similar to: Puppet 3.0 Testing Hiera

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Puppet 3.0 Testing Hiera"

2012 Dec 19
Hiera, AIX, please help :)
Hi Everyone; First, is my understanding correct that all boxes with agents >3.0 will need to have hiera installed? I have gotten conflicting answers and I have found different answers in the documentation as well. Can anyone clear this up for me? And, if it is needed.. has anyone gotten it working on AIX? Thanks! Bee -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2012 Nov 27
Right way to implement "roles" in hiera/puppet
I''m looking to implement a hiera backend for our Puppet installation, as we routinely deploy systems that are of varying hardware, OS, and which may have multiple roles they fill. I''ve figured out, I think, how to handle the OS question through facter, but implementing server roles isn''t quite so clear. I want to maintain that information on the server, not on the
2012 May 22
Announce: Hiera-Puppet 1.0.0rc1 Available
Hiera-Puppet 1.0.0rc1 is a feature release candidate designed to accompany Puppet 3.0 and Hiera 1.0. It includes Puppet functions for hiera and also the puppet backend for hiera lookups. Downloads are available: * Source * Apt and yum development repositories * Apple package
2013 Aug 29
Hiera and hiera-gpg
I am having a bit of difficulty implementing hiera-gpg; particularly with accomplishing the deencryption in my manifests. Can anyone either provide a simple example or point me to a good resource? I have searched alot and am still struggling. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! Bee -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2012 Mar 14
hiera on puppet 2.6.12
Hi, I''m trying to use standard hiera on puppet (gentoo). I simply did # gem install hiera Then setup /etc/hiera.yaml When i call the hiera() function in puppet i get "Error 400 on SERVER: Unknown function hiera at /data/puppet/manifests/ site.pp:27" Is there a step that I''m missing? BTW. standalone hiera works fine. -- You received this message because you
2012 Jul 01
puppet-hiera used with Parameterised class
Hi Puppet Users, For some bizzare reason I am unable to use hiera-puppet with a parameterised class. The output is: ---------------------------- root@hiera hieratest/manifests# puppet apply -e "include hieratest" Error: undefined method `catalog'' for #<Hash:0xb6c53d00> at line 1 on node hiera.localdomain Wrapped exception: undefined method `catalog'' for
2012 Jul 27
puppet 3 and hiera
I just installed puppet 3 (3.0.0-0.1rc3puppetlabs1) on a 32bit Ubuntu 12.04 ''server'' VM. I used the packages for the install. I then copied over my existing modules and manifests from my production 2.7.x puppet master, and also my hiera.yaml and hieradata/*. When I run puppet agent --test I get the following: Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error
2012 Aug 14
Testing Hiera Lookup with Puppet Master
Hello, Is there an easy way to test hiera lookup for a node? A node is not getting the value I expect from Hiera and I want a way to test this. I noticed that `hiera` has an option called `-i` to use the Puppet inventory service. With the latest (RC4 I believe) of Hiera I''m getting the following when I try to use that though: Puppet inventory service lookup failed: NoMethodError:
2013 Jan 30
Hiera parameter lookup, nesting variables and Puppet 3
Hi, I''m trying to reconcile the advice in the Puppet 3 class doc with our current use of Hiera. We currently retrieve variables from Hiera in one big collection while the Puppet 3 doc seems to indicate storing variables without the collection. For example, we have a module to manage a log indexer. In its init.pp it says: class log_indexer( $log_indexer_conf =
2012 Oct 11
PuppetDB/Hiera post-install verification??
Hi Everyone; Can anyone suggest any post installationtests to verify the functionality of both puppetdb (using postgres) and hiera? I am a somewhat nbew user and I am not really sure what a good, quick method is to verify the functionality pst install. If anyone could suggest steps/test cases, that would be greatly apprecaited! I also think this would be useful to include as a section in the
2013 Dec 13
Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error Hiera::InterpolationLoop: Detected in [::environment]
Hello, just upgraded Hiera from ver. 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 and broke our puppet environment. :) It seems that there are sizeable changes related to variable interpolation Here is an error during Puppet run: Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error Hiera::InterpolationLoop: Detected in [::environment] at /home/ubuntu/environments/project_dev/manifests/site.pp:35 on node
2012 Apr 16
hiera puppet augeas and hash keys ?
Hi, if possible can someone post a working example please ? I am using hiera => puppet => augeas. cat myserver.yaml --- myserver: "Birthday": ''1'' "Debug": ''5'' The no. of settings will change, so i would like to use a hash here. The hiera lookup works already: >hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml -h myserver
2013 Feb 08
Still getting an error....Re: Mcollective/Puppet Plug-In
Now, I am getting this .... Thanks for the help! puppet5 : Cannot validate input: Unknown validator: ''puppet_server_address''. Cannot validate input: Unknown validator: ''puppet_server_address''.puppetdev04 : Puppet command ''puppet agent --test --onetime --daemonize --color=false --no-splay
2013 Feb 22
puppet could'nt find hiera even when hiera gem is installed
Hiera was properly working in my environment. But puppet was looking at old version even when I have the latest hiera gem installed. So I could''nt use json backend. But puppet is not looking at my latest hiera gem. Not sure when went wrong here. Scenario: I have installed hiera couple of months back. So the gem was installed under /opt/puppet/lib/gems/1.8/gems/hiera-0.3.0
2012 Oct 19
Using Hiera with Parameters set for the Puppet Node
Is it possible to have Hiera look at a key set for the node first, before looking at other items in the hierarchy? In particular - I''m using Puppet Dashboard and am setting keys & params for there, so I would like for any value set there for a node to be used over another item in the hiera hierachy. What value would I have to specify in the hierarchy for this, if it is possible?
2013 May 29
How can I use "puppet apply" with hiera?
I''m running Puppet v2.7.14. I have a puppet master server with Hiera and it works great. I also want to be able to apply my manifests locally on a node. I have installed Hiera on my node and I can verify using the Hiera command line application that values can be looked up: user@tag5-4-qa-sjc:~$ hiera corp_puppet_server region=northamerica datacenter=sjc environment=qa --debug DEBUG:
2013 Oct 24
Puppet components and configuration / Hiera patterns
We have embraced Hiera; we use the YAML configuration system currently and on the whole everyone finds it easy to use and intuitive. However, as our manifests have grown more complex, we have a need to "compile" multiple narrowly-focused classes together into different types of high-level roles. For example, we might have a "webmail" class that pulls together classes for
2012 May 22
Announce: Hiera 1.0.0rc3 Available
Hiera 1.0.0rc3 is a feature release candidate designed to accompany Puppet 3.0. Changes to Hiera since 1.0.0rc2 were mainly to ease packaging and improve testing. Downloads are available: * Source It includes contributions from the following people: Kelsey Hightower and Matthaus Litteken See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Jul 09
puppet 3.0.0 and hiera
Hi, If I have understood it correctly, puppet 3.0.0 will include / require hiera. In order to add support for hiera directly in Geppetto I downloaded the puppet 3.0.0rc tarball expecting to find the puppet-hiera functions, but they where not there. What is the expected packaging going to be when 3.0.0 is released? Where should I expect the hiera "parser functions" to be located?
2012 Oct 31
Unless I install puppet vis gems, I get the following error when attempting to use librarian-puppet. librarian-puppet /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:779:in `report_activate_error'': Could not find RubyGem puppet (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:214:in `activate'' from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:249:in