similar to: hiera broken in puppet-3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "hiera broken in puppet-3"

2012 Sep 26
Puppet 2.7, hiera 1.0 and hiera as an ENC
This is the situation I have: All my hosts are the* same OS.* All my host are in the* same puppet environment,* so I cannot use %{environment} I have a module that sets all the *basic* functionality for the OS, resolution, authentication, security, packages, etc I have a module for each application hosted. At the moment all the ''data'' is in Puppet, mostly in parametrised
2013 Aug 29
Hiera and hiera-gpg
I am having a bit of difficulty implementing hiera-gpg; particularly with accomplishing the deencryption in my manifests. Can anyone either provide a simple example or point me to a good resource? I have searched alot and am still struggling. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! Bee -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2012 Mar 23
Plugins and Hiera
Dear all, This is a continuation of another thread, but I think the question diverged enough to create a new one. I have a hiera hierarchy like this: :hierarchy: - %{fqdn} - %{secundary_group} - %{primary_group} - %{productname} - all And I need to define the secondary/primary groups as facts, on the nodes. Gary has suggested me to use plugins, that they will provide the facts before
2013 Mar 14
Help me wrap my head around Yaml/Hiera with erwbgy/system
Trying to figure out the erwbgy/system plugin and just getting stuck.. first run it did some changes, but it ignored parameters for ntp and now its not refreshing if I update the yaml at all, Im slightly lost at what I may be missing :) hiera.yaml --- :hierarchy: - %{certname} - %{environment} - global - %{environment}/common :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir:
2013 Aug 22
Could not parse for environment production: Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces
We''re trying to set a role variable in one of our role classes i.e. class role::nameserver { $::role = ''nameserver'' include profile::baseline } however we get the following error Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for environment production: Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces We do not get
2012 Aug 14
hiera command line performance
Hi everyone, The hiera command line program (version 0.3.0) is currently taking around 2 seconds per invocation. This seems quite slow to me, but is probably not an issue for most users. We have a number of legacy machines that for one reason or another have not been puppetised yet, and probably won''t be anytime soon, so I have a somewhat clever script that, for each of these
2013 Oct 21
Puppet 3.2: add element to array
Hi! Is it possible to add a new element to an array inside puppet manifest ? Something like ruby''s array.push(''new_element'') ? -- Best regards, Sergey Arlashin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
2013 Apr 03
calling_module vs module_name ?
In using Hiera, what is the difference between calling_module and module_name? Which is should be used? :hierarchy: - %{environment}/%{calling_module}/common - %{environment}/%{module_name}/common Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
2012 Aug 09
hiera scope and hiera-foreman
Hey all, I''ve been messing around with the hiera-foreman backend to see if it would let me migrate to hiera and use foreman and an ENC. It works by querying each node''s yaml file from foreman. Currently this code works when called from the hiera command line with the -m (mcollective option). It uses the mcollective facts to pull
2013 Feb 22
puppet could'nt find hiera even when hiera gem is installed
Hiera was properly working in my environment. But puppet was looking at old version even when I have the latest hiera gem installed. So I could''nt use json backend. But puppet is not looking at my latest hiera gem. Not sure when went wrong here. Scenario: I have installed hiera couple of months back. So the gem was installed under /opt/puppet/lib/gems/1.8/gems/hiera-0.3.0
2012 Mar 14
hiera on puppet 2.6.12
Hi, I''m trying to use standard hiera on puppet (gentoo). I simply did # gem install hiera Then setup /etc/hiera.yaml When i call the hiera() function in puppet i get "Error 400 on SERVER: Unknown function hiera at /data/puppet/manifests/ site.pp:27" Is there a step that I''m missing? BTW. standalone hiera works fine. -- You received this message because you
2012 May 22
Announce: Hiera 1.0.0rc3 Available
Hiera 1.0.0rc3 is a feature release candidate designed to accompany Puppet 3.0. Changes to Hiera since 1.0.0rc2 were mainly to ease packaging and improve testing. Downloads are available: * Source It includes contributions from the following people: Kelsey Hightower and Matthaus Litteken See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Dec 20
Announce: Hiera 1.1.2-rc2 available
Hiera 1.1.2-rc2 is a release candidate in the 1.x series with bug fixes. Downloads are available at: * Source: RPMs are available at or /fedora Rubygem available at or by using the --pre option to gem install. Debs are available at Mac package
2012 Mar 05
New hiera backend for mysql
Hi all, Over the weekend I came up with a new backend for hiera for looking up configuration values directly from a MySQL database that may be useful to some.... Regards Craig -- Craig Dunn | Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX --
2013 Dec 16
Overriding class options with hiera
Hi, I''m trying to do something with Hiera, whereby the ''default'' configuration for a class is within it''s role/profile manifest, which can then be overridden on a node specific basis by hiera. As an example; class profile::base { class { ''::ntp'': servers => [''a'', ''b'', ''c'',
2012 Jul 01
puppet-hiera used with Parameterised class
Hi Puppet Users, For some bizzare reason I am unable to use hiera-puppet with a parameterised class. The output is: ---------------------------- root@hiera hieratest/manifests# puppet apply -e "include hieratest" Error: undefined method `catalog'' for #<Hash:0xb6c53d00> at line 1 on node hiera.localdomain Wrapped exception: undefined method `catalog'' for
2012 Nov 27
Right way to implement "roles" in hiera/puppet
I''m looking to implement a hiera backend for our Puppet installation, as we routinely deploy systems that are of varying hardware, OS, and which may have multiple roles they fill. I''ve figured out, I think, how to handle the OS question through facter, but implementing server roles isn''t quite so clear. I want to maintain that information on the server, not on the
2014 Jan 29
hiera-eyaml-gpg gives strange error
Hi, I'm trying to store some encrypted values in hiera, using either hiera-eyaml or hiera-eyaml-gpg. While hiera-eyaml (PKCS7 encryption) works fine, the agent gives the following error message when using hiera-eyaml-gpg: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'the_secret_field': can't convert
2013 Jun 11
hiera data bindings and template()
Hi, I''m using Puppet 3.2.1 and heavily relying on hiera data bindings. I have the following situation: class software ( $my_content = undef, ) { file { ''/path/to/file'': content => $software::my_content, } } in hieradata/software.yaml (hiera.yaml seems ok): software::my_content: template(''mymodule/myfile.erb'') With this configuration I
2012 Apr 26
Optional values from Hiera (no default value)
Hello Puppet List, I''m writing a module that should take an optional value and I want to get it (amongst other places) from Hiera. $repository = $::java_repository ? { undef => hiera(''java_repository'') default => $::java_repository, } But this fails because Hiera raises an error if it can''t find a value. I later want to do something like this: