similar to: list of puppet-agents

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "list of puppet-agents"

2012 Aug 29
Puppet-Dashboard nodes showing up as unreported
Hello, I have followed the documentation at to try to setup dashboard but after I manually add a node it shows up as unreported. The agent has successfully completed a very basic catalog run just adding a file to the file-system. Dashboard v1.2 Puppet puppet-server.noarch 2.7.19-1.el6 SERVER: -bash-4.1$ cat
2010 Jun 09
Foreman -- Reporting
Hello All, I don''t seem to be able to get reports to display on the foreman interface. I copied extras/puppet/foreman/files/foreman-report.rb to / usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/reportsforeman.rb, instead of /usr/ lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/reports/foreman.rb. Config: Centos5.4, Apache/ Passenger, Puppet 0.25.4. The reports are coming from the clients, because I can see them in
2009 Dec 04
Foreman reports - no pretty pictures :D
I''m playing around with foreman for the moment. I can''t seem to figure out how to make the dashboard look like in this screenshot In order for those statistics to work what should be done? I have activated the rrdgraph reports in puppetd, uncommented the line ":rrd_report_url: report/" in config/settings.yaml
2011 Mar 08
Force resigning of existing certificates
Is there a way to force the puppetmaster to resign certificates for existing certificates when a new CSR for the same hostname arrives? When we reinstall freshly formatted clients with puppet (with the same hostname) the puppet client complains: err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match private key; please remove certificate from server and regenerate it
2011 Feb 28
Puppet features
Dear all, I''m a software integrator and i''m currently evaluating Puppet to understand how we can potentially integrate our products with it. I''ve been reading documentation on it and i''m currently installing a Puppet system but i have some questions that i was hoping someone could answer? a) In this page, it says that Puppet Enterprise supports provisioning
2012 Dec 13
Is it able to obtain performance metrics from puppet master?
Hello Is it able to obtain performance metrics from puppet master ( or puppet dashboard ) ? I intend to use this metrics in external monitoring system. Of particular interest are the following metrics: * list of agents * time since the certain agent last apply manifest ( to find stuck agents ) * time used to compile manifest by puppet master for the certain agent * time used by the certain
2011 Jun 07
Foreman 0.3 released
I''m pleased to announce the release of Foreman 0.3 Download from: Source: RPM: It is recommended to upgrade your foreman smart proxy to the latest version as well. Highlights of this release include: SearchingAn extensive rewrite of the search system was
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and
2011 Dec 08
Puppet Dashboard or Forman on SLES?
Hi all, i planned for a startup to install one of this gui tools. But if i look in the documentation, or google it, i find no results which helps. If i would like to install the rpm package i get the following dependencies problems rpm -i puppet-dashboard-1.2.3-1.el6.noarch.rpm warning: puppet-dashboard-1.2.3-1.el6.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: NOKEY, key ID 4bd6ec30 error: Failed
2009 Dec 17
monitoring puppet
Hi, I was wondering what people out there are doing to monitor puppetd in large environments. I''d love to hear what the best practices are around this. We have a few hundred hosts and are currently looking at the timestamps on the yaml files in /var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts/ on puppetmasters to make sure all clients are alive. Is it true that for a given client the fact file on the
2012 Dec 09
Catalog compile times > 40s - Puppet 2.7.18
I am finding that the puppetlabs-apache module is somehow adding 30-60 seconds onto a host''s catalog compile time when the puppetmaster has no other hosts contacting or generating catalogs. The Puppetmaster is setup to use Puppet-2.7.18 - Apache & Passenger. RIght now only 2 hosts are even configured to use this new PM, the PM itself and a Foreman host. With neither hosts
2009 Nov 26
Puppet+Foreman: class into module couldn't apply on nodes
Hello, I try config puppet with foreman frontend. Into puppetmasterd I create modules "test" and create init.pp: # Create "/tmp/testfile" if it doesn''t exist. class test_class { file { "/tmp/testfile": ensure => present, mode => 644, owner => root, group => root } } Configure nodes in site.pp and import
2012 Jul 11
certname doesn't seem to work on the agent
Hi guys, I have a box that needs to identify itself to the puppetmaster as something different from the FQDN. I added certname to the agent configuration before the first run, but it doesn''t seem to be sufficient. The certificate was generated for the FQDN, and the host appears in the dashboard as the FQDN, and the node name used to evaluate the manifest is also the FQDN. I would
2012 Apr 27
trouble w/ Foreman as ENC, agents and environments
Hi, I have a Puppet Enterprise (2.0) puppetmaster running with Foreman, and having trouble getting it working as an External Node Classifier. In short, if I manually add a test client into site.pp, it will retrieve the proper catalog / classes, but I would like to avoid having to do that. I''m also using environments (production/testing/ development) as well, but think I have most of
2011 Feb 23
web app deployment on a Debian server
Hello, I would like to ask your advice for the simplest method to do deployment on a debian server. From my perspective the system should look something like this : # web server node node "" inherits webserver { webapp::project{app1: domain => "", package => "app1", version => ''1.1.2''
2011 Nov 04
Storeconfigs and nagios and foreman
All- Poking around in the bug database it looks like storeconfigs is being actively worked on. I am using 2.7.6 on my master as well as all the clients. I have clients boot , start puppet and get a signed cert via auto signing. The nagios module (and currently the only thing puppet does) complains a lot during compile time about not having storeconfigs enabled, which is not the case in my
2010 Sep 29
Foreman barfs on startup.
All, First attempt at running foreman. [pax] prov01 /usr/share/foreman/script:# ./server -e production => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on /usr/share/foreman/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `old_load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant Puppet::Rails (NameError) from
2010 Jul 22
Foreman / External Nodes -- Node Not found
Hello All, So I finally got around to start to cut over node definitions from standard flat files to external nodes (foreman), and getting error message: "Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node ''nodename''; cannot compile" - So basically it can''t pick up the node from the external node config. When I test the fetching of the yaml file it seems to work
2013 Jun 11
Dashboard - Unable to submit report to [301] Moved Permanently
Hello, I successfully installed puppet on redhat 6. Nodes can connect to master and run catalog. I installed dashboard and was hoping to see the reports uploaded in dashboard... I have no problem browsing to the dashboard but when an agent sends a report to the master, I always get the same error in the master''s log: *Unable to submit report to
2011 Mar 22
Foreman 0.2 Release Candidate
Hello All, I''m happy to announce a new release candidate of Foreman, top highlights for this release includes: * New look and feel * Extended restful API * Support for New Puppet Reports format * Full VM/physical host Provisioning * Powerful template generator ( pxelinux, gpxe, kickstart, preseed, grub etc..) * introduce a new service called smart proxy (which can run on remote