similar to: Run command based on OS version

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Run command based on OS version"

2012 Mar 28
Could not load confine test 'operatingsystem': cannot load such file -- puppet/provider/confine/operatingsystem
Hello, I''m having some trouble. I keep getting the following warnings when trying to run: $ puppet master --no-daemonize /usr/local/build/puppet-bundle/vendor/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/ puppet-2.7.12/lib/puppet/external/pson/pure.rb:7:in `<module:PSON>'': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. Could not load confine test
2012 Jul 25
manifest variable with sed - problem
Hello, i have a problem in my sudo manifest file, because in the variable $name comes sometimes usernames like user.lastname, but i need for sudo (includedir */etc/sudoers.d/*) file names with no dots (like user_lastname). I need a new variable, where is the dots change by underscores. My first try was like this, but it isn''t working well. $name_underscore = "`echo $name | sed
2012 Oct 16
Unable to create the rrd graph
Hello Everybody, I have been trying to use the rrdgraph reporting feature available in puppet. After performing all the instruction maintained on the site , the rrd directory for the agents get created but they are empty. When i check the log files in
2010 Dec 22
Puppet + Mongrel on RHEL5
I am trying to setup Puppet + Mongrel on RHEL5. So far I have followed this document: The puppetmasters all start up and Apache starts up on 8140. However, when my client connects I get the following errors: [root@lv1764p puppet]# puppetd --server --no- daemonize -o -v info: Retrieving
2011 Feb 08
Puppet facter operatingsystemrelease
Hello, I am running puppet server version 0.25.4-2, and since Debian squeeze is the new stable release I would like to adapt some of my modules. I have a syslog-ng module, I would like to specify another template for my squeeze server. I changed my init.pp as follow : if ($operatingsystemrelease <= 5.0.8) { $syslog_template = "syslog/syslog-ng.conf.erb" } else {
2013 Jun 27
Conditional statement =,<,> etc.
Hello guys :), I''m kind of new to Puppet and stuck in defining a conditional statement. Here my problem: I want to provide different apt/source.list for different versions of Debian, 6.0.x and 7.0.x, which also run different versions of Puppet, 2.7.x and 3.2.x. My first idea was to use facters variable operatingsystemmajrelease and define like this: file {
2012 Jun 18
Conditional with variable from facter
Hi. I have the following facts available: # facter | grep oper operatingsystem => CentOS operatingsystemrelease => 6.2 Now, if I wish to use conditionals on these facts, I have to do it like this: case $operatingsystem {} case $::operatingsystemrelease {} I''m puzzled as to why can''t I just use $operatingsystemrelease, and what do these two semicolons mean? Thank
2011 Nov 01
2.7.6 yumrepo not working
Just upgraded to 2.7.6 and the yumrepo type does not write out our yum configs correctly, anyone experiencing this? Documentation hasn''t changed from what I can tell for this type. # facter -version 1.6.2 # puppetd --version 2.7.6 # facter architecture x86_64 # facter operatingsystem Fedora # facter operatingsystemrelease 14 ==== My manifest ==== yumrepo {
2011 Jan 21
Multiple Case statements
I am writing my first module for ntp, I have a few different versions of Linux and also releases. The code worked when I only had one flavor of Linux but now I have four and possibly more flavors. My snippet that doesn''t work is as follows; ( I am not even sure this is the route I should be going if anyone has a better way please advise. Thank you in advance) $ntp_service = $ntpdaemon {
2007 Jun 24
Facter operatingsystemrelease on Fedora
Currently, facter returns the kernel version as both the kernel and operatingsystemrelease facts. I would like to change that so that on Fedora, operatingsystemrelease is the release number (5,6,7 etc.) or ''Rawhide'' ... are there any objections to making that change ? David
2008 Jul 08
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.5
Hi all, I''ve finally gotten around to releasing Facter 1.5. As the version bump implies, this is a relatively significant release (for a 2.3k line program, anyway). Mostly, the biggest change is refactoring the code internally so that all of the functionality is split into separate classes in separate files. Also, the facts are all loaded on-demand, which provides dramatic
2006 Aug 29
Red Hat release info
Hi all, I''m looking at changing the operatingsystemrelease fact for Red Hat. Linux currently just uses the kernel release as the operating system release, but I''ve got a client who wants the release to have both the specific distro (e.g., AS or EL) and the release (e.g., 3 or 4). Will this particularly annoy anyone? Anyone want to help make the release string work on
2012 Feb 03
neatest way to determine a major version of centos/linux?
Just started a rollout of centos 6.x across our Puppet deployment (100-odd servers). what fact would people suggest I use to distinguish 5.x from 6.x (quite a lot of subsystems are different between major releases)? lsb* facts don''t seem to be present on centos 6 - is this an EPEL bug, or have they just been removed in Facter? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are
2010 Sep 28
YUMREPO { productname => PowerEdge 2650}
Hello All, How do I specify a variable that has a space in it? I''m trying to setup a yum repo that has two different baseurl''s based on the product name ($productname). Default goes one way, but if the product is "PowerEdge 2650" then is a different URL. The thing is, that is only picking up the default. How should I specify the value with the space in the
2013 Nov 25
question about file {} type
My class reads like: class name1::name2 ($gidvariable) { file { "somepath-to-file": ensure => file, mode => ''0640'', gid => $gidvariable, } } The problem is that the file isn''t getting set to the $gidvariable''s value which is a string "abc". The other things work (presence as file, mode). Stuart -- You
2013 Nov 12
Own Package Installscript
Hi, i want to use Puppet to install all packages from a webserver (no repository) . Therefore I wrote following Script: class install_package { case "$operatingsystem" { SLES: { notify {"${operatingsystem} ${operatingsystemrelease} detected":} notify {"Installing $packagename now:":}
2011 Feb 23
Install bin file through puppet
puppet newbie trying to install bin file through puppet. How would I go about it? class java { package {"java_package": provider => "bin", <--this did not work # source => "puppet:///application/jdk-6u23-linux-x64-rpm.bin", source => "", ensure => installed
2007 Jun 13
Facter ''operatingsystemrelease'' fact.
From looking at the Facter code, it looks like the ''operatingsystemrelease'' fact is currently a mirror of the ''kernelrelease'' fact. I''d like to implement this fact so that it returns the major version of the operating system, eg: Debian Sarge: operatingsystemrelease => 3.1 Debian Etch: operatingsystemrelease => 4.0 RHEL3 update 8:
2012 Feb 29
Modifying a FACT Value In a Manifest
In my network every subnets default gateway is X.X.X.1. That router gateway is always running ntpd which I want to give be default as the ntp server in every hosts ntp.conf. Since there is no official "default gateway" fact yet, what I want to be able to do in my manifest is take the $ipaddress fact and turn it into the gateway for that subnet. For example... IP = GW =
2011 Feb 16
Make puppet clients look at a domain name rather than an IP?
In the docs it says one must add a line to the /etc/hosts file with the name "puppet" and the IP of the puppet master. This isn''t a possibility for us as the IP is subject to change. Is it possible to configure the puppet clients to look for a specific domain to find the master? eg. ""? If so, how/where can this be configured? -- You received