similar to: Too much access rights on /tmp/passenger.{pid}/backends

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Too much access rights on /tmp/passenger.{pid}/backends"

2013 Aug 27
passenger installation file passenger-install-apache2-module missing
Dear all, I have installed yum install rubygem-passenger Installed: rubygem-passenger.x86_64 0:4.0.5-3.el6 Dependency Installed: rubygem-daemon_controller.noarch 0:1.1.4-3.el6 rubygem-fastthread.x86_64 0:1.0.7-1.el6 rubygem-rack.noarch 0:1.0.1-2.el6 rubygem-rake.noarch 0:0.8.7-2.1.el6
2009 Mar 08
Premature end of script headers error using Rails 2.3.1 and Passenger 2.1.1
I''m getting an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error using the latest beta of Rails (2.3.1 aka 2.3 RC2) and Passenger (2.1.1) beta under Ubuntu Intrepid (8.1). I''ve put the Passenger configuration files into two separate files under mods-available and I''ve created symbolic links from mods- enabled. The default way of the Apache configuration under Ubuntu 8.1, just
2009 Sep 10
passenger with ruby enterprise edition
Hi I am failing to start apache2 with ruby enterprise edition and passenger 2.2.5 [Wed Sep 09 17:38:20 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Phusion_Passenger/2.2.5 configured -- resuming normal operations *** Exception LoadError in PhusionPassenger::Rack::ApplicationSpawner (no such file to load -- puppet) (process 16544): from
2010 Dec 28
mod_passenger failed installation from puppetlab yum repo
Just tried to install mod_passenger from puppetlabs yum repo, and it is failing with the following error: ---> Package mod_passenger.i686 0:2.2.5-1 set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: rubygem-passenger = 2.2.5-1 for package: mod_passenger ---> Package mod_passenger.x86_64 0:2.2.5-1 set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: rubygem-passenger = 2.2.5-1 for package:
2010 Mar 17
passenger errors
Has anyone seen this come up, I am using 0.24.8 version of puppet. I followed the directions on the wiki and installed passenger correctly from what I can tell. [Wed Mar 17 09:07:56 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 Phusion_Passenger/2.2.5 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
2009 Oct 18
Passenger Best Practice
I want to move from running puppet under it's own web brick server, to using passenger. I'd like to get an idea of how folk are running passenger? Ideally I'd like to keep everything rpm based, so would need ruby enterprise rpms, and then the mod_rails / passenger plugin? How are you folk doing it? I've seen:
2013 Mar 27
silencing Passenger "ps" SELinux errors
Hello, how do people cope with constant SELinux errors like this from Fusion Passenger: 36886. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps unconfined_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 2 file open system_u:system_r:udev_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 denied 1922 36887. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps unconfined_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 4 dir getattr unconfined_u:system_r:initrc_t:s0 denied 1927 36888. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps
2014 Apr 03
ruby193 SCL and mod_passenger
? I'm interested in ruby and I try the ruby193 SCL and I want to run Ruby on Rails with Apache, so I'm searching mod_passenger for this ruby SCL version, but I found, that this package is not in this SCL. Are any other possibilities to run Ruby on Rails with Apache or why is mod_passenger not in this SCL? ? Thanks, Filip Bartmann
2009 Oct 19
Passenger Woes
Hello, I really didn''t expect this to be difficult, but I''ve been struggling with this all day :( I''m running CentOS 5.3, with rubygems, rack and fastthread, from EPEL. I''m running puppet-0.25.0-1 built from the spec file in the latest stable tarball. I''m using mod_passenger-2.2.5-2.el5 from Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip), which is effectively EPEL
2012 Feb 06
Puppet / Passenger SSL Problems with DRBD
I am working on setting up a Puppet configuration where some of the data is stored on a DRBD volume. The modules and vardir are stored on the drbd volume. The puppet.conf files point to the drbd volume for vardir. I created a cert for a VIP puppet-master using the puppetca -- create command I had everything working on the primary drbd node, but when I fail over, everything starts up fine, but I
2010 Mar 04
Dependency cycles, please help.
Hi, I''m having trouble writing a recipe to handle apache/passenger. First, here is my apache2 class, found here : --------------------------------------------- $apache2_sites = "/etc/apache2/sites" $apache2_mods = "/etc/apache2/mods" class apache2 { [...] define module ( $ensure =
2012 Jul 10
problem using apache & passenger to run dashboard
Hi, My puppetmaster is running through apache, and now I am setting up dashboard to be run by apache too. I followed docs in, but after I restarted httpd, I see a apache welcome page. I set documentroot to be: DocumentRoot /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/public/
2012 Sep 07
passenger-install-apache2-module fails
Hi I have installed passenger on many machine and this is my 3rd puppet master on CentOS 6. This one is giving me problems and I have been trying with different gem versions and still no go. When I run passenger-install-apache2-module I get this error: Sorry its really long so I copied to a text doc attached to this post. Any Idea on whats going wrong. I have not had a problem with this before
2013 Jul 23
Debugging Puppetmaster with Apache/Rack/Passenger
Hi, I''m currently trying to debug a performance issue I''m having. Therefore I would need "DEBUG" output. When using one puppetmaster process, this is fairly easy by starting it like this: > puppet master --no-daemonize --debug Now I need to see this debug output when running puppetmaster the way I ususally do - using Apache/Rack/Passenger. After looking
2008 Jul 14
Execute some steps if a file isn't present
Hi all, I''ve come quite far with my puppet setup, but a few times I got this problem: I want to execute a few things if a file isn''t present on the puppet client. For example: I want puppet to check if the mod_passenger apache module exists. If not: installl passenger from gem. Execute the installer, copy the config file and enable the module with a2enmod. What would be the
2011 Dec 14
How can I get RVM/Passenger/Apache2 to play nicely together
Hello all, Can anyone point me to any solid documentation on how to set up a production server using RVM, Passenger, and Apache2? I have been at this for a week with absolutely no luck at all so I thought I would post here to see if anyone has managed to get this to work and written down the steps they used. Right now with my current implementation, I am getting a 404 error when I attempt to
2009 Sep 07
passenger-status error messages
I am getting all these messages when run `passenger-status''. Do I need to worry about this? I am using passenger 2.2.2 with puppet 0.24.8 and apache2 on ubuntu 9.04. I installed it using the wiki Thread ''Main thread'': in ''int Server::start()'' (ApplicationPoolServerExecutable.cpp:553)
2010 Aug 20
puppet dashboard gui looks odd from apache2
I downloaded the puppet-dashboard.git from and did the installation in my ubuntu lucid puppet server following the steps in "Installation". Now I can run it fine using the WEBrick like this root@sys-ubuntu { ~/git/puppet-dashboard }$ ./script/server -e production => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on
2008 Apr 20
mod_rails showing plain text instead of actual page
hello! i got this forum powered by apache and mod_rails lately when i create / edit posts, i get plain html text showing up instead of the actual page. here''s what i see: -- Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Set-Cookie: _mysite_session=BAh7CzoOcmV0dXJuX3RvMDoKdGl0bGV7BmkVdToJVGltZQ2IDhuAK1UeADoL %250AdG9waWNzewZpBnU7Bw2HDhuA2%252FZJ7zoJdXNlcmkGIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rp
2012 Dec 17
multiple puppet masters
Hi, I would like to set up an additional puppet master but have the CA server handled by only 1 puppet master. I have set this up as per the documentation here: I have configured my second puppet master as follows: [main] ... ca = false ca_server = I am using passenger so I am a bit confused how the