similar to: Puppetdashboard :: cannot add class

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Puppetdashboard :: cannot add class"

2010 Jul 21
Empty set in MySQL for puppetdashboard.
Hey all, recently installed puppet-dashboard (latest), to puppet with MySQL. Things are looking hunkydory, but some nodes are not appearing in the db. In the puppet-dashboard logs we have: Node Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE (`nodes`.`name` = '''') ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1 Quering the db directly, that is indeed the case: mysql> SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE
2011 Apr 06
Puppetdashboard 1.1.0 spec file
Hello, Does anyone have a good spec file for puppet dashboard 1.1.0, as the one supplied in the sourcecode is for 1.0.4 and tries to copy some directories, that don''t exist anymore. I did some remodelling in the file, so it creates a rpm now, but I''m not sure whether my "fix" is the only change needed. my change: replace -------------------- for plugin in
2011 Jul 23
Dashboard not retrieving inventory
Hi All, Puppet-dashboard appears to be having some trouble. Under inventory, it says: "Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Permission denied - certs/dashboard.private_key.pem" When I run: curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/host.domain I get the expected dump of facts. Versions: puppet-dashboard is 1.1.0 (using passenger) puppet-master
2012 Sep 28
Puppet/Passenger :: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:Error 403 on server
Greetings, I have a tested, working setup of Puppet and Webrick. I can add nodes, classes, etc. Then I switched to Puppet/Passenger and get the error below. Puppet, Apache and Passenger are all up. I have installed using *YUM *repos and *GEMs*. So, I have the most updated packages they have. Puppet version: 2.7.19 Ruby version: 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352 i386) Apache: 2.2.15 The error
2010 May 31
Problem with dashboard using live report aggregation
Hey, I''m exploring puppet-dashboard right now and I want to get the live aggregation running. But somehow I''m already failing at the puppet.conf entries ;) The Dashboard readme says: ### Live report aggregation To enable report aggregation in Puppet Dashboard, the file `lib/puppet/ puppet_dashboard.rb` must be available in Puppet''s lib path. The easiest way to do this
2012 Jul 30
Defining node types in modules
Hello, This is the way we currently define nodes using modules/classes. Unsure if this is the best method but as dashboard does not do parameterized class variables seems the right way. We apparent zen_ to everything thats making up our servers. I am having problems with the MySQL module as I need to include mysql:: several times to get the features -
2010 Jan 21
Puppet Dashboard stuff
I''ve created a number of rake tasks for managing the Puppet dashboard. I don''t know if anyone would find them useful or not, so I haven''t submitted a pull request or opened feature requests on them or anything. You can: - add a node [rake node:add] - edit a node''s classes or groups [rake node:classes / rake node:groups] - list nodes (all or regex-based)
2012 Oct 11
Puppet Dashboard won't install MySQL schema
I have been working on this issue for almost 5 days and can not get past this error. Puppet Dashboard is installed via RPM from puppetlabs. I have tried versions 1.2.12, 1.2.9 and am currently on 1.2.1. Regardless of the version, I get the same exact error every time I run rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate. (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) rake aborted! no such file to load --
2013 Feb 05
dashboard permission issue
I''m having trouble getting puppet dashboard (1.2.21) to run on apache. i installed puppetmaster-passenger and puppet-dashboard package. It didn''t create user puppet-dashboard automatically as stated in the installation guide, so i created one manually and chowned all files under /puppet-dashboard. when testing with webrick everything works fine (as root). when i try with
2012 Nov 05
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 is a maintenance and bugfix release of Puppet Dashboard. This release is available for download at: Debian packages are available at RPM packages are available at See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2011 Nov 04
ANNOUNCE: Puppet-Dashboard 1.2.3rc1 available
This is a maintenance release of Puppet Dashboard. This release resolves issues #10198, #10270, and #10543. More details below. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Mar 06
Issue with pe-dashboard-workers
I''ve almost gotten PE running -- Based on tips from a recent Webinar, I''ve started on a minimal RHEL 6 system, and have installed the PE 2.03 packages. Once I set up /etc/ hosts (DNS will come later), I started the PE services. Given past problems (possibly just me), I was pleasantly surprised that the puppet-enterprise-updater script was so accommodating as I remembered which
2012 Jul 06
Access denied for user 'dashboard'@'localhost' to database 'dashboard_production'
followed the instruction for installing dashboard, and created user mysql -pmy_password -e "CREATE DATABASE dashboard CHARACTER SET utf8;CREATE USER ''dashboard''@''localhost'' IDENTIFIED BY ''my_password''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard.* TO ''dashboard''@''localhost'';" however, I keep getting
2013 Jan 08
puppetdb dashboard
Hello, I am currently trying to get the puppetdb dashboard and the puppet dashboard working on the same system. Puppet dashboard is working great but after "successfully" installing puppetdb following puppet''s opensource instructions the puppetdb dashboard just doesn''t seem to exist (according to some sites I should be able to get to it by going to
2011 Jun 14
puppet dashboard
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and ruby-enterprise (not ubuntu ruby) and installed puppet via gem. How can I install puppet-dashboard if I don''t see a gem available and if I use the ubuntu package, i get the whole slop of ruby packages sucked in (which i am trying to avoid)? # dpkg -i puppet-dashboard_1.1.0-1_all.deb Selecting previously deselected package puppet-dashboard. (Reading database
2013 Apr 16
Ruby Error Encountered when Installing Dashboard for Puppet Open Source
I''ve installed Puppet and am installing Dashboard on CentOS 6. I''m running into an ''undefined method'' when installing the dashboard. To install Puppet Open Source, I ran: > rpm -ivh
2011 Dec 01
Validation failed: Host already has a report for time and kind
Howdy, I''ve been getting this issue for about a month in dashboard. All our nodes poll on a cronjob between 00:00 and 01:00 daily, but one node has been getting this as a failed task for a while, with the yaml files building up on the server. Outside of this one cronjob, other puppet runs on the same node are running just fine. The backtrace on dashboard is: Importing report
2013 Aug 29
CREATE command denied to user 'dashboard'@'localhost' for table 'schema_migrations'
Hi Puppet Users group, I have followed the guide to the puppet-dashboard DB "Preparing Schema" part, once I run " rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate --trace", it shows the following errors: (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard) > rake aborted! > Mysql::Error: CREATE command denied to user ''dashboard''@''localhost'' for > table
2013 Sep 04
Puppet Dashboard Error 400 Invalid Parameter at passenger pp:48
Hi, I am new to the job and forum. I installed puppet and puppetmaster and set up my first dependencies acording to a manual that we have here in our company. Everything works fine and I can set up new nodes with several modules to choose from. Unfortunatley the Dashboard <>gives me errors instead of starting correctley. Here the
2012 Jan 26
Issue Installing Puppet on Red Hat6
I have been trying to follow the bootstrap instructions for installing puppet-dashboard. I keep getting error about rubyge(rake) and rubygems. I''d appreciate any help or corrections, thanks in advance. ruby-libs- ruby- These are some installation steps I took. rvm tools rvm-env ruby bash rvm install 1.8.7 yum install ruby downloaded