing servers do, and wbinfo -u + wbinfo -g work fine, as do the