similar to: Define -> Class dependencies not respected

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Define -> Class dependencies not respected"

2011 Jun 01
puppet and environments ... need help
I''m trying to use environments and seem to be failing. Right now I have 4 defined environments: production, cat, development, beta They are defined as follows on my puppetmaster: cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [main] pluginsync = true vardir = /var/lib/puppet manifest = /etc/puppet/environments/production/site.pp modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules [master] reports =
2011 May 13
ssh_authorized_key loops when options is defined
Hi all, I have no problem with creating ssh keys for users, but as soon as I specify ''options'', puppet keeps repeating and replacing the key with an identical key. I have written the various options in various formats, like one big strings, as an array, with double quotes or single quotes, etc, etc (see examples below), but the issue stays as a string ... @authorizedkey {
2011 Oct 31
useradd question
I am using Ubuntu LTS 10.04 with the backported puppet 2.6.1-0ubuntu2~lucid1 I am trying to create user with the following manifests but at the end always getting the Could not find user git error message: What am i missing, seems the manifest not creating the missing git user. /etc/modules/git/manifests/user.pp class git::user { user{''install'': name
2011 Sep 08
Issues with environments not being respected
I''ve ran into a strange issue today while using my development environment I was receiving some errors about modules that shouldn''t have been used. After looking it looks like my agent (or master) isn''t respecting the environment I specify and is actually using the main (master) environment. This used to work and I haven''t had any changes beyond a upgrade ..
2013 Feb 27
rc.d/sysctl fails to parse sysctl.conf
Hello, I tried to get my sound working, and long story short: rc.d/sysctl parses sysctl.conf wrongly if there are sysctls of the form mib=val1=val2 which is what you need for sound. For reference I needed/wanted dev.hdaa.4.nid25_config=as=1,seq=15 dev.hdaa.4.nid31_config=as=1 I believe the following patch would address the incorrect parsing: --- /etc/rc.d/sysctl.old 2013-02-27
2014 Dec 29
samba_dlz Failed to configure reverse zone
Dear Roland, and here we have one reasons / prove regarding Debian and current Samba BIND DLZ issues : MSG >> " * disable dlz until we get a patch to make it build again" Well Debian Maintainers seems seeking missing the dlz patches that RHEL & SLES maintainers created
2013 Mar 12
Optional loading of firewall rules
I''m using puppetlabs/firewall with Puppet 2.7.2, and for the most part it''s working great. I have this in my sites.pp, which I took from this list sometime ago, to save firewall rules to disk when they''re changed: # Always persist firewall rules if ($kernel == ''Linux'') { exec { ''persist-firewall'':
2004 Aug 15
join domain - ou=people searched for machine accounts?
When I try to join a domain from a win2k client to a samba 3.0.5 PDC, I get the message "User not found". I use ldapsam, which works fine in all other respects. The strange thing is that the smbldap-useradd scripts terminates with 0, the machine account is created under "ou=systems" in the ldap database - all looks fine. Then a ldap search is triggered with a base
2010 Sep 15
Digest Username/auth name mismatch‏
Hi I'm sorry. I mailed the same question again. because, it cannot be yet solved. any ideas with asterisk? [Aug 20 14:40:12] WARNING[29315]: chan_sip.c:11806 check_auth: username mismatch, have <aaaa>, digest has aaaa at[Aug 20 14:40:12] NOTICE[29315]: chan_sip.c:20479 handle_request_register: Registration from 'aaaa <sip:aaaa at>' failed for
2016 May 27
ISC's dhcp server, radvd and bind9 now adding samba as an AD DC
I had left my config alone for now and dhcp still writes to DOMAIN1.SUBDOMAIN.TLD. But samba has been complaining about not being able to write to bind in its zone. [2016/05/27 07:30:06.738434, 0] ../source4/dsdb/dns/dns_update.c:295(dnsupdate_nameupdate_done) ../source4/dsdb/dns/dns_update.c:295: Failed DNS update - NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL If you are right about it using kerberos I think I am
2004 Feb 24
(no subject)
Hi list, I'm getting stuck at the replication part for my BDC. Could someone familiar with OpenLDAP replication shed some light? I'm sure that password is correct Thanks for taking a look at! 1. slapd.conf (master) # $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/slapd.conf,v 2003/05/24 23:19:14 kurt Exp $ # # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options. # # include
2016 May 27
ISC's dhcp server, radvd and bind9 now adding samba as an AD DC helped me find that I needed to add options { [...] tkey-gssapi-keytab "/usr/local/samba/private/dns.keytab"; [...] }; That seems to have fixed my errors with DNS On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Rowland penny <rpenny at> wrote: > On 27/05/16 14:37, Jeff Sadowski wrote: >
2005 Jul 04
Samba3+LDAP: Can't join domain.
