similar to: Removing custom facts from Facter

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Removing custom facts from Facter"

2013 Mar 20
Still problem using Chocolatey provider on Windows
As some before me on the group, I have a problem getting the Chocolatey provider to work on Windows. I downloaded it from Github and placed it in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/chocolatey. (I am running Puppet Enterprise 2.7.19). On a Windows 8 client, I have a very simple manifest: class install_notepadplusplus { if $::osfamily == ''windows { $pkg =
2010 Apr 09
Custom facts for a puppetmasterless environment
I see the instructions for creating custom facter recipes here: and in this thread, James Turnbull suggests that Facter might some day support other languages besides ruby: He writes:
2011 Nov 01
Custom fact not set with mc-puppetd
Hello, I''ve mcollective 1.2.1 with puppet 2.6.12 on rhel5.6, facter 1.6.2 setup from Now I''ve create a custom fact in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ customer_status.rb. On the client; Running facter customer_status works. Running ''puppet agent --test'' works, customer_status
2013 Mar 11
custom puppet facts
I have written a custom puppet fact using a ruby script. It is very simple - it just adds a string to a fact. However I have written a module but it appears to me that the custom fact has been applied to all my machines without me specifying any node definitions. When I run a puppet agent --test --noop, I see the custom fact appear in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter. Info: Loading facts in
2011 Apr 07
Mutliple custom facts not showing in facter
Hi, I''ve noticed that defining multiple facts in one file is possible, and puppet can make use of them correctly, but when trying to call with facter --puppet they are not shown, do I need something special to make them work as any other single custom fact? Master is running 2.6.7 This is a custom fact with two facts in it: [modules/foobar/lib/facter/foobar.rb ] require
2012 Mar 08
Puppet / Facter plugin issue
If I externalise my Puppet module config to a directory outside of Puppet using the modulepath / manifestdir settings: [main] pluginsync=true modulepath=/home/ec2-user/projects/qmg-puppet/etc/puppet/modules manifestdir=/home/ec2-user/projects/qmg-puppet/etc/puppet/ manifests the agents log the following error: "Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from source(s)
2011 Jun 06
use a custom fact value in a manifest
Hi everybody, i''m a lucky Puppet user for a few weeks and i''m currently "blocked" for a "simple" thing. I try to use facter custom values deployed with pluginsync feature in one manifest. Unfortunately, values aren''t available when manifest is executed. I tried to use pre/main stage in order to deploy my facts with a pre stage class but it
2012 Mar 26
Could not prefetch package provider 'freebsd': No resource and no name in property hash in freebsd instance
Hi, I am puzzled. I installed exim-mysql on a freebsd machine without problem before but now this manifest creates an error: class exim::install { package { [ ''mail/exim-mysql'' ]: ensure => installed, provider => freebsd, source => ''http://<some_url>'', } } Here is the error: err: Could not prefetch package provider
2008 Dec 01
configuring puppet to run custom facts
Hi, I''m following in order to use a custom fact. My modules looks like: # ls manifests/modules/network/ manifests plugins # ls manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb as is said in doc. Then: Turn on pluginsync and specify factpath, so that the facts
2012 Aug 16
Custom Facts accessible via Facter
I don''t get it. I just wrote a simple test custom fact in ruby (ugh, I hate ruby) and was able to access it as a variable on the client side. However, it doesn''t appear in the facter output. Is is supposed to? Doug -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Jan 07
facter --puppet does not report "environment"
Is it normal that "facter --puppet" does not show the environment variable? is there a way to have it include it? Thanks a lot, Mohamed. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2009 Jul 01
Facter infinite looping on custom facts
Hi All Background: I am running Puppet to configure ESX 3.5 servers by NFS mounting the Puppet binaries and configuration from a shared server. This is to ensure VMware don''t come back refusing support for installing non standard software on the server. # ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-04-08 patchlevel 160) [i686-linux] # facter -v 1.5.5
2010 Nov 19
Fwd: Re: Using custom facts in Puppet
May I please ask again for some assistance with the question below? I hope somebody can help me. Thanks, Ed Greenberg -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Using custom facts in Puppet Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 13:14:06 -0600 From: Ed Greenberg <> Reply-To: To: On 11/16/2010 09:33
2013 Feb 15
Puppet agent daemon not seeing a Facter fact
Hi all, first post here... reposting this from Stack Overflow as it didn''t get much traction there... I am using puppet to read a fact from facter, and based on that I apply a different configuration to my modules. Problem: the puppet agent isn''t seeing this fact. Running puppet agent --test interactively works as expected. Even running it non-interactively from a script
2013 Nov 05
Deployed custom facts with module do not show up
When I deploy a module I wrote with couple of custom facts, those facts do not show up in factor. But when I point FACTORLIB to the directory with those factor, they work just fine. I am running a masterless puppet version 2.7.22 and factor 1.7.1 The module structure looks like so: -license ---lib -----facter -------license.rb -------hardware_serial.rb -----puppet Any idea what is causing
2010 May 19
How Does the Interaction Between Facter, Clients, and the Server work
Group - I''m putting a presentation together for $work (a large .gov) and I want to make sure I get my facts (pun intended) straight ... Are the following steps for Facter-Client-Server interaction correct (I have a feeling not): 1. Client puppet run is initiated (via regular schedule, puppetrun, or puppetd) 2. The client contacts the server and downloads any custom facts it does not
2012 Jul 04
How to get an input file to a facter ?
Dears all, I was testing my localusers facter by puppetmaster fileserver but i''d got in error Could not retrieve localusers: No such file or directory - /etc/ puppet/whitelist I was pretending the file was served by fileserver of puppetmaster doing in init.pp : file { "/etc/puppet/whitelist": ensure => present, Just before to call a facter. I
2011 Jul 01
pluginsync fails to load custom facts or providers
possibly related to (or the same as) issues 4830 and 2244, i''m getting errors when adding a custom fact and provider to a module to propagate to clients. am i missing something here? i tried the workaround of adding a fileserver.conf to the master (referenced below and in the tickets) with no change. thanks for any help. here''s a pile of details: puppetmaster 2.6.9 is running
2010 Apr 05
Problem syncing custom fact
I am trying to get a custom fact to sync. The fact is in a module. It will sync if I run puppet with "--pluginsync" but not otherwise. I have "pluginsync=true" in my puppet.conf. Shouldn''t the command line option and puppet.conf option have the same results? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2013 Oct 13
exporting custom facts to puppet agents
Dear all, I have a custom fact, that reads a file and then generate the values dynamically based on the file content. It''s something like this: inFile = "/home/admin/OSs.txt" > gos = {} > > if File.exist?(inFile) > open(inFile, ''r'').each do |line| > next if line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/ > parts =