similar to: Temporary requirements

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Temporary requirements"

2011 Jun 24
Different users within same exec
I have the following exec in my manifest : exec { some_exec: path => [ "/bin","/usr/bin","/usr/local/bin" ], command => "EXECUTE COMMAND 1", onlyif => "EXECUTE COMMAND 2", logoutput => "on_failure" } I want that the "COMMAND 1" should be executed by "USER 1" and "COMMAND 2"
2011 Jul 02
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target "File[]"
I''m running Puppet 2.7.1 on the master as well as the agent and just received a new error which doesn''t actually reference a module or a file, so I''m somewhat stuck as to how to debug this. Any pointers? The error is err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target
2011 May 20
finding consultants or full time puppet experts?
We are looking to hire a full time (or possibly a consultant) in Boston with experience in AWS and Puppet (or Chef :) Any good leads on other places to look for someone like that? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Aug 08
Hash Interpolation inside double quotes?
I''ve got this: file { ''/opt/sugarsync/tomcat/tomcat-home/current'': ensure => "tomcat-$config[''tomcat_version_server'']"; where $config[''tomcat_version_server''] was set with extlookup (the yaml one), by loading: --- tomcat_config: tomcat_version_server: 6.0.20-1 tomcat_version_libs: 1.0-1
2012 Jun 29
UX/UI of puppet help when face actions have unmet dependencies
Hello, We''re trying to come up with a nice way to indicate when a Puppet module like cloud provisioner breaks a Puppet subcommand because of missing dependencies. When this happens in the current 3.0rc branch, all help for all subcommands is unavailable. This isn''t very helpful. We''re planning to simply mark the subcommands that have incomplete actions as
2011 Jun 28
FIPS 140-2 compliance
I''ve just posted a feature request <> relating to FIPS 140-2 compliance. I''m pointing to it here on the mailing list because I listed there five places where Puppet (nay, Ruby!) crashed while I was testing a deployment using FIPS mode on all hosts. It crashed because it tried to use MD5, and OpenSSL in FIPS mode doesn''t let
2011 May 06
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
I am getting this error on all my hosts, I can''t tell that it''s causing a problem, everything seems to be working fine. Fri May 06 12:52:16 -0700 2011 /Stage[main]// Resources[ssh_authorized_key] (err): Failed to generate additional resources using ''generate'': undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass We are using user and group purging for all uids/gids
2012 Feb 08
puppetd hanging on some nodes
Hi All, In my set-up, I''ve got a cron job that triggers a Puppet run every 20 minutes. I''ve found that on approximately 13 nodes (out of 166), puppetd just hangs. I have to go in, kill the process, remove /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock, and run puppet again and then it''s fine. After a while, it just hangs again so I have to go in, kill the process, etc. Any ideas?
2012 Oct 21
Razor Mongodb related questions
I''m new to Razor and have two questions related to Razor Mongodb: 1. Is there available Razor object relationship diagram that describes relationships between Razor slices? 2. Does Razor make use of Mongo''s JSON doc store features like automatic secondary indexing on all JSON attributes? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2011 May 31
uploading files via REST?
Hello, I am a bit confused by the REST syntax - how can I PUT an arbitrary file in the bucket? Downloading works fine (Perl+LWP), see below, but for PUT I only see this line in the docs ( PUT /{environment}/file_bucket_file/md5/{checksum} Should I compute the MD5 of the file and port its contents at the url ? my code: my $ua =
2011 Dec 15
Puppet with Ruby1.9 issue
Hi, I have a running puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and ruby 1.9.2. When i do puppet cert --trace --list . i get the following error. /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application/ cert.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Cert>'' /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application.rb: 357:in `block (2 levels) in parse_options''
2012 Feb 13
Removing the ability to serve symlinks as symlinks from the master...
G''day. We recently found some issues with the `links => follow` setting in recursive file copying; the designed behaviour is that it should allow you to determine if the master serves a symlink in a module as a symlink, or as the content of the file that the symlink points to. The full details are here: The short version is that toggling
2011 Jun 30
How to define a hash table and loop over them in a definition?
This may have been asked before, if so, please excuse me and point me to the right direction. What I want to do is to define a hash table with multiple key->value pairs. I would like to pass this variable to a file template and generate a result file with all the mappings listed. Based on what I read, I need to do it in a definition. But does Puppet supports loop over a hash? Any help would
2010 Dec 26
variables created with generate() function have a newline when used in a template
I have this in nodes.pp $puppetmaster_fqdn = generate("/usr/bin/facter","fqdn") and this in a template http://<%= puppetmaster_fqdn %>:8080 When puppet runs, this is the result: http://puppet.home :8080 Anybody any clue to whats causing this? I''ve tried -%> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
2010 Dec 15
having trouble with puppet 0.25.5 on openbsd 4.8 on amd64
My manifest includes this snippet class app_client_openbsd { $app_client_pkgs_obsd = [ ''glib2-2.24.1p2'', ''gtar-1.23p1'' ] package { "${app_client_pkgs_obsd}": ensure => ''installed'', source => "http://${installserver}/openbsd/${operatingsystemrelease}/packages/${hardwaremodel}/${name}.tgz", } This
2011 Apr 30
How to check if a package exists
Dear all, I''m trying to do this. Say for example, I want this link: " ->" to be present on the client only if "lcgdm- libs-1.8.0-1sec.sl5" is already listed. I already have this to create the link: file { '''': ensure => symlink, name => ''/opt/lcg/lib/'',
2011 Feb 11
Active Directory join, stages, and AD accounts issues
I have a mostly working set of modules to replace our kickstart and about a dozen scripts. I am having issues with attempting to populate my AD account-owned user folders in the initial puppet run. The machines i am testing with are all CentOS 5.5 so far. I have defined 3 additional stages, Stage [init] -> Stage [pre] -> Stage [main] -> Stage [post] to attempt to fix this to no avail.
2011 May 16
Uninstalling the puppet source?
I''m installing puppet from git per instructions in another thread. The instructions given at for installing puppet from source lead to it dumping things all over my Ruby, which I really wasn''t expecting and doesn''t work well with our environment. (1) How do I uninstall it? (2) How do I turn the git source into a gem?
2010 Dec 10
pp grammar test-files?
Hi, I am working on some tools that read and write pp files, and I wonder if there are some pp files available somewhere that can be used to test a parser. I am especially interested in if there are some tests written that capture invalid syntax. - henrik -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send
2011 May 06
Generate "Compiled catalog"/yaml for a node?
Hi Experts, I remember we had this discussion before, but could find it. Can I run a command to generate a "Compiled catalog" for a specific node (on the master node)? And apply this on the client node? What are the limitations for doing this? Basically we have special handling for the webserver/CA part of puppet. Thank you very much! -Yushu