similar to: puppet-lint

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "puppet-lint"

2011 Dec 19
When the lint accumulates...
So some of you may be aware that Tim Sharpe from GitHub wrote a Puppet linting tool: $ gem install puppet-lint $ puppet-lint mymanifest.pp Source: The linting tool checks Puppet code for "best practice" based on the Puppet Labs Style Guide: A lot of us have been using puppet-lint (and puppet
2013 Apr 16
puppet-cleaner: makes puppet DSL code comply with a subset of the style guide
FWIW, I''ve wrote puppet-cleaner to help me make comply thousands of lines of puppet 2.6 DSL code to puppet 2.7 style guide and expectations. I''m uploading it to github today for anyone to use. Externally, you run puppet-clean file.pp and it can transform this: /* multiline comment trailing white space here -> */ class
2013 Jan 31
Calling a "subclass" correctly in a node def?
Hi Guys! I played with this a bit and perused the Puppet3 docs, and tried a few different ways of calling the module with no joy before giving in and posting. I''m kind of new to all this so bear with me. *Goal of module* Singular module to hold both a mysql (client) and mysql-server class. Module default would be ''mysql'', or for mysql-servers we''ll call
2012 Dec 04
custom define type for array with 'case' argument pass to it
I am trying to write a define type which will use an array but in the meantime have an argument pass to it that sets a case. See for example : define link_files ($linkcase) { case $linkcase { "var" : { file { "${name}_exelink" : path => "/var/log/puppet/${name}_log", ensure => link,
2011 Dec 19
Learn from MY Mistake: "false" != false
Sharing my stoopid mistake in the hopes of saving someone else the same grief: I had a boolean toggle that was not performing as expected. Long story short: I had put quotes around the word "false" class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => "false" } was coming up TRUE To fix it, lose the quotes class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => false } “Sometimes I
2009 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] svn pre-commit hook: help needed
On a related note, I wrote a few scripts to detect and correct some types of such style errors, see llvm/utils/lint/* . I also added a function to llvm/utils/vim/vimrc to delete trailing whitespace and highlight existing trailing whitespace -- if anyone's an Emacs-lisp hacker, please add it to the emacs config file as well. Sure, this doesn't enforce anything, but I'm hoping folks
2012 Jun 05
[LLVMdev] sample of running google c++ lint script
On 05.06.2012 02:56, reed kotler wrote: > Just as an example, I picked totally at random, one c++ program to run > the google code style checker. > > There are clearly some valid points it found. I think it would good to > start to adapt this tool > or write a new tool to do style checking and to start to better > formalize the llvm rules. > > I ran it against
2012 Jun 05
[LLVMdev] sample of running google c++ lint script
Just as an example, I picked totally at random, one c++ program to run the google code style checker. There are clearly some valid points it found. I think it would good to start to adapt this tool or write a new tool to do style checking and to start to better formalize the llvm rules. I ran it against Target/Target.cpp Target.cpp:0: No copyright message found. You should have a line:
2012 Mar 09
Puppet Dashboard - Directory Index Forbidden
Hello all Puppet, puppetmaster, ruby, etc installed from standard Ubuntu 11.10 x86_64 APT repos Dashboard 1.26 from .deb pulled from Apache config pulled from /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/ext/passenger/dashboard-vhost.conf My simple test with webbrick worked a treat. So I installed Apache and passenger mod (from Ubuntu APT
2012 Apr 19
puppet-lint error
Hi, this is not strictly puppet related but I am hoping someone here who uses puppet-lint can tell me what is going on here......... $ puppet-lint init.pp /Users/jc/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/ rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead.
2013 Apr 11
puppet-lint -- learning stuff about style but also generating questions
Here''s one I learned: I originally had # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { "${fqdn}": host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, } And thru some trial and error, got down to this (which puppet-lint does not gripe about) # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { $fqdn: host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, }
2009 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] svn pre-commit hook: help needed
On Feb 20, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Misha Brukman wrote: > I've been fixing things on a directory-by-directory basis as I come > across style violations while browsing the code. I'm not in favor > of a single global change to fix everything everywhere; I think > this can be done gradually over time and the diff will be easier to > read if it's smaller, so you can
2012 Aug 20
puppet-lint and 80 characters line limit?
Hi. I''m getting lots of warning like this one from puppet-lint: WARNING: line 67 has more than 80 characters Now, I don''t like warnings, so any idea how should I rewrite this line for example, to void the warning? package {''rpmforge-release'': ensure => ''0.5.2-2.el6.rf'', provider => ''rpm'', source =>
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] svn pre-commit hook: help needed
On Feb 18, 2009, at 1:41 AM, Julien Lerouge wrote: > Yet another _fun_ way of doing this is to setup a buildbot slave just > for that. The slave can fix minor stuff like tabs and trailing > whitespaces on its own (checking the changes back in), and yell for > things like 80-col violations and whatnot where the changes would > not be > so trivial. If you're going to change
2009 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] svn pre-commit hook: help needed
For the complete truth in advertising, this was pretty much a trial balloon to gauge reaction. I'm not a big fan of rejecting commits for style violations, but the dev guide has certain guidelines regarding formatting and style. And we're all supposed to be good citizens... My biggest nit, however, was contemplating a commit where 80%+ was trailing whitespace trimming. Yeah, my editor
2012 Jun 06
[LLVMdev] sample of running google c++ lint script
While humorous, let's dial back the trolling at this point. =] This discussion is a largely serious discussion, and shouldn't get derailed. On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Daniel Berlin <dberlin at> wrote: > > > > Not wanting to clean up the white space is exactly a simple but good > > example of technical debt that we are incurring. > > I
2006 Mar 15
Wine and a simple text-mode program (Gimpel PC-Lint)
I am trying to run Gimpel's PC-Lint under Wine, and am running into trouble. It is a simple DOS text-mode program, nothing fancy, no graphics, uses stdin, stdout, and stderr. It is invoked thus: In the batch file LIN.BAT: wine Lint-nt +v -i"C:\Lint" "C:\Lint\std.lnt" File std.lnt is a list of optional parameters to Lint-nt that contains this: lnt\au-sm.lnt gnu.lnt
2012 Jun 06
[LLVMdev] sample of running google c++ lint script
> > Not wanting to clean up the white space is exactly a simple but good > example of technical debt that we are incurring. I agree, it is a great example of long term technical debt. > > In that case it's very simple to see. We have a rule about that for our > style and because we are too > busy with other things, then we have allowed the technical debt to rise > to
2012 Jun 06
[LLVMdev] sample of running google c++ lint script
On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Chandler Carruth <chandlerc at> wrote: > While humorous, let's dial back the trolling at this point. =] This > discussion is a largely serious discussion, The tablegen part, maybe. Discussing whether whitespace is technical debt, i hope that's not a serious discussion :) It doesn't even meet wikipedia's somewhat muddled
2013 Jun 27
Is it possible to pass extra flags to Puppet via rspec?`
Hello, I''m writing my first puppet function rspec test and am having a problem which I don''t see how to solve. The function (and the test) involve access to files through the File Server. In order for the function (and the test) to work I need to pass "--fileserverconf=fileserver.conf" parameter to Puppet. So far I haven''t found a way to do that. If I