similar to: What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?"

2012 Feb 19
roolback to previouse configuration
Hello Does anybody share how to roll-back configuration if puppet definition on host is change. For example Let''s assume we have host on which initial was web server and bunch of users. All this resources we configured throw puppet. node <some node> { <webserver difinition> <user1 definition> <user2 definition> <user3 definition> } At some
2006 Nov 16
Negating or removing classes
I have a situation where I''d like to perform some actions when a node is removed from a class. I have a few (homegrown) services that install ssh keys in authorized_keys and it''s possible that a node may have the service enabled and disabled during it''s lifetime. When disabled I''d like to clean up the ssh keys for security reasons. This brings up the broader
2009 Jan 15
NYC Puppet Meetup
Hi All, We are wanting to having a Puppet Meetup in NYC on February 3th, 2009, 6:30 PM. Place to be determined. Baring that my wife doesn''t give birth by then (which would prevent me from making it) how does this sound to everyone else? Brian G., Can you rally up the troops and also invite people from other groups? Also let''s have some specific topics to discuss.
2011 Apr 19
Handling unmanaged resources and their files/configs
We have resources that, from time to time, are selected to be removed (unmanaged). When it comes to ssh keys, fstab... this leaves a lot of stuff behind that we don''t want. Is there a simple way to remove the unmanaged data so we can keep the systems clean. Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post
2008 May 06
Environments and tiers
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with multiple environments/tiers? For instance, we have several environments ( production, dev, qa, etc.. ) and within each environment, different tiers ( web, data, app, etc ). Each tier is a different IP network segment, so all the hosts in each tier have different configurations for certain things like resolv.conf, ntp.conf and so on. We do
2009 Dec 08
Cleaning Out Stored Configs
Hi, We''re using thin stored configs heavily to manage things like Munin and Nagios and we''re currently wondering what to do when nodes go away, or change considerably. If we get rid of a server then all it''s stored config is still present in the database, as well as it''s nagios and munin configurations. We created a script that iterates through the database
2007 Nov 06
strange behavior from purge
I have the following define... define puppet::module_dir { if $name { include puppet file { "${puppetdir}/modules/${name}": ensure => directory, mode => 0755, purge => true, recurse => true, } } } I call it like so: puppet::module_dir { "main" } puppet::module_dir
2013 Feb 08
RFC: Default File Permissions
Recently, the issue of copying file modes from remote sources was discussed on the puppet-users mailing list[1], although it equally applies to owner and group. One issue is what permissions to apply to newly created files when none are specified? Historically, Puppet has always copied the permissions from the file source to the newly created one. However, this causes problems on Windows[2]
2007 Jan 23
"Found a bug" message when purging services
I attempted the following: resources { service: purge => true, noop => true } service { sshd: ensure => running; iptables ensure => running; } And got the following message: notice: Starting configuration run err: Found a bug: uninitialized constant Parse notice: Finished configuration run in 0.47 seconds When I remove the ''resources'' line, everything works
2011 May 20
PC EU feedback: ability to remove all unmanaged resources I call this the "agent orange" option :) This works, purging all unmanaged hosts entries: resources { ''host'': purge => true, noop => true, } We should have a similar property for all (most?) types. Please comment on the ticket or reply here, whichever you prefer. Thanks! r P.S. This is in
2008 May 23
manage cron jobs
Hi All, is it possible to delete cronjobs by patterns using ''cron'' resource? I.e. I want to make sure that there is no any cronjob that contains "/ path/to/some/unneeded_file" command in root crontab without knowing the command possible parameters and schedule. If no, any suggestions about how it can be performed are welcome. Thanks in advance
2011 Jul 07
Testing if a puppet class is going to be installed
In a bunch of my templates and manifests, I need to have logic which depends on whether or not a particular (other) puppet class is going to be installed on the machine. For example, for setting up the proper nagios monitors, you''d want to say something like "if this machine has the apache class, then configure apache monitoring" It''s not feasible I think to put this
2010 Apr 21
Overriding a resource created in a define
I''m using the resolv.conf pattern described here: In my node templates I have a "base" class that does all of the housekeeping chores to set up a basic server (install preferred editors, subversion, etc.). I added a call to the resolv_conf define to set up the standard /etc/resolv.conf file used by 95%
2013 Jun 04
Share Hiera configuration between 2 nodes?
Hi, I am trying to use Hiera in puppet 3 and I have two nodes that both need the same configuration. In this case they are two web servers which have the same apache configuration. Rather than creating two seperate hiera files for node1.yaml and node2.yaml is there a way to group these by role (e.g. webserver.yaml)? I want to avoid duplicating the configuration if possible and keep the data
2007 Dec 21
simulating provider in a module
Hi, What is the best way for you to simulate a provider behavior in modules ? For exemple if you have an webserver module and want to have a apache2, lighthttpd prividers. How would you do so the call to the modules functions stay like: webserver::addvhost { ... } and not webserver::apache2::addvhost Any best practices you can share ? I know that conditional include would not work
2008 Oct 22
LDAP Problem
I am trying to configure puppet with LDAP repository . I have set puppet schema and I have also added node definition at LDAP. Here is my configuration details . ############################################################## Puppet.conf node_terminus = ldap ldapserver = ldapbase = ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com ldapassword = secret
2012 May 08
deploying class *only* via puppet kick
I''m trying to set up a system in which the web devs can deploy new websites via puppet kick. I''m not having a problem with puppet kick itself, but rather figuring out how to make my "webserver::sitelist" class *only* get deployed via puppet kick, and not have it regularly evaluated in the nodes.pp file. I don''t want webserver::sitelist to ever get
2007 Jan 17
scope issue after upgrade
I just upgraded to 0.22.0 from 0.18.4 and I''m running into what I think are problems due to changes in scope rules. In my site.pp manifest, I have the following: import "classes/*" node nfsserver { include nfsserver } node webserver { include webserver } class cluster1_sites { website { "": ...; "": ...; } } node
2007 Jan 17
Cron jobs not removed when deleted from Manifest
I''m not sure if this has been posted previously, but I couldn''t find any information on it. I added a cron job via the cron type and it installed properly. Next, I removed the cron type from the manifest. The result was that, while the entry was no longer in the yaml file, the cron entry was not removed! Is this a bug, or the way that it is supposed to function? Thank you,
2009 Nov 04
Any ideas about this error with upgrading to 0.25.1?
Hi I''m getting this error with a 0.25.1 puppetmaster and 0.25.1 node. Nov 4 14:43:35 devcentos5 puppetd[26099]: (//network-config::base/File [hosts]) Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/network-config/ hosts/hosts.devcentos5 Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///network-config/hosts/hosts.devcentos5: