similar to: rspec-puppet and exported resources

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "rspec-puppet and exported resources"

2010 Apr 17
behavioural testing of puppet manifests with cucumber-puppet
Hi, I''d like to announce a little tool I have written, called cucumber- puppet. It supports writing behavioural tests for your puppet manifest, using cucumber. This allows for BDD-style manifest development and fearless refactorings. Let me know what you think! cheers, Nikolay -- You received this message because you are
2013 Jun 27
Is it possible to pass extra flags to Puppet via rspec?`
Hello, I''m writing my first puppet function rspec test and am having a problem which I don''t see how to solve. The function (and the test) involve access to files through the File Server. In order for the function (and the test) to work I need to pass "--fileserverconf=fileserver.conf" parameter to Puppet. So far I haven''t found a way to do that. If I
2011 Sep 11
cucumber puppet - ymllookups
Hi all, Firstly, I''m using 2.6.9 and have updated to the latest cucumber puppet gems (cucumber-puppet 0.3.5) that allow for storeconfigs to be tested - thanks to Nikolay and his post ( 2011/09/04/testing-exported-resources-with-cucumber-puppet/). Yay! I have been trying to get some testing of a ''testnode'' which would be a generic node that I can
2009 May 06
Cucumber, Webrat, RSpec and Mechanize for Non-Ruby Apps
The folks here have given me the task of figuring out if cucumber can be used successfully to test some of our apps. I have the latest versions of rails, mechanize, cucumber webrat and rspec installed. #/cuketest/features/google.feature Feature: New PC In order to get a sweet new PC As a apple nerd I want to find Scenario: Get a sweet new computer Given I visit
2010 Jul 01
using rSpec stub in Cucumber with rSpec2
Hello, I have a Rails3beta4 project where I want to use rSpec stubs in a Cucumber feature. Unfortunately it looks like requiring ''spec/stubs/cucumber'' in env.rb does not work anymore: I get a "no such file to load -- spec/stubs/cucumber (LoadError)" error. Is it possible to use rSpec stubs in Cucumber with rSpec2? If not, is there any other viable alternative? Thanks
2008 Sep 29
rspec-ui overlap with cucumber?
Hi! I''m using cucumber + selenium and I love it. However I''m looking to add some methods (example: click_and_wait etc) to the lib. Therefore looked around a bit and I got two questions: Firstly about rspec-ui, I''m a little confused, does rspec-ui overlap with its propose with webrat with cucumber or I''m missing a point? Secondly, are there any plans to
2012 May 25
rspec first steps troubles
I try do implement tests for my puppet code and was playing with rspec-puppet but the following code gives me errors require ''spec_helper'' describe ''irqbalance'' do it { should include_class(''irqbalance'') } it { should include_class(''irqbalance::data'') } it { should
2011 Aug 10
How to stop Rspec loading my Cucumber fixtures
I have a bunch of fixtures designed to populate the database for my Cucumber integration tests. But at this stage I want my database to be empty when using Rspec. So, I moved the fixtures from `/spec/fixtures` to `features/support/fixtures`, and updated `features/support/env.rb` to read: Fixtures.reset_cache fixtures_folder = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ''features'',
2012 May 22
Beginning with BDD: Rspec or Cucumber? What is better documented?
Hey everybody I''m sorry, I know that this question seems to arise every few moments, but I think in my case it''s a bit special (but doesn''t everybody?). Well, I''m working with RoR on a private level since v1.0, and my knowledge about both Ruby and Rails are on a basic level (but definitely does exist), but I''m in no means near being an expert yet. In
2012 Jun 14
Cucumber/RSpec ::: Capybara? Webrat What am I using??
Hey everybody I''m currently reading through the Pragmatic Programmers RSpec book, and I really enjoy it. But I’m facing some problems because of the fact that the book is already some years old, I guess. I have installed rvm and use Ruby 1.9.3, and I didn’t really get some Rails code examples to work properly, so I tried it with a 1.8.7 installation, but there I had some other problems
2009 Mar 08
rspec, Rails 2.3.1, undefined method `rspec_options=''
Hi David, all: I recently upgraded to Rails 2.3.1RC2 (Ubuntu 8.10, ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]) and have been dilligently following the instructions for upgrading rspec and rspec-rails according to: and when I run ''rake gem'' fails with error: rake aborted! undefined method
2012 Sep 18
tinc puppet module to create a L2 mesh
Hi, I wrote a draft puppet module to maintain a L2 mesh based on tinc [1]. I tried to explain what it is about so that it makes sense even to people who know nothing about tinc [2]. Before polishing it so that it can be useful to the general public instead of just myself, I would very much appreciate your comments. This is my first experience with tinc and I would like to improve :-) Thanks for
2010 Dec 06
Rspec: `should': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations (NameError)
Hi all, tried posting this to rspec group but w/o success so hope someone on this list might be able to help me out as am kind of stuck: Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error trying to ''rake spec'': ''kernel.rb:27:in `should'': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations (NameError)''. Can''t seem to find a useful reference online to
2011 Apr 30
[rspec-rails] Is it bad form to use spec/requests/*_spec.rb for integration tests?
So I wanted to cook up a quick integration test for something, and I''m using rspec. I personally just don''t like Cucumber - just a personal preference, not a slam to the test framework at all - and wanted to stick to just pure rspec. So I dumped a quick spec file in spec/ reqests and ran it, and of course everything works. But is this considered bad form, or a less-than-good
2012 Sep 13
Hi everyone, Is it possible not to notify error with puppet-lint when "trailing whitespace" are found in a comment line? Just asking. Regards, JM -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2009 Nov 17
rspec-rails gem double quoting (My)SQL?
Hi all, This seems like a plugin conflict (I haven''t yet had success replicating this in a new project), but short version is: when I have "rspec-rails" in my environment.rb plugin config, table names are double quoted in mysql queries generated by my standard finders. rspec-rails commented out: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = ''159564615'')
2011 Jul 24
seeking a rails 3 cucumber rspec example project
Hello, I was hoping that someone may point me to a github public repo that is a rails 3, outside in designed project with cucumber and Rspec. I read the Rspec book, though found it too brief and just surfing Github I only find gems and rails 2 projects. I guess one thing that I don''t understand fully well is the role of unit testing. The feeling I get is pure BDD doesn''t
2011 Jun 09
subdomain based namespacing makes RSpec incorrectly state that the route doesn't exist
Hello, I''m doing namespace routing based on subdomain, rather than path, so that leads to app/controllers/admin/ pages_controller.rb. Cucumber is following this fine, but RSpec is complaining that the requested route doesn''t exist even though "rake routes" shows the route. When I add a standard namespace below the "scope :admin"
2012 Jan 17
does jruby rspec have to use selenium?
With jruby and rspec requests, do you have to use selenium webdriver? I''m confused, with ruby and rubyonrails using cucumber with capybara, I didn''t have to set the default driver, what was it using and can i use that with jruby? Things just worked w/o me even having to know about it :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Jul 08
rspec-rails how to selectively turn on csrf protection for controller specs?
I''m setting up a Paypal IPN listener and need the create action to not use rails'' default CSRF protection. I''ve got that working fine & test it actually works with cucumber (where I''ve turned CSRF back on, since it''s full-stack testing) but would like my controller spec to mention the need for protect_from_forgery :except => [:create] (and fail