Hi everyone!! I'm having a bit of trouble join a Samba 3 PDC with LDAP authentication. First some tips on what system I'm using: - Debian Sarge - Samba 3.0.14a-Debian - OpenLDAP 2.2.24 : Protocol v.3 Well, Now I'll explain the problem and show you some log output. When ever I try to join the domain I get the following error: --begin--------------------- # net rpc join GICOMMNET
2005 Jan 20
Problem adding computer to domain
Hi All I have the following problem: I'm using samba with ldap. Everybody can login on the domain, access shares and so on. But when I want to add a new computer to the domain, windows asks for a password (this is normal) and as ever we tried to login with root and the password. But unfortunately , now it says: can't find user. I check with phpldapadmin and I see the user root in the
2015 Sep 08
Problem with dynamic DNS
(please reply to the list) If the record does not exist, then you have an other problem. Because samba does support this : cat /var/lib/samba/private/named.conf.update /* this file is auto-generated - do not edit */ update-policy { grant INTERNAL.DOMAIN.TLD ms-self * A AAAA; grant Administrator at INTERNAL.DOMAIN.TLD wildcard * A AAAA SRV CNAME; grant
2004 Apr 29
Samba 3 PDC + OpenLDAP + Mandrake 10.0
Hi all Need Urgent Help :( I' m new to this List... I'm trying to setup a new Samba 3 PDC + OpenLDAP on a Mandrake 10.0 to replace an older server... Cause I need an LDAP Backend for a BDC planned on a remote site, and Samba 3 came along. So I'm following this Doc 1. I fail once I get to this step 18 of initialization and creation
2018 Mar 08
Fwd: Migrating server
Hi Harry, sadmin and tadmin are both admin logins. I was trying to domain join with both. sadmin is in ldap The olcdbindex.ldif gave this error SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started SASL username: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth SASL SSF: 0 modifying entry "olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config" ldap_modify: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80) additional
2012 Oct 09
Cannot make Windows join Samba domain
Hi, I'm having an issue trying to make a Windows machine sambaserveroin a Samba domain. Samba is running with LDAP backend (OpenLDAP). When I try to join the domain, Windows says that the machine account does not exist. The machine account, however, is successfully created in the LDAP directory after the join fails. When I try to join again, Windows says that the account already exists.
2012 Apr 24
Moving from Puppet 0.25 to Puppet 2.6+ : global scope/variables
Hi, I worked with puppet (< 0.25) back in 2008/2009. We were able to deploy 200 servers from scratch and manage them. It worked fine. I''m now with a new customer and I''m pushing Puppet (and I''m also back to puppet on a side project). We''re considering Puppet 2.6 to manage RHEL/CentOS 5 or 6 hosts. I''m "upgrading myself" to Puppet
2011 May 07
how to not match partial names
Dear friends, How do I stop partial matching of list names? e.g., x <- list(AAAA="aaaaa", BBBBB="bbbbb") is.null(x$A) #returns FALSE even though there is no element A. if(is.null(x$A)) {result <- x$BBBB} else {result <- x$A} result #is aaaa even though there is no x$A element x <- list(CCCC="aaaaa", BBBBB="bbbbb") if(is.null(x$A))