similar to: Need help with Foreman and Puppet Run

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2011 Oct 18
Hi, I created a centOS6 EC2 instance last night and ran the foreman puppet module but it came back with a few years. Was hoping somebody could help me understand these errors. [root@ip-10-170-77-129 config]# echo include foreman | puppet --modulepath /root/puppet-foreman/ err: /Stage[main]/Foreman::Config::Enc/File[/var/lib/puppet/yaml/foreman]/ensure: change from absent to directory failed:
2013 Aug 07
Adding Foreman to an existing Puppet master
Greetings: Sorry for cross-posting this question, but I haven''t gotten any love over on the Google Forum for Foreman users<!forum/foreman-users> (their forum isn''t as active as this one). I only recently learned about The Foreman and I''d like to deploy it on a 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS workstation to provision/manage a bunch of
2012 Apr 09
Puppet report with foreman
Hi All, I get a error message stating that Could not send report: Error 400 on server: Could not autoload foreman: Function foreman already defined. I am integrating puppet report to be displayed with foreman. What can be the problem ??? Regards Niraj K. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this
2009 Nov 26
Puppet+Foreman: class into module couldn't apply on nodes
Hello, I try config puppet with foreman frontend. Into puppetmasterd I create modules "test" and create init.pp: # Create "/tmp/testfile" if it doesn''t exist. class test_class { file { "/tmp/testfile": ensure => present, mode => 644, owner => root, group => root } } Configure nodes in site.pp and import
2013 Aug 23
Puppet dashboard - having cached catalog runs show up as warnings
Hi, I have noticed that when a typo is introduced or a module is plain broken, puppet will run using a cached catalog. This is logged as an error on the local client, however, it is not logged as an error on Puppet Dashboard. How can I change this behavior, so that using the cached catalog will result in a warning/error being displayed on Puppet Dashboard? Foreman does this. I''ve
2012 Aug 09
hiera scope and hiera-foreman
Hey all, I''ve been messing around with the hiera-foreman backend to see if it would let me migrate to hiera and use foreman and an ENC. It works by querying each node''s yaml file from foreman. Currently this code works when called from the hiera command line with the -m (mcollective option). It uses the mcollective facts to pull
2012 Mar 06
Puppet/foreman redundant servers? Cluster, recovery etc
What are the best practices for achieving a maximally redundant and scalable environment? What are you doing? We''re rolling out Puppet with Foreman, mysql, Passenger, on a RHEL6 VMWare box. Configs are stored in SVN and Jenkins. Right now we''ve got those first four things running on the same single server but for production we always want replication whenever possible. --
2013 Sep 23
module customization + using foreman 1.2 + puppet 3.0
Hi All, I have installed ssh module by command: puppet module install saz/ssh and it''s configured for production server . But I am not able to configure sshd_config file for each host separately . How can I define specific source file for specific host using foreman Thanks in Advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
2013 May 07
Foreman and Puppet managing templates question
Hi, I have just started to use Foreman 1.1. I have been using Puppet for a while and have some custom modules and ones that have been dragged down from git etc. I am using nodes.pp in Puppet to assign classes and template entries to hosts. So is Foreman meant to eliminate my need for a nodes.pp? How do I manage my erb templates in Puppet without a nodes.pp? Thanks, -- You received
2013 Apr 02
puppet kick question
Hello, I have basically two questions regarding *puppet kick* (old puppetrun) when calling a "puppet kick" : first question) does puppet kick deploy the catalogue on the three hosts serially or in parallel?? and 2) what happens if for any reason the deployment fails on host1 ?? will puppet continuing deploying on host2 and host3 or will
2013 Feb 20
Help needed in setting up a simple ENC
puppet maser conf: [main] logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet ssldir = $vardir/ssl [master] classfile = $vardir/classes.txt localconfig = $vardir/localconfig user = root group = root fileserverconfig = /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf reportdir = /home/logs/puppet/reports masterhttplog = /home/logs/puppet/masterhttp.log masterlog =
2013 Oct 16
Exported resources not in the catalog
Hi, I''m trying to use Puppet ability to export and collect resources using PuppetDB. My PuppetDB and Puppet Master are running on the same host and I used the PuppetDB puppet module to install PuppetDB and configure the Puppet master. Each time the puppet agent runs on a client, the facts and the catalog are being pushed in PuppetDB and I can query the PuppetDB server to get
2009 Nov 04
Announcement: Foreman 0.1-2 is out
Hello All, I''m happy to announce the next stable release of Foreman (0.1-2), main new features include: - General - LDAP / AD Authentication support. - Audit Log - keeps information about changed host values (e.g. host environment, external node parameters etc). - Added Puppet module for installing/managing foreman - Puppet Reports - Added a basic
2012 Jan 27
Puppet agents stop reporting after master runs out of disk space...
I am experiencing a curious event, and wondering if others have seen this... As well, I have a question related to it. Today, I noticed my puppet summary report from Foreman this morning, that 60 of my 160 hosts all stopped reporting at nearly the exact same time, and have not since restarted. Investigating, it appears that my puppetmaster temporarily ran out of disk space on the /var
2013 Jul 25
No reports in foreman
Dear all I am trying to set up reports in foreman, but foreman tells me to configure it. What am I doing wrong? I have on the puppet master: /var/lib/puppet/reports/foreman.rb with $foreman_url=http://rh6-puppet-master Do I need the port? /etc/puppet/puppet.conf with in [main] reports = log, foreman I restarted the service service puppetmaster restart in /var/log/messages I find: No
2010 Sep 29
Foreman barfs on startup.
All, First attempt at running foreman. [pax] prov01 /usr/share/foreman/script:# ./server -e production => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on /usr/share/foreman/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `old_load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant Puppet::Rails (NameError) from
2012 Jul 22
Foreman 1.0 released!
Hello, I''m very excited and pleased to share the release of Foreman 1.0 Since the change log is quite extensive, I would simply refer you to the change log [1] and would highly suggest to read it if you are upgrading. About Foreman: Foreman is an opensource management tool, design to help you to manage your infrastructure. Foreman takes over provisioning(bare metal, virtual or in the
2012 Oct 31
how to trigger puppet run on agents remotely
Hello Everybody, I am looking for a way to trigger puppet rum remotely. so that i don''t need to login into individual nodes and perform the puppet agent --test from there. Is there any alternative to puppet kick in puppet 3.0, since its being deprecated in telly. Also , can anybody tell how to configure foreman 1 to trigger puppet run from the gui in puppet
2013 Jul 01
Puppet with Mcollective, which modules and how ? (TheForeman)
Hi All, I have a working installation of a Puppet Master (CA) with Puppet agents, this using The Foreman. I really see the usage of Puppet this way but because The Foreman supports pushing your classes/templates to you nodes (agents) and uses the depricated Run/Kick for it I''m looking into Mcollective. Mcollective is supported by The Foreman since 1.2, the version I''m
2012 Feb 16
Puppet on Windows
Hi, I want to run Puppet on a Windows 2003 Server. I already have a working Puppetmaster (Scientific Linux). I installed Puppet on Windows like shown here: This worked very well. But when I want to run puppet. puppet agent --test --debug I get the following output: (I already tried different ruby and puppet versions without