similar to: Private key troubles after a new install and a reboot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Private key troubles after a new install and a reboot"

2012 Oct 15
Puppet 3 and master cert error ...
Hey all, after installing the 3.0.0 version of puppet (debian package from puppetlabs), doing the initial config, doing an initial start of master to generate the certs needed and then starting apache with passenger to control puppetmaster. I can do: puppet ca list --all and get a listing of the certs in the system (initially only the master). afterwards, on the client node, I run: puppet
2011 Feb 15
Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request
Hi: I''m trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any pending certificate requests. Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues printing notice: Did not receive certificate warning: peer certificate
2011 Jul 11
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
Hi All, I have spent couple of days trying to work-out this problem with not luck. I am working on a Linux Fedora 14. I ssh from the server to the client using teh IP with no problem. Client: # puppetd --server puppet --waitforcert 60 --test --verbose info: Creating a new SSL key for bar03 warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session warning: peer certificate
2011 Mar 11
failed to retrieve certificate on Amazon EC2
Hi, I''m using puppet on EC2 to setup my VMs with the following configuration: # puppetd --version 0.25.5 # uname -a Linux hostname.domain 2.6.16-xenU #1 SMP Mon May 28 03:41:49 SAST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux But I keep facing some timeout from puppetd: warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session Exiting; failed to retrieve certificate and waitforcert
2006 Oct 18
Creating client certificates
I testing Puppet 0.19.3. If we decide to use it, we''d deploy it across several thousand hosts. The method described for creating client certificates described in the documentation - running "puppetd --server <server> --waitforcert 60 --test" and "puppetca --sign <client>" - is not practical for our installation. I''ve tried creating
2012 Dec 12
Converting puppet client to servr
Is there an easy way to convert a puppet client into being a puppet master? Here''s the scenario. I''m using puppet to configure all my systems, and would like it to be able to deploy a new puppet master as well. We have systems worldwide so having local puppet masters is very desirable for fault tolerance. So Kickstart (via cobbler) installs a puppet client during the initial
2011 Apr 14
allow_duplicate_certs = true not working?
I saw this feature became available in 2.7.0rc1 and wanted to try it out. I entered ''allow_duplicate_certs = true'' on both my master and agent systems in the puppet.conf (not sure if its need in both, saw it in genconf for puppetd and puppetmasterd though ...). I also have autosign.conf configured to allow autosigning for our domain (* I had my agent register with
2008 Nov 19
Could not request certificate: Certificate does not match private key
hello, I''ve just added a new client to an existing configuration but cannot get it recognised. Both client and server are running 0.24.5, installed on gentoo linux using portage. This is what I dis: Server: /etc/init.d/puppetmaster start * Starting puppetmaster ... [ ok ] Client: puppetd --test warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session notice: Did not
2012 Aug 28
Unable to generate certificate on Puppet Agent through Master
Hi, I have a puppet master and agent installed. I want to generate and configure master-agent certificate and followed the steps: Master: ========== 1. Cleaned up all certificate on Master: [root@puppet-server manifests]# puppet cert sign --all No waiting certificate requests to sign [root@puppet-server manifests]# puppet cert clean --all notice: Revoked
2010 Oct 14
First boot with Puppet
Hi guys, I''m installing Puppet on RHEL5 systems using KickStart but struggle with the first boot. Here''s my situation: 1) kickstart installs the system, including puppet from our local repo 2) after reboot I have to login and set the hostname and IP 3) then run puppet, register it with the server and bring in the config 4) configure puppet for automatic start I have to
2011 Jun 17
Questions for puppet 2.6.8 client certificate management
How do I initiate a certificate request without going into non-daemon mode ? According to "Pro Puppet" book, so far the only way I know that can trigger a certficate request with puppet master is like this puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose but doing so will break my intention of automation I need to create a puppet client package. A control-C is
2012 Aug 10
SSL issues - certificate verify failed
Hello readers, I have this little issue that my puppet client refuses to do anything because of SSL validation errors. Maybe I''ll just post dump of what happens, that makes it clear I hope. Does anyone have a suggestion why that might happen? what I already checked: On the master: - Puppet and puppetmaster is running - Something is listening on Port 8140 (although I cannot
2009 Mar 02
Certificate problems
Hi all, I''m trying to set up puppet 0.24.5 using the packages provided for Mandriva 2009.0. After installing the packages and starting the puppetmaster service for the first time, the relevant CA certificates and keys are generated automatically and placed in subdirectories of $ssldir. However, when I then run puppetd on the same machine thus: $ puppetd --server myhost.mydomain
2013 Feb 06
Certificate nightmares
I think I really hosed my certificates somehow this morning trying to get PuppetDB and Puppet talking again -- here''s where I stand. My Puppet master and PuppetDB are again talking, or at least, aren''t complaining about communication. From my puppet master, I can run "puppet agent -t", and it runs just fine. From any other node on which puppet had been running, I
2011 Jul 22
Random error in the recovery catalog
Hello, I randomly errors like this: Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: end of file reached Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (notice): Using cached catalog Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run Here are the versions: puppetmaster
2006 Jul 28
Minimal Kickstart setups to use with Puppet
Hi, I was at the Puppet talk at Oscon and I would like to try using Puppet for PXE on RHEL machines and I was wondering if there are standard minimal Kickstart recipes from which Puppet can then take over. Thanks, Jason van Zyl jason at
2010 Jun 29
CA issues...
OK... I started seeing some issues with the certificates between my clients and the puppetmaster. So I went ahead and removed puppet from the clients and cleaned up /var/lib/puppet and /etc/puppet. Then I reinstalled puppet, signed the new cert and things seemed to go OK after that. Then the shocker the second run started to fail and i have this message: [root@atlcnag0 ~]# puppetd --test
2012 Jul 10
err: Could not request certificate: execution expired
Hi Guys, I am trying to executed sign client to server, I give the command to client #puppetd --test -d -v debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl] debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl] debug: Finishing transaction 23595599384520 err: Could not request certificate: execution expired Exiting; failed to
2011 Jan 13
Problem restarting the agent
Just installed Puppet 2.6.4 on Ubuntu 10.10 I was trying to restart the puppet agent but got the following error and the agent didn''t run: $ sudo puppetd --server --waitforcert 60 --test err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed warning: Not using cache on failed
2011 Mar 24
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
So set up new node, ran on the client puppetd --server puppetmaster --waitforcert 60 --test on the puppetmaster itself I ran puppetca --list saw the hostname and then ran: puppetca --sign and on the puppet node itself I went back and ran puppetd -tv and get the following error: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed warning: Not