similar to: Testing Hiera Lookup with Puppet Master

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Testing Hiera Lookup with Puppet Master"

2012 Jul 27
Atomicity of updates on the Puppet master
Hello, I''m currently setting up some scripts that will pull in new data for Puppet master (modules, manifests, hiera data, etc.) from a Git repository. It works great! However, I''m concerned about atomicity of the whole thing. Does the Puppet master cache the modules/manifests when it starts? If so, do I need to restart the Puppet master on each update? Or can I send it a
2013 Jan 30
Hiera parameter lookup, nesting variables and Puppet 3
Hi, I''m trying to reconcile the advice in the Puppet 3 class doc with our current use of Hiera. We currently retrieve variables from Hiera in one big collection while the Puppet 3 doc seems to indicate storing variables without the collection. For example, we have a module to manage a log indexer. In its init.pp it says: class log_indexer( $log_indexer_conf =
2012 Jul 20
Lookup another node's hiera data - fqdn hierarchy
I''ve begun using Hiera in combination with Foreman, primarily storing data that is best left in Array/Hash form. I''d like to be able to have a module, in this case BackupPC, query all the Hiera data for each node where the backup directories/databases are stored. Then use all that information on the BackupPC server to generate proper configuration files for each
2013 Apr 18
Hiera Automatic Parameter Lookup Question
This may be a dumb question, but here goes So I''m running on Puppet 3.1.1 on RHEL5, and i''ve been using Hiera since 2.5/2.6 ish and it''s been great!! I was reading up on Automatic Parameter Lookups and would love to use it for my modules. But I can''t seem to ever get Hiera/Puppet to load the value i''ve set in my yaml files. I feel like I must be
2013 Feb 22
puppet could'nt find hiera even when hiera gem is installed
Hiera was properly working in my environment. But puppet was looking at old version even when I have the latest hiera gem installed. So I could''nt use json backend. But puppet is not looking at my latest hiera gem. Not sure when went wrong here. Scenario: I have installed hiera couple of months back. So the gem was installed under /opt/puppet/lib/gems/1.8/gems/hiera-0.3.0
2012 Jul 01
puppet-hiera used with Parameterised class
Hi Puppet Users, For some bizzare reason I am unable to use hiera-puppet with a parameterised class. The output is: ---------------------------- root@hiera hieratest/manifests# puppet apply -e "include hieratest" Error: undefined method `catalog'' for #<Hash:0xb6c53d00> at line 1 on node hiera.localdomain Wrapped exception: undefined method `catalog'' for
2012 Mar 14
hiera on puppet 2.6.12
Hi, I''m trying to use standard hiera on puppet (gentoo). I simply did # gem install hiera Then setup /etc/hiera.yaml When i call the hiera() function in puppet i get "Error 400 on SERVER: Unknown function hiera at /data/puppet/manifests/ site.pp:27" Is there a step that I''m missing? BTW. standalone hiera works fine. -- You received this message because you
2012 May 22
Announce: Hiera-Puppet 1.0.0rc1 Available
Hiera-Puppet 1.0.0rc1 is a feature release candidate designed to accompany Puppet 3.0 and Hiera 1.0. It includes Puppet functions for hiera and also the puppet backend for hiera lookups. Downloads are available: * Source * Apt and yum development repositories * Apple package
2013 May 07
hiera not using non-root user custom fact
Hi, Before I begin, my environment consists of a standard master/client config with the exception that all my clients run under a non-root user. I have to use non-root so I can''t simply restart under root to fix the problem. Master -> 3.1.1 Client -> 2.7.17 using mostly the hiera() function in my classes. problem: I have run into an issue today where my custom fact is not
2013 May 08
Problem with hiera config
Hi all, I''m trying to work with hiera database in puppet and i''m having problems using %{variables} because they don''t get the values and i don''t know why. file hiera.yaml: cat hiera.yaml --- :backends: - yaml - puppet :hierarchy:- nodes/%{domain}/%{hostname} - os/%{operatingsystem}/%{operatingsystemrelease} -
2012 Jul 23
Hiera problem: Can't convert Symbol into String
All, I have found very few references to this error so I''m guessing I must be doing something wrong. I have just started using hiera and am trying to use it in the simplest way possible, I have a class that looks like this: class app_users2($compresslogs = hiera(''compresslogs'')) {
2012 Aug 09
hiera scope and hiera-foreman
Hey all, I''ve been messing around with the hiera-foreman backend to see if it would let me migrate to hiera and use foreman and an ENC. It works by querying each node''s yaml file from foreman. Currently this code works when called from the hiera command line with the -m (mcollective option). It uses the mcollective facts to pull
2013 Dec 16
Overriding class options with hiera
Hi, I''m trying to do something with Hiera, whereby the ''default'' configuration for a class is within it''s role/profile manifest, which can then be overridden on a node specific basis by hiera. As an example; class profile::base { class { ''::ntp'': servers => [''a'', ''b'', ''c'',
2012 Mar 05
New hiera backend for mysql
Hi all, Over the weekend I came up with a new backend for hiera for looking up configuration values directly from a MySQL database that may be useful to some.... Regards Craig -- Craig Dunn | Yahoo/Skype: craigrdunn | Twitter: @crayfishX --
2012 Mar 25
Hiera: Bug with false booleans
Hi, I''ve just run into a small glitch with Hiera. I have a YAML file that has a definition like this: puppet_agent_splay: false but the run fails because of "err: Could not find data item puppet_agent_splay in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /puppet/modules/puppet/manifests/agent/config.pp:6 on node slave1.local" Digging into this it turns out that lookup in
2013 Jun 11
hiera data bindings and template()
Hi, I''m using Puppet 3.2.1 and heavily relying on hiera data bindings. I have the following situation: class software ( $my_content = undef, ) { file { ''/path/to/file'': content => $software::my_content, } } in hieradata/software.yaml (hiera.yaml seems ok): software::my_content: template(''mymodule/myfile.erb'') With this configuration I
2012 Dec 21
Hiera and 'clientcert' fact not working :(
Morning All I''m trying to use Hiera with Puppet 3.0 to streamline some of my module configuration... However I''m having issues using the ''*%{::clientcert}*'' variable as part of the hierarchy... Currently, my *hiera.yaml* file looks like: --- :backends: - yaml - json :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata :json: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
2012 Nov 20
hiera values issue
Hi, I have a puppetmaster - agent architecture. I have a module for the vsftpd configuracion in the agents. The configuration of the value ''max_per_ip'' in the agents may vary. This is a line of the manifest: $max_per_ip = hiera(''max_per_ip'',10) I want to specify different values for each agent using hiera. The problem is I am only able to specify the
2012 Apr 16
hiera puppet augeas and hash keys ?
Hi, if possible can someone post a working example please ? I am using hiera => puppet => augeas. cat myserver.yaml --- myserver: "Birthday": ''1'' "Debug": ''5'' The no. of settings will change, so i would like to use a hash here. The hiera lookup works already: >hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml -h myserver
2006 Apr 24
New RBAC Plug-In for Rails
Hi, I just finished writing this plug-in. I''ve been using rails for awhile but this is my first time extracting some code and writing it as a plug-in and I''d love to hear to some feedback. Thanks. -Mitchell -- Posted via