similar to: array and string

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "array and string"

2012 Nov 20
managing java with puppet (RH)
Hi all, In my systems (SL 6.3, RH like) I''m installing Oracle''s Java. I''m managing the package and several links under /etc/alternatives with puppet, but for configuring it, all the ''official'' docs recommends ''alternatives''. I''ve been looking for some module which already deals with it, but I''ve not found any...
2013 Mar 28
Custom fact or function ? looking for opinion
Hi, I''m in the progress of writing custom facts to retrieve our network configuration for the nodes from the openldap ENC. Now, since the puppetmaster has also access to the ldap server, I''m thinking to move the custom facts to a function, so it runs on the puppetmaster only, end not on every node. I just wanted to here some other opinions about this issue. Thx Johan
2013 Oct 28
Using puppetlabs_spec_helper on Windows 7
I''m trying to make puppetlabs_spec_helper runs on Windows 7 to test my Puppet modules. Is this supported ? Because I encountered some problems: 1. symlinks were not created on Windows 7 (even if the functionnality are availabe). To manage that I added to rake_tasks.rb an ugly function: def make_link(source,target) ruby_platform =
2013 Oct 31
I'm to a dead end
Hi all, I am new to Puppet and now I do some test with 2 Virtual Machines running Centos 6.4 and puppet 3.3.1 And I manage to sign the client cert, but still I can not get any file updated on the client VM. If I run the client in test mode puppet agent --server=p-master.localdomain --noop --test There is no errors in the output. Info: Retrieving plugin Info: Caching catalog for
2013 Mar 07
Puppet Dashboard changed reports view error
Hello Puppet Users ! We encounter a problem with the dashboard on this URI : /reports/changed The /reports works fine with ~130000 reports (up to 3 months and auto-cleaning with rake reports:prune job) I make a reports:prune:orphaned, juste in case, but without any success. The most recent change on the server was the puppetmaster upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0. Here is the dashboard error log
2013 Oct 08
user management define once an add if required on server
Dear all I am looking for a solution for a module to define alle possible user and then install the one or more user from that module if needed on a server, but not all of them. My idea is something like this. Can I define a user in the nodes.pp at a special Server to install that user? init.pp class admin_user::group { group { "group1": gid => "888",
2012 Oct 11
Noob setting up, hitting SSL Errors
I''m a noob puppeteer. I''m following the directions here: I''m running two identical Ubuntu VMs. I can apparently set up the master ok. But, when I try to connect with an agent I get the following error from the agent: Error: Failed to apply catalog: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server
2013 Nov 04
brainstorm ldap type/provider
hi, Just thinking how i could manage ldap server with puppet, using dynamic configuration. I would follow the next step : In the manifest : install required packages for ldap server doing a ''site specific'' basic configuration, meaning pushing a custon /etc/<ldapbasedir>/slapd.d develop some ldap type, to tweak online the ldap server. I think this would only be used
2013 Oct 28
inline_template private method `gets' called for false:FalseClass
Hi, I am new to Ruby ERB and inline_template. Can anyone spot what''s wrong with this inline_template? $moddedContent = inline_template("<%= puts gets(nil).gsub(/one two three/,\"\") /tmp/blah %>") exec { "/bin/echo ''${moddedContent}'' > /tmp/blah" : } When I try to apply it, I
2011 Aug 08
Hash Interpolation inside double quotes?
I''ve got this: file { ''/opt/sugarsync/tomcat/tomcat-home/current'': ensure => "tomcat-$config[''tomcat_version_server'']"; where $config[''tomcat_version_server''] was set with extlookup (the yaml one), by loading: --- tomcat_config: tomcat_version_server: 6.0.20-1 tomcat_version_libs: 1.0-1
2005 Jun 02
Samba Password Expiry Date
Hi, i have configured a Samba PDC based on now, whenever i set the sambaMustChangePassword flag to 0, then from the subsequent logon, there is a popup urge me for changing password. now, the problem is after i have changed the password, the sambaMustChangePassword is set to 2147483647(unix timestamp), which if i converted it into human readable format, it will be 2038 year,
2011 Jul 02
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target "File[]"
I''m running Puppet 2.7.1 on the master as well as the agent and just received a new error which doesn''t actually reference a module or a file, so I''m somewhat stuck as to how to debug this. Any pointers? The error is err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target
2004 Sep 30
Voice mail
I have and asterisk server that has been up and running for sometime and the voicemail quit working as when you go to voicemail you can't hear the greeting. But you get the message vm-theperson is playing. Thank you, Eddy Woodward Hayes Computer Systems 1355 Thomaswood Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Email: Phone: 850/297-0551 Ext. 129 Cell: 850/556-4064 Fax:
2012 Jul 25
manifest variable with sed - problem
Hello, i have a problem in my sudo manifest file, because in the variable $name comes sometimes usernames like user.lastname, but i need for sudo (includedir */etc/sudoers.d/*) file names with no dots (like user_lastname). I need a new variable, where is the dots change by underscores. My first try was like this, but it isn''t working well. $name_underscore = "`echo $name | sed
2011 Jun 16
Problem with usage of arrays
Hi there, i can''t use array in puppet. Here is my codesnipplet: $callapidata = [ ''wert1'',''wert2''] notice $callapidata[1] A puppetrun results in: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: can''t convert String into Integer at /etc/puppet/myenv/modules/ uc4client/manifests/init.pp:41 on node testnode Thanks for your
2012 Mar 27
Arrays from templates
Hi, I am having an issue trying to use the inline_template function to return an array. This is what I do: $array = inline_template ("<%= a=[''a1'',''b2'',''c3'']; a %>") notify {"array: ${array}":} And that works, showing the typical comma-less string: notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[array: a1b2c3]/message: defined
2010 Oct 14
manipulating facter variable
I''m trying to manipulate the following facter variable: ipaddress => What I need is the second group of digits. If it''s 84 then location is A, but if it''s 85 then location is B. In puppet I couldn''t grab this second set of digits, but maybe there is a way? I''ve already tried to make a custom fact, but my ruby knowledge is *ahem* pretty
2012 Jul 05
hash to_yaml in erb template not giving valid yaml
Hi, I want to use a file resource to write a facts.yaml file for Mcollective. For some reason it won''t provide a valid yaml format if I dump my scope to hash and convert to_yaml. file { "/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml" : owner => root, group => root, mode => 400, loglevel => debug, #content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject {
2009 Jun 30
Variable named "memory" in templates
I tried to use a Puppet variable named "$memory" and access it from a template, like this: $memory = 4711 file { "/tmp/test.txt": content => inline_template("memory = <%= memory %>\n"); } One would think that my file would contain "memory = 4711" after that, but instead the memory variable seems to hold a
2011 May 23
Variable interpolation challenge
I''m having a problem with variable interpolation that I haven''t found a good solution to. I want to use a variable as part of the name of a fact, but the interpolation doesn''t work as expected. I''ve allowed for passing the mac address into my define() but if it''s not provided I want to look it up via facter. if