similar to: undefined method `function_extlookup'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "undefined method `function_extlookup'"

2011 Oct 24
extlookup not working correctly in 2.7.6
I''m trying to upgrade from 2.6.7 to to 2.7.6 and I''m running into an issue in my extlookup() calls. A lot of the variables which should be defined aren''t defined within extlookup.rb. I''ve tested 2.6.7 agent and 2.7.5 agent against the 2.6.7 master and 2.7.6 master. I adjusted extlookup.rb slightly to provide some debug output.
2012 Oct 26
Using regex to match hostnames in hiera
Hi, I''m having a problem with extlookup not respecting the ''certname'' parameter[1].  When executing a puppet run with either the --certname or --fqdn parameters, it ends up using the specified SSL certificate and gets the correct node definition applied from the puppetmaster.  However, it still retrieves extlookup data using the node''s actual FQDN, not the one
2011 May 13
Thoughts about extlookup:
Hi, I have been trying to improve the coding of some of my puppet recipes and had some trouble so wrote this: Comments on the web seem to indicate that extlookup() solves "all problems" but I don''t really see that and hence have proposed a possible way to keep the data closer together and make the extlookup()
2010 Aug 22
extlookup in 2.6.1 defaults
Hmmm.... So I was just trying the extlookup function that comes with puppet 2.6.1. It now lets you do this: $version = extlookup("rsyslog_version", "present", "packages") which, according to the documentation: # This will look for a version configured in packages.csv and then in the rest as configured # by $extlookup_precedence if it''s not found anywhere
2011 Apr 19
Puppet environment can't be used in extlookup (precedence)
Anyone able to explain why "$fqdn" works and "$environment" doesn''t in: $extlookup_precedence=["%{fqdn}","%{environment}","common"] How to reproduce it: ----------------------------- - In "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp" : $extlookup_datadir = "/etc/puppet/manifests/extdata"
2011 Dec 22
Managing sensitive strings with puppet
I''m new to Puppet, and I''m a software developer, not a sysadmin, so be gentle. I have puppet managing some files via templates, and one of the template variables that needs to be plugged in is a password of sorts that shouldn''t be generally available. In particular, it can''t be stored in the manifest, as that''s stored in version control, and the
2011 Aug 11
need urgent help with including Ruby DSL class from puppet manifests
Hi, I have a Ruby class in "nagios" module - it''s located in nagios/ manifests/ssa_nagios_checks.rb and looks like this hostclass :ssa_nagios_checks do ... end In nagios/manifests/init.pp I have class nagios::server { ... include ssa_nagios_checks ... } And I get the following error .... debug: importing ''/etc/puppet/modules/nagios/manifests/
2012 Aug 29
I''m confused about this... I see a lot of functions there that are the same as the ones that come standard with puppet. If I create a module and dump this stuff in there, what happens to the existing stuff? How does puppet know which one to use? Doug -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2011 May 31
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:08 PM, R.I.Pienaar <> wrote: > And for what its worth this afternoon just to see how hard it is > and to again ask to myself ''wtf has no-one done this yet?'' and also > ''wtf are people at Puppet Labs reinventing this wheel?'' I wrote > a new extlookup that has pluggable backends. > The bit about
2011 Nov 30
Using facts from stored configs based on class
Hi, Is it possible to use facts from external nodes via stored configs, based on a filter such as class? To illustrate, I provide the following use case ; class nagios::nrpe { # No such resource "ip". I''d like to use "ip" fact of any node that is assigned to class "nagios::server" $nagios_servers = Ip <<| class="nagios::server"
2011 Sep 22
Export variables into other classes
Hi all I have been pondering this for a while, but not yet seen a clean way to do it I have a few puppet classes (apache/ntp/mysql/bacula/nagios/etc) I would like to generate part of my bacula and nagios configs for each host based on which other classes that host belongs to (or to put it another way, I would like to export variables from classes which would be used by my bacula and nagios
2009 Jul 08
fedoostrap or deboostrap requirement
Hi, While trying to ./configure libguestfs on gentoo fails since it requires feboostrap or deboostrap Can this be made optional and not as necessary requirement, since there are still many useful uses for libguestfs besides bootstrapping, which can be used on distros like gentoo. Thanks Alex
2011 Jan 07
Exactly how do people replace include with parametrised classes?
Hi list, Reading the thread "can a class require an other class?" it''s been mentioned that perhaps one way forward for the Puppet language is to phase out the include keyword in favour of parametrised classes. I''m thinking of my Puppet and the several levels of include chaining I use and I''m wondering how on earth that''d be possible. Maybe
2013 Feb 14
Really need some help:: Weird Issue with external data look up in puppet 2.6.11
Running puppet 2.6.11 opensource on Red Hat 5.6 client. I cannot explain this logically but I have a directory structure like so: /etc/puppet/manifests/hiera/hostgroups/ with directories for each of my application areas like so: *clickz core devel dns icross iswap itch puppet test ubuntu* *What is weird is that if I put anything under the directory named "core", the ext
2006 Jun 06
ruby mathematical expression parser
Hi, Has anyone come across a Ruby mathematical expression parser, capable of parsing out token, replacing them with values then executing the mathematical formula? Nothing too heavy, A * (44/12) * ... etc. where A is can be replaced with a value. In Java there are serveral, like JEP, but I''d prefer it we could get a Ruby one now we have moved over to Rails, otherwise we will have to
2009 Aug 11
INCLUDE is not working
Hi, I try to use the INCLUDE statement in pxellinux config file but it complains with: "unknown keyword in config file" Here is my config file --------------------- default gentoo timeout 50 prompt 1 display pxelinux.cfg/ label grub localboot 0 include pxelinux.cfg/gentoo -------------------- Thanks Alex
2011 Aug 19
R: "New" (i.e., posted last week) Learning Puppet chapters
Imho, should be intesting some idea on the integration of puppet in large corporation, the possible workflow, the separation of duty. For example using something as gitolite, the integration with quality control of some sort, the reporting. I have read something in pro puppet : i am sorry but most of that is discussed there in this area is very basic. Best regards ----Messaggio originale---- Da:
2011 Jun 07
Split Manifest Across Multiple Lines?
Is there a way I can split a line in a manifest across multiple lines, ala shell style? ie: $include_postfix_module = extlookup("IncludePostfixModule", \ extlookup("IncludePostfixModule", \ extlookup("IncludePostfixModule", \ "",
2011 Sep 14
Quick help… GitHub & Puppet Environments...
I''m looking for a bit of best-practices here. Our puppet environment up-until-today has been owned and operated by IT Operations only. We''ve had a single ''production'' environment and our code has been managed in a local GitHub::FI install. We have ~14,000 lines of code in our PP files. We''re trying to make two changes to our environment... that may need
2011 Aug 08
Hash Interpolation inside double quotes?
I''ve got this: file { ''/opt/sugarsync/tomcat/tomcat-home/current'': ensure => "tomcat-$config[''tomcat_version_server'']"; where $config[''tomcat_version_server''] was set with extlookup (the yaml one), by loading: --- tomcat_config: tomcat_version_server: 6.0.20-1 tomcat_version_libs: 1.0-1