similar to: Logging configuration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Logging configuration"

2010 Feb 02
puppetdlog configuration parameter broken?
I am trying to log to a file instead of syslog, but when I set "puppetdlog = /var/log/puppetd.log", it still logs to syslog. If also set "syslogfacility =", it doesn''t log anywhere. Does this work for anyone else? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2014 Jan 16
Dovecot 2 separate login for POP3 connections ?
Hello Is it possible to configure a separate logfile for incoming POP3 connections ( dovecot 2.2.9 ) thanks
2012 Jul 23
n00b rsyslog.conf question - how to separate local syslog from network appliance syslog?
I have several network appliances, and I want aggregate their syslog output for later analysis. Eventually I might think about a Splunk box, but for the interim I'm hoping to just build a CentOS 6 syslog server and have it aggregate everything on it for quick review. I installed rsyslog and am looking through the /etc/rsyslog.conf file for what I configure to (a) listen for syslog input from
2016 Feb 29
Discarding empty lines in rsyslog
Dear CentOS folk, I've been try to solve one issue with rsyslog on CentOS 6, but can't figure it out. I've searched through rsyslog documentation, and used Google but not found anything that matches my issue. I'm sending output of a program to rsyslog using "logger -t progname". I've got the following config snippet in /etc/rsyslog.d: $FileCreateMode 0644 if
2012 Aug 23
Puppet Agent VS User
Hello, Running into a problem when wanting to daemon-ize the agent. It doesnt seems to do anything: - cannot find any daemon process with (ps aux | grep puppet) - the config is not updated after editing some params on the master - /var/log/puppet stay empty... while, when logged as root, it is working without issue with $puppet agent --test. ##Conf Ubuntu 12.04 Puppet 2.7.11 ## Daemon is
2016 Jul 19
CentOS 7: System log has repeated lines: Started session 123 of user root.
The system log (/var/log/messages) of a CentOS 7.2 system has frequently-repeated message line pairs like: Jul 18 14:00:01 localhost systemd: Started Session 307 of user root. Jul 18 14:00:01 localhost systemd: Starting Session 307 of user root. where the session number increases each time. Looking around on this, e.g. Red Hat Bugzilla bug 727315, it looks like it's when crond starts a
2007 Sep 03
When 1+2 != 3 (PR#9895)
Full_Name: Marco Vicentini, University of Verona Version: 2.4.1 & 2.5.1 OS: OsX & WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( When I proceed to test the following equation 1 + 2 == 3, I obviously obtain the value TRUE. But when I tryed to do the same using real number (i.e. 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3) I obtained an unusual FALSE. In the online help there are some tricks for this problem. It
2013 Nov 04
[LLVMdev] compile error when using overloaded = operator of DenseMap
Hi, I am trying to implement Available Expressions data flow analysis. I created the following class (I am giving here code snippet.): namespace { typedef DenseMap<Expression, uint32_t> DMTy; //Expression is a class I defined. struct DataFlowValue { DMTy ExprMap; llvm::BitVector* DFV; // Functions operating on the data // bool operator==(const DataFlowValue V) const;
2017 Dec 01
Dovecot lmtp doesn't log
Hi, Thanks for replying. initially logging was done via syslog, and the custom log file for mail.* facility was /var/log/maillog. Everything was logged normally (dovecot login logouts, sieve scripts, extra debugging lines) but nothing regarding LMTP. I would receive the email in my inbox but I wouldnt be able to see anything in the logs regarding this. After that i turned off syslog and used the
2013 Nov 04
[LLVMdev] compile error when using overloaded = operator of DenseMap
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Rekha R <rekharamapai at> wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to implement Available Expressions data flow analysis. I created > the following class (I am giving here code snippet.): > > namespace { > typedef DenseMap<Expression, uint32_t> DMTy; //Expression is a class I > defined. > struct DataFlowValue { >
2009 Jun 16
Schedule puppet runs
