similar to: sshkey resource type in Ubuntu 10.04

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "sshkey resource type in Ubuntu 10.04"

2007 Apr 04
Hello all, How are you using the sshkey type? Are you using it to list hosts and keys in a class that nodes include in order to manage /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts or something else? How does any of this relate to the sshrsakey and sshdsakey facts on the host? I read some stuff about this on the Virtual Resources page but it''s too vague for my simple mind and I''d be reluctant to use
2012 Aug 09
Error 400 on Server: Another local or imported resource exists with the type and title Sshkey
I am attempting to remove an old ssh host key from /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts. In my manifest, I have the following: # add keys @@sshkey { $hostname: ensure => present, type => "rsa", key => $sshrsakey, } # remove key @@sshkey { "foohost": ensure => absent, type => "rsa", } Sshkey <<| |>> But I get this error on
2010 Mar 29
please decrypt your manuals
I. most of ssh manual and all sshd manual present server and client as one machine, called host. All files mentioned are placed on one machine. This is incorrect, and makes the explanation unclear. For example, man sshd SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS FILE FORMAT suggests to copy keys from /etc/ssh/ into /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, as if those files are on the same machine. II. a general
2013 Aug 13
Collector not realizing own exported resources when filtering on tags
I''m trying to create a ssh class where the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv stays updated. The issue i''m finding is that if I include a "tag == anything" in the Collector filter, it collects all resources EXCEPT it''s own. In this case, the known_hosts and .equiv files will have all the other hostnames, but not it''s own hostname.
2012 Jul 11
where is ssh_known_hosts file generated by sshkey ?
Hi , I was testing puppet exported resources as in and I had this test class (code is from another post). class ssh_known_hosts{ case $sshrsakey { '''': { alert("No sshrsakey found for $fqdn") } default: { @@sshkey { $fqdn:
2001 Sep 26
OpenSSH 2.9.9
OpenSSH 2.9.9 has just been uploaded. It will be available from the mirrors listed at shortly. OpenSSH 2.9.9 fixes a weakness in the key file option handling, including source IP based access control. OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0 implementation and includes sftp client and server support. This release contains many portability
2023 Oct 10
[Bug 3627] New: openssh 9.4p1 does not see RSA keys in know_hosts file. Bug ID: 3627 Summary: openssh 9.4p1 does not see RSA keys in know_hosts file. Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 9.4p1 Hardware: SPARC OS: Solaris Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P5 Component: ssh
2003 Oct 20
[Bug 747] host authentication requires RSA1 keys Summary: host authentication requires RSA1 keys Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 3.7.1p1 Platform: All OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: Documentation AssignedTo: openssh-bugs at ReportedBy:
2002 Jan 13
Public storage for public keys
This question should be asked before, but I fail to find the discussion. What options can be used for storing host/users pubkeys in a publically available places? I know openssh currently provide option except if /etc/ssh_known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts. But what about many machines? Think of e.g. pgp keyservers. Note that pgp keyservers isn't a good solution *always*. The best one
2020 Sep 16
ssh-ed25519 and ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 host keys
Hello. I am running OpenSSH 7.9p1 on my client and server. ssh-keyscan shows the server has ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, and ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 host keys. My /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file contains the server's ssh-ed25519 host key. When I try to SSH to the server I get this error: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!
2019 Aug 06
Dovecot replication and userdb "noreplicate".
On 06.08.2019 23:17, Reio Remma via dovecot wrote: > On 24.06.2019 16:25, Reio Remma wrote: >> On 24.06.2019 8:21, Aki Tuomi wrote: >>> On 22.6.2019 22.00, Reio Remma via dovecot wrote: >>>> Jun 22 16:55:22 host dovecot: dsync-local(user at<>: Error: >>>> Remote command returned error 84: ssh -i /home/vmail/.ssh/vmail.pem -l >>>>
2001 Feb 21
further problems with OpenSSH 2.5.1p1 on RH 6.2
I'm finding another problem with OpenSSH 2.5.1p1 on RH 6.2 (at least, I think it's the linux box that is the problem). I'm ssh'ing to a RH 6.2 box from a Solaris 7 server (scp also... seems like the same problem). I'm using authorized_keys and files to do it automagically, and all works well when it's from user to user, where the username is the same, but if
2012 Aug 29
troubleshooting resource collection
Hi, I''m new to Puppet. And I''m trying out an ssh module: It collects ssh keys like this: class ssh::knownhosts { Sshkey <<| |>> { ensure => present, } notify{"knownhosts class: $fqdn $hostname $ipaddress ":} } I can see it echoes the host key of the host the puppet agent runs on. But the
2001 Jul 16
openssh keys in ldap
Is there any work going into placing keys in a central directory such as LDAP ? Jeff McElroy jmcelroy at
2002 Jan 07
Non-root hostname auth problem
All: I have a problem connecting Openssh 3.0.2p1 on Solaris 8 using hostname authentication for non-root users. When I connect to the sshd from a second machine as root it works fine using HostbasedAuthentication, but it always fails with non-root users. I suspect that I am having a permissions problem somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can figure out where. Any and all help
2024 Jan 01
ssh keys hostname VS fqdn - offends?
Hi guys Though being a mere user, - as opposed to an expert - in many long years of ssh in my use this, is new: -> $ ssh box5.proxmox.mine hostname -i -> $ ssh box5 hostname -i Warning: the RSA host key for 'box5' differs from the key for the IP address '' Offending key for IP in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:2 Matching host key in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts:2
2003 Nov 13
SSHD password authentication issue in 4.9-RELEASE and 5.1-RELEASE
Wonder if you guys could help me out...have a security problem with sshd wich enables a user to do a password login tough the sshd_config states PasswordAuthentication no My config works fine in both gentoo and openbsd 3.3 but users are able to login with tunneled clear text passwords in both 4.9 and 5.1 Im lost.tried everything I can think of. Here is the config:
2015 Jan 09
OpenSSH_6.7p1 hostbased authentication failing on linux->linux connection. what's wrong with my config?
Hi, On Fri, Jan 9, 2015, at 10:48 AM, Tim Rice wrote: > My ssh_config has > Host * > HostbasedAuthentication yes > EnableSSHKeysign yes > NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes > > NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost is not necessary. > The one you are missing is EnableSSHKeysign. > > Additionally, you made no mention of your ssh_known_hosts files. Make > sure
2024 Feb 17
How to remove old entries from known_hosts?
Brian Candler wrote: > Chris Green wrote: > > ... redundant ones are because I have a mixed population of > > Raspberry Pis and such on my LAN and they get rebuilt fairly > > frequently and thus, each time, get a new entry in known_hosts. > ...many useful tips... > To disable host key checking altogether for certain domains and/or networks, > you can put this in
2009 Mar 11
trouble diagnosing exported resources
Hello, I want to use exported resources (namely sshkey) and with the following code, each node gets his own ssh key written into /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, but not the others ones. This is with puppet 0.24.7 on redhat. node ''node1'' { @@sshkey { "node1": type => rsa, key => $sshrsakey } Sshkey <<| |>> } node ''node2'' {