similar to: Exported variable foo...(fu?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Exported variable foo...(fu?)"

2012 Sep 10
Nagios purge deleted items and notify nagios service problem
I am using stored configs to manage my nagios host and services checks and I have run into a problem that I have been unable to solve. When the stored configs are purged from puppet the nagios server correctly removes them from the services and hosts file but does not notify the nagios service and instead throws an error. So the entries are still there and nagios still reports on them until
2012 Oct 08
puppet 3.0 and passenger
I need a pointer in the right direction... Is there a document for migrating puppet/passenger to 3.0? -- Peter L. Berghold “"Don''t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each
2011 Nov 04
Storeconfigs and nagios and foreman
All- Poking around in the bug database it looks like storeconfigs is being actively worked on. I am using 2.7.6 on my master as well as all the clients. I have clients boot , start puppet and get a signed cert via auto signing. The nagios module (and currently the only thing puppet does) complains a lot during compile time about not having storeconfigs enabled, which is not the case in my
2012 Oct 09
Seeing an error that is totally confusing the heck out of me
Got the following: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not autoload package: Could not autoload /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/windows.rb: no such file to load -- windows/error at /etc/puppet/modules/php/manifests/init.pp:28 on node This after I reverted back to puppet v2.7.11 on my master. Not running windows anywhere... why am I
2012 Feb 20
puppet-forge.. do I remember correctly?
Do I remember correctly that puppet-forge is no longer accepting uploads? -- Peter L. Berghold Owner, Shark River Technical Solutions LLC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2011 Jan 21
What the??? Failing dependancies and not sure why...
Observe the following code sniget: user { nagios : comment => "Nagios Host Monitoring Service", shell => "/bin/bash", home => "/home/nagios", ensure => present } file { nagios-homedir : path => "/home/nagios", owner => "nagios",
2010 Oct 20
nagios_service types and "name"
It seems that the nagios_service type will not write out the "name" property of nagios service objects. I had thought this was an oversight or a bug, till I saw this thread: which seems to imply that this is a deliberate "feature". Is this prohibition on "name" really the desired behaviour?
2012 Feb 03
Interesting permissions issue with nagios_* providers
Hi folks, I noticed an interesting problem with the nagios_* providers especially in Debian. Besides writing to the wrong file (I fixed that issue) I''ve noticed there is a umask issue where the config files end up being owned by root with perms 0640. This causes nagios to spit milk out of its nose because it cannot read the configuration files. I came up with a kludgey solution to the
2010 Jul 23
Design, syntax question for passing values from node.pp
Is it possible to define variable at this level. I need to pass the monit config file name ( sometimes its monitrc sometimes in not ). Here is what I have. # /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp node basenode { include postgresql include monit include wiki include apace } node '''' inherits basenode { } -- You received this message because you are
2012 Feb 19
puppet-module on Debian
"The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." -- Andrew S Tannenbaum Debian does wonky things when you install a gem from "gem install." Usually this isn''t a problem unless there are executables to consider. I am running into that very thing with the "puppet-module" script on my laptop which runs a flavor of Debian. I thought I
2011 Mar 11
Why is it so hard to make a sane nagios server config?
I''ve tried to achieve my overall goals with several different features of Puppet, but I''ve hit a bit of a wall here. I think it''s time for me to explain what I''m trying to accomplish: I want the enabling of a service in my manifests to configure the monitoring of that service by a nagios server, without needless repetition. Let me explain how my
2009 Apr 22
Exported Resources with keyword undef
Hello ! I''m using a lot of nagios_ commands in my puppet manifests and I saw a problem when using ''undef'' in exported resources : Here is a simple example : define nagios::service::distributed ($ensure=present, $service_description, $host_name=false, $contact_groups=false) { nagios_service {$name: ensure => $ensure, use =>
2012 Mar 14
permission denied errors on /var/lib/puppet stuff during puppetd -t
I''m suddenly getting the below errors from Rack during puppetd -t (excerpted from the pink HTML output and cleaned for readability): Could not prepare for execution: Got 10 failure(s) while initializing: change from absent to directory failed: Could not set ''directory on ensure: Permission denied - /var/lib/puppet/yaml; change from absent to directory failed: Could not set
2011 Dec 28
packages and Solaris
Hi folks, I''m about to propose to my current company that we use puppet to manage releases of home grown software. The environment is a mix of Solaris 8/9/10 and RHEL 5&6. I''ve got a handle on how to create recipes to release software into the RHEL environment. The unknown for me is how to manipulate the pkgadd provider to load the locally grown package stream. Can
2012 Jul 02
puppetmasterd continuously consuming high CPU, with many interrupts
So, I have a server at home that has four VMs running inside it. All are managed via puppet. The physical host runs puppetmasterd. I don''t recall noticing this before, but puppetmasterd has decided to be kind of crazy. Here''s the physical host with no puppetmasterd running: top - 11:36:15 up 271 days, 15:16, 1 user, load average: 5.68, 5.50, 6.45 Tasks: 129 total, 1
2012 Mar 19
spaceship operator with a regex!?
Hi! Anyone knoe if it''s possible to realize resources with the spaceship operator checking for regex equality? Something like: User<| group =~ /(qa|prod)/ |> If not, anyone know of another way to do this sort of thing? Thanks a lot! Guy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send
2011 Apr 04
Puppet nagios integration problem
Hi all, I''m working on setting up Puppet to write out my Nagios configs. A few weeks back I inserted a few dummy Nagios checks into my Puppet config, and the Nagios configs were written out properly. I''ve now added loads of Nagios host and service checks like this: @@nagios_service { "check_smtp_${hostname}": check_command =>
2012 Sep 05
Puppet smoking crack?
Couple of questions. Firstly, what''s the plugin error about? puppet agent --onetime --test --verbose info: Retrieving plugin err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from source(s) puppet://puppet/plugins info: Caching catalog for info: Applying configuration version ''1346878830'' err:
2013 Jan 21
Terrible exported resources performance
Hi, Since the below is a little long, I put my question at the top: how do I troubleshoot awful exported resources performance in puppet and is there anything I can tweak to get it to run under 10 minutes in larger environments? I have a fairly modest environment (118 nodes, but prod will be at least twice as large). I''m trying to move my distributed nagios setup to one based on
2010 Mar 02
Nagios based on David Schmitt's Complete Config : variables are empty
Hello ! I''m trying to implement a Nagios solution based on David Schmitt''s Complete Config. But I the following error when running puppetd -t - v : notice: Starting catalog run err: //Node[monitoring]/nagios::target/Nagios::Host[]/File[/conf.d/ _host.cfg]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set present on ensure: No such file or directory - /conf.d/