similar to: Is there a way to push/copy a file from client to master ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Is there a way to push/copy a file from client to master ?"

2011 Oct 24
Important Security Announcement: AltNames Vulnerability [new version of puppet]
We have discovered a security vulnerability (“AltNames Vulnerability”) whereby a malicious attacker can impersonate the Puppet master using credentials from a Puppet agent node. This vulnerability cannot cross Puppet deployments, but it can allow an attacker with elevated privileges on one Puppet-managed node to gain control of any other Puppet-managed node within the same infrastructure. All
2013 Jun 04
Share Hiera configuration between 2 nodes?
Hi, I am trying to use Hiera in puppet 3 and I have two nodes that both need the same configuration. In this case they are two web servers which have the same apache configuration. Rather than creating two seperate hiera files for node1.yaml and node2.yaml is there a way to group these by role (e.g. webserver.yaml)? I want to avoid duplicating the configuration if possible and keep the data
2012 Oct 10
Puppet client not listening on port 8139
Hi everyone, Please help, I have built a new server and installed puppet (2.6.17) running on RHEL 6.3. It seems that it is not listening on port 8139. iptables -L: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt
2013 Feb 27
puppet 3 and standalone passenger?
I''ve been looking around for instructions on installing puppetmaster with a standalone passenger, without apache. I''m a personal believer in, "the fewer layers, the better" :) Unfortunately, I cant find any instructions for this configuration. Everything seems to be written for "puppet AND httpd and passenger". Could anyone point me to instructions sans
2012 May 14
problem with importing node definitions (2.7.14) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi all, Doing some work with a puppet 2.7.14 installation to see what''s new and needs to be changed, however i''m seeing unexpected behavior with my manifests, so my external node directory isn''t being imported. This is on a rhel 5 server with the puppet rpms from, but the cilent machines is based on fc17 beta with 2.7.13 rpm (which is with that
2012 Sep 10
Nagios purge deleted items and notify nagios service problem
I am using stored configs to manage my nagios host and services checks and I have run into a problem that I have been unable to solve. When the stored configs are purged from puppet the nagios server correctly removes them from the services and hosts file but does not notify the nagios service and instead throws an error. So the entries are still there and nagios still reports on them until
2010 May 31
Same certificate on multiple identical machines ?
Hi list, In our platform we have a lot of machines in which the system is a single disk image loaded on RAM from PXE. The problem is quite simple : if I install puppetd on the image, I will end up using the same certificate for 100 different servers with different names (the hostname is setup at boot time from dhcp) and I guess the puppetmaster won''t allow that. In other words : what
2013 Mar 21
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 is a maintenance release of the 1.2 series of Puppet Dashboard with bug fixes and minor features. This release is available for download at: Available in native package format in the Puppet Labs yum and apt repositories at: and Please report
2013 Mar 18
Hiera 1.2.0-rc2 and deep-merge
Stumbled around a bit until I figured out you need to do this: gem install deep_merge to get it to work ! “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.” Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2011 Dec 04
Running puppet agent and master from cron jobs
I see that there''s a thread from September asking a very similar question ("Official puppetlabs position on cron vs puppet as a service?"). I want to ask what should I take into account when making this decision? Just some background: - All my servers are Red Hat or CentOS - We have about 5 servers managed by Puppet now. The goal is to have ~50 servers. These are generally
2013 Nov 26
get a *structured* version of the puppet agent output
puppet agent --verbose shows a verbose output of the changes done by puppet, such as: notice: /Stage[main]/Logstash::Config/Logstash::Configdir[agent]/File[/etc/logstash/agent/config]/owner: owner changed ''root'' to ''logstash'' notice: /Stage[main]/Varnish/Service[varnish]/ensure: ensure changed ''stopped'' to ''running''
2009 Jul 10
Best practices for building a file from distributed data.
G''day. I am wondering what the current best practice for building a single file out of distributed fragments is with puppet. Specifically, my problem: 1. Install munin-node on arbitrary machines. 2. Install ''munin.conf'' as a single file on one machine, containing a configuration stanza for every machine that munin-node is installed on. The current best practice
2012 Jun 26
Next Problem: Puppet 2.7 + Passenger won't connect
OK. What did I booger up this time ? and are the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # puppetd --no-daemonize --onetime --debug --noop debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does not exist debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dscl does not
2011 Nov 17
4 ?
Anyone from listening to this list ? The web page to create an account <> is busted. The CAPTCHA does not show up and you cannot register without it. So I tried their mailing list -- <> I was able to join, but then my attempt to post to the list bounced:
2013 Apr 26
passwordless ssh
What is the best and easy''t way to let all nodes ssh passwordless to each other ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to
2012 Feb 08
Running Puppet(Master) on port 443
On Feb 1, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Nan Liu wrote: > Puppet uses REST, so you can run puppet master on 443 to work around firewalls. I would like to get a bit more information on this. Is it as simple as setting all the ports in puppet.conf to 443 on master and agent ? “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact
2010 Jul 07
inventory of managed resources
Hi, are there any good ways of scripting an inventory of managed resources on all nodes? I''ve found the inventory script by R.I.Pienaar ( which does what I want but only locally on each client. Is there any native way of syncing the client_yaml data centrally or any other way of doing this? I need a
2013 Apr 11
puppet-lint -- learning stuff about style but also generating questions
Here''s one I learned: I originally had # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { "${fqdn}": host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, } And thru some trial and error, got down to this (which puppet-lint does not gripe about) # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { $fqdn: host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, }
2011 May 31
uploading files via REST?
Hello, I am a bit confused by the REST syntax - how can I PUT an arbitrary file in the bucket? Downloading works fine (Perl+LWP), see below, but for PUT I only see this line in the docs ( PUT /{environment}/file_bucket_file/md5/{checksum} Should I compute the MD5 of the file and port its contents at the url ? my code: my $ua =
2010 Nov 11
preferred directory structure for multiple environments
Hello All, Moving from 2.5 to 2.6.2 and I was wondering if there is a preferred directory structure for using multiple environments? Does it work much different in 2.6 than in 2.5? When I made the move I assumed (I know) that my current structure and configurations would just roll over but that isn''t the case. Thanks, Jim -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the