similar to: Upgrading my version of perl

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Upgrading my version of perl"

2011 Sep 23
Official puppetlabs position on cron vs puppet as a service?
Over the years many shops have come to start running puppet via cron to address memory leaks in earlier versions of Ruby, but the official position was that puppet was meant to be run as a continually running service. I am wondering if the official position has changed. On one hand many if not all of the early Ruby issues have been fixed, on the other, the addition of mcollective into the mix as
2012 Jan 21
Trying to understand how mcollective differs from saltstack? I found this link that talks about Func, Rundeck, Salt and mcollective, but it doesn''t really compare and contrast. a 10,000 overview Saltstack and mcollective look very similar. IE: both integrate with facter/puppet, have queuing mechanisms, allow remote
2011 Sep 23
Gotchas around upgrading from an old version (0.25.4) to a newer version.
I''ve been tasked at my workplace to upgrade our puppet installation to a more modern version. Currently all the environments run a RubyGem version of puppet 0.25.4 on mostly RHEL/Centos 5.3 - 5.5 (there are, like most environments, a few laggards running RHEL4 or new machines running CentOS 6). The plan is to upgrade these to the most stable version of Puppet, which at the time of
2007 Oct 08
Is Puppet similar to Capistrano?
I discovered Capistrano while I was trying to figure out what I wanted. See attached notes. Puppet seems promising. Thanks, Brian -- - Brian Gupta
2012 May 17
Question about plans for the forge.
Currently and going forward people will be running multiple versions of puppet. What are the plans for puppet compatibility with Modules? Thinking we may want to be able to specify what version of Puppet is running and ask for the compatible module. (Which may be the same). Thanks, Brian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2012 Jan 03
AWS Elastic Beanstalk & Puppet
Anyone have experience and willing to share for Beanstalk? e.g. How does Puppet fit in when we mainly use AWS Elastic Beanstalk? Seems most features are provided by Beanstalk. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email
2011 Sep 08
What is the deference of Puppi, MCollective and ControlTier?
Hi, I am using puppet as my configuration solution, it is a very good for system-level configuration management and compliance. But it is not good at batch jobs. For now, I have three options: puppi, MCollective and ControlTier. I don''t know much about them. Can anyone give me some advices that which of them is better at batch jobs. Thanks Yunfeng -- You received this message because
2012 Apr 27
trouble w/ Foreman as ENC, agents and environments
Hi, I have a Puppet Enterprise (2.0) puppetmaster running with Foreman, and having trouble getting it working as an External Node Classifier. In short, if I manually add a test client into site.pp, it will retrieve the proper catalog / classes, but I would like to avoid having to do that. I''m also using environments (production/testing/ development) as well, but think I have most of
2007 Aug 16
ADF test
Hi all, Hope you people do not feel irritated for repeatedly sending mail on Time series. Here I got another problem on the same, and hope I would get some answer from you. I have following dataset: data[,1] [1] 4.96 4.95 4.96 4.96 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.99 4.99 5.00 5.01 [19] 5.01 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.01 5.02 5.02 5.03 5.03 5.03
2012 Feb 11
Question about reusing classes/modules
Hello Everyone, I''m still pretty new with puppet so please bare with me. I tried searching and I''m pretty sure I''ve ready my answer but I''m not sure if I''m going down the right path just yet. My scenario is this: I have 4 environments, Dev, Test, QA, Prod. Each of these environments lives in 2 sites, LA and NY. I have 5 applications that are site and
2011 Sep 21
Software inventory
Howdy, Before I go about writing one myself, anyone out there written a software inventory module/fact for gathering a list of all installed rpms/debs on a system? Got a few ideas floating around in my head, but wanted to see if/what other folks have done .. -- I''ve seen things you people wouldn''t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams
2017 Jun 07
C7, systemd, say what?!
Kenneth Porter wrote: > On 6/7/2017 8:31 AM, m.roth at wrote: >> Not sure what you mean when you say "jacked up filesystem". Here's >> fstab: > > In systemd fstab takes care of only rudimentary mounting. Most mounting > is done through *.mount unit files. Type "mount" and you'll see a bunch > of other mounts that were implemented
2012 Jun 04
mysql or postgresql
Hi! Which database would you recommend to use mysql or postgresql for puppet? Estimated number of nodes 30000, they send reports every 30 minutes. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2015 May 31
Installing TMAP in R Studio on Linux Mint
Copied and sent from another address: On 31 May 2015 at 09:43, Abed W. Ayyad <imraualkays at> wrote: > To the R-Sig-Debian list: > > Hello, this is my first post to the list and I hope that making it short > and swift does not make it come across as abrupt or rude. > > I'm having trouble installing the TMAP package on R-Studio on my build of > Linux
2007 Aug 10
Problems monitoring Mongrel with F5 BigIP
If this has already been covered, please point me to that (I didn''t find anything in my searches)... We are using F5 BigIP LTM load balancers. They have many pools of Mongrels they load balance across, and I of course want the F5 to know when a Mongrel goes down or is unavailable, etc. To do that, I need to have an F5 health monitor for HTTP make a request to the Mongrel. We do this
2015 May 31
Installing TMAP in R Studio on Linux Mint
Dear Dirk et al, What I've tried is to install libgeos-dev: sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev Which gives me, even after adding the ubuntugis-unstable PPA: E: Unable to locate package libgeos-dev So I'm a little stuck at the moment. I'm trying to install TMAP on R-Studio, which requires a number of packages all of which rely on the libgeos-dev being in place, and I can't seem to
2009 Jan 15
NYC Puppet Meetup
Hi All, We are wanting to having a Puppet Meetup in NYC on February 3th, 2009, 6:30 PM. Place to be determined. Baring that my wife doesn''t give birth by then (which would prevent me from making it) how does this sound to everyone else? Brian G., Can you rally up the troops and also invite people from other groups? Also let''s have some specific topics to discuss.
2010 Apr 25
how to make read in a vector of 0s and 1s with no space between them
Hi all, Probably a rudimentary question. I have a flat file that looks like this (the real one has ~10e6 elements): 10110100101001011101011 and I want to pull that into R as a vector, but with each digit being it's own element. There are no separators between the digits. How can I accomplish this? Thanks in advance! Matt -- Matthew C Keller Asst. Professor of Psychology University of
2008 Jan 02
AGI stream file
Hi I have created a rudimentary perl script that does most of what I want but occasionally in seems that a file will not play. I see the message getting sent to Asterisk but no reply to say that it completed. In fact, the very next SAY DATE command works and everything after that but the previous message seems to be ignored. In addition, I found in one case that I had to read to STDIN
2007 May 03
Truncating trailing digits
Hello, I am relatively new to R and have a rudimentary question, I think. How does one truncate the number of digits displayed after the decimal when viewing the results of analyses? My apologies if this question has been answered previously, I was not able to find references very easily. Thank you in advance, Matt [[alternative HTML version deleted]]