similar to: Chart of the most common Ruby I should know for puppet 3?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Chart of the most common Ruby I should know for puppet 3?"

2012 Aug 25
How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"?
Dear readers, I was shocked to see that "puppet kick" will be deprecated in 3.0.0 How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"? Hugs, Sandra -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit
2011 Aug 09
ANNOUNCE: Puppet Module Tool version 0.3.4
Hi all We''ve just released version 0.3.4 of the puppet-module tool used to create and retrieve modules from the Puppet Labs Forge ( You can update using Ruby gems: $ gem install puppet-module There are several important changes in this release: * Add ability to install modules with hyphens * Add check for symlink when installing * Install modules to their
2012 Jul 02
Puppet-Rundeck Integration
Hello- I''m running puppet enterprise 2.5.1 and just installed the puppet- rundeck gem. When I try and start puppet-rundeck, I receive the message below: You need to have Puppet 0.25.5 or later installed /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/puppet-rundeck-0.0.7/lib/puppet- rundeck.rb:34:in `configure'': uninitialized constant Class::Puppet (NameError) from ./puppet-rundeck:62
2011 Dec 19
When the lint accumulates...
So some of you may be aware that Tim Sharpe from GitHub wrote a Puppet linting tool: $ gem install puppet-lint $ puppet-lint mymanifest.pp Source: The linting tool checks Puppet code for "best practice" based on the Puppet Labs Style Guide: A lot of us have been using puppet-lint (and puppet
2011 Sep 14
puppet kick getting hostname not match with the server certificate
OS - RHEL5.7 Installation Source - epel-testing repo Puppet server version - 2.6.6 puppetd version - 2.6.6 I searched Google and none of the answers were a match for my set up... I can do ''puppetd --test'' from the client and things work as expected. When doing puppet kick hostname I get the following: Triggering hostname Host hostname failed: hostname not match with the server
2012 Jan 10
need link for simple docuemntation
kindly provide me link for documents for puppet other than puppet lab I am specifically looking at how to create a module/manifest -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2012 May 24
Announcing Razor
Puppet Labs is really thrilled to announce, in conjunction with EMC, our new open source bare metal provisioning tool: Razor. Razor is next generation provisioning software that handles bare metal hardware and virtual server provisioning with inventory discovery and tagging, rule-based policy management, and extensible broker plugin integration. It integrates closely with Puppet and Facter. The
2011 Dec 19
Learn from MY Mistake: "false" != false
Sharing my stoopid mistake in the hopes of saving someone else the same grief: I had a boolean toggle that was not performing as expected. Long story short: I had put quotes around the word "false" class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => "false" } was coming up TRUE To fix it, lose the quotes class { ''foo'' : boolFlag => false } “Sometimes I
2012 Jul 27
Possible to push changes to nodes?
Dear readers, When I have made a change to a template, class or file, is it then possible to push this change to the node(s), so they get the changes now? I would like to be able to push the change from the master, and not have to login to each node and pull. Is that possible? Hugs, Sandra -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2013 Feb 19
AWS OpsWorks announcement using Chef
I wonder if PuppetLabs will work with Amazon to try to add Puppet as an option to OpsWorks as well ? I don''t think people using Puppet with AWS in a stable fashion would try to move to OpsWorks and migrate everything to Chef, but new customers/startups would think twice in choosing Puppet if the service offered in AWS OpsWorks is based on Chef. I haven''t tried OpsWorks yet,
2013 Feb 11
Yum Repositories appear to be offline
Doing a yum check-update just now and got: [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out> Trying other mirror. [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out> Trying other mirror. “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent
2012 Apr 09
Taking github noise away from puppet-dev list
Since our move to github for pull requests and patches, the usefulness of puppet-dev has declined significantly. puppet-dev used to be a great list for development discussion of puppet and the ecosystem around it. With the information and pull request emails from github, unless everybody has finely-tuned their email clients, the puppet-dev list has turned into mostly noise. We have a goal to
2012 Oct 17
Puppet 3.0 and yum groupinstall
I can''t seem to find any direct reference yo this in the puppet 3.0 docs so does anyone know if puppet 3.0 can handle yum groupinstalls without resorting to using an exec? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To
2013 Feb 28
Puppet Manage Cisco ASA
Hello all, Does anyone currently manage Cisco ASA''s out there via Puppet, if so how ? Due to the size of our network it would be great if Puppet could manage Object-groups and ACL''s etc to try and standardize across our ASA hosts. e.g. On one ASA an Object-group would be called monitoring_server on another ASA mon_srv another ASA monsrv It makes understanding the
2009 Feb 12
"Could not find server puppet" - installation/configuration error
Started the discussion in puppet users mailing list based on recommendation from luke. This discussion is to a follow up regarding bug#1955 "Could not find server puppet" - installation/configuration error". jamtur01''s last recommendation: Rather than renaming things try the certname option (see But
2014 Nov 12
Query: SELECT "INBOX" permission denied
Yesterday I was forced to migrate servers due to a hardware failure. I have been able to bring up my mail server, and set up Squirrelmail and Dovecot. I am able to access (via Squirrelmail) all users' mail except one - which happens to be my wife's, so it would be really helpful if I could get that working too. I am able to log in, but see the following message in the main pane:
2008 Jul 31
syslog with PID
Hi, LOG_NDELAY is the only option for openlog() in dovecot 1.1.2. Wouldn't be LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID as option parameter much more useful? Without logging the pid, it is impossible to match 'Disconnected' log entries and the corresponding session start/login. Therefore I suggest to use LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID in the options of i_set_failure_syslog() at all 6 occurrences which passes it
2003 Sep 16
Compilation of 3.7p1 failed on IRIX (missing file)
Version 3.7p1 of OpenSSH can't be compiled on IRIX 6.5 because the file openbsd-compat/inet_ntoa.h is missing. It is possible to compile successfully using this file out of version 3.6.1p2. Heiko Heiko Schlichting | Freie Universit?t Berlin heiko at FU-Berlin.DE | Zentraleinrichtung f?r Datenverarbeitung (ZEDAT) Telefon +49 30 838-54327 | Fabeckstra?e 32 Telefax +49 30
2010 Dec 10
pp grammar test-files?
Hi, I am working on some tools that read and write pp files, and I wonder if there are some pp files available somewhere that can be used to test a parser. I am especially interested in if there are some tests written that capture invalid syntax. - henrik -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send
2018 May 22
Pasar palabras de una lista a una variable del dataframe
Buenas tardes, Tengo una lista de 600 palabras. Quiero saber cuántas de esas palabras aparecen en cada observación de mi variable "texto". La variable "texto" es de tipo caracter. ¿Cómo lo haríais? Muchas gracias.