Hi All, I would like to pick your brains as to the best way to configure the below senario within puppet. I am currently configuring puppet for our environment and have seperated development/back office from production through configuring roles for each server to identify them as such. What i need to be able todo is have the production servers only update outside of office hours, but have the
2016 Apr 17
Rsyslog problems
Hi, My rsyslog is not working as expected. I have some thing in rsyslog.d that do well, like this: # Log all iptables stuff separately :msg, contains, "iptables: " { action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/iptraf/info") } No problems with that. Bu what's in /etc/rsyslog.conf like: mail.* /var/log/mail/info don't do anything at all. Rsyslogd -N1 is OK,
2012 May 02
Puppet logging
Hello all, I am trying to write a script that will check logs for puppet errors to use in a nagios check. I am checking /var/log/messages (RHEL6) but when puppet runs on its 30 minute interval, nothing gets written to messages. I have also looked at /var/log/puppet/puppet.log but that does not seem to be consistent either: [root@gm10v nagios]# tail /var/log/puppet/puppet.log Wed May 02 14:27:47
2011 Jun 30
Puppet agent creates certificates for localhost.localdomain and does not pick up the changed hostname
Hi Everyone, I am using Puppet 2.6.5 to configure fresh VMs. These VMs have their hostname set to localhost.localdomain initially at boot-time. There is this script file that runs in rc.local and this is what I do inside it 1. I change the hostname from localhost to xxx.xxxxxx using the hostname command. 2. start the puppet agent as /usr/sbin/puppetd --certname=xxx.xxxxxx
2012 Sep 14
assistance needed - err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired
Hi, I have a puppet infrastructure running 2.6.14 under Passenger with about 30 nodes. I''m just spinning up a new Cent 6.3, puppet 2.7.19 master. Right now I have the master built and configured using the same configuration as my 2.6.14 setup, with a few tweaks for the new version. Puppet on the master built itself fine. I have puppetd stopped on the master. I tried pointing one
2007 Dec 10
problem with puppetmasterd log
Hello, puppetmasterd is running as shown here: puppet 10209 1.1 1.5 138124 62532 ? Ssl 13:37 0:06 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetmasterd --manifest=/etc/puppet.production/manifests/site.pp --logdest=/var/log/puppet.production/puppetmasterd.log however, the log file is not being updated with information when a client runs puppetd --test Am I missing something obvious? Best,
2023 Aug 21
DFS questions...
Hello Rowland, If someone wants full_audit, will adding 'vfs objects = full_audit' on a DC also have dfs_samba4 and acl_xattr enabled just because running on a DC, or would this cause both defaults to be turned off? Thanks, Joachim -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: samba <samba-bounces at> Im Auftrag von Rowland Penny via samba Gesendet: Montag, 21. August 2023
2008 Dec 18
errors after 0.24.7 upgrade ..
After upgrading my puppetmaster to 0.24.7 from 0.24.6 i am getting the following errors in the puppetmaster logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thu Dec 18 16:11:39 +1100 2008 Puppet (err): Could not store configs: undefined method `environment='' for #<Puppet::Rails::Host:0xb72c0c38> I do not use environment''s and they are not defined anywhere in the puppet.conf
2013 Jul 23
Debugging Puppetmaster with Apache/Rack/Passenger
Hi, I''m currently trying to debug a performance issue I''m having. Therefore I would need "DEBUG" output. When using one puppetmaster process, this is fairly easy by starting it like this: > puppet master --no-daemonize --debug Now I need to see this debug output when running puppetmaster the way I ususally do - using Apache/Rack/Passenger. After looking
2009 Aug 28
[LLVMdev] A create-distinct-item function with no (other) side effects
Suppose I have some LLVM assembly like this: declare i8* @CreateDistinctItem() nounwind declare void @dumpBoolean(i1 %val) define i32 @main() {  %var1 = call i8* CreateDistinctItem()  %var2 = call i8* CreateDistinctItem()  %isEqual = icmp eq i8* %val1, %val2  call void @dumpBoolean(i1 %isEqual)  ret i32 0 } So far so good.  But if I take out the "call @dumpBoolean", the optimizer