Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "copying file with "source" parameter"
2010 Oct 19
client won't use remote file bucket
Hi all,
I''m having a stupid moment getting a remote file bucket working. My
client only file buckets locally, not remotely.
I have this site.pp:
filebucket { "main": server => "puppet" }
File { backup => "main" }
node ''default'' {
include test
and this test module:
class test {
file {
2011 Jan 10
Could not request certificate: No route to host?
Hi, I''m getting this message "Could not request certificate: No route
to host - connect(2)" when I''m trying to connect my pclient to
I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
[root@pclient etc]# hostname -f
[root@pmaster etc]# hostname -f
I tried requesting for certificate:
[root@pclient etc]# puppetd --server
2011 Apr 04
Puppet nagios integration problem
Hi all,
I''m working on setting up Puppet to write out my Nagios configs. A few
weeks back I inserted a few dummy Nagios checks into my Puppet config,
and the Nagios configs were written out properly.
I''ve now added loads of Nagios host and service checks like this:
@@nagios_service { "check_smtp_${hostname}":
check_command =>
2007 Jul 11
Best practise guide
I''m a new puppet user (thanks !) and I''m just looking at moving my
homegrown manifest structure into something resembling the best practise
guide at :
http://www.reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/PuppetBestPractice. It
seems as if the structure here doesn''t map to the default puppet layout
(and thus doesn''t work with the standard puppet config
2010 Oct 06
weird ELF error
Anyone know what this is? It doesn''t seem related to puppet but I''m stumped.
info: Loading facts in dmidecode
info: Loading facts in cpuinfo
debug: catalog supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw yaml; using pson
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:55:in `deserialize''
2007 Feb 09
Module Organization
This is in reference to David Schmitt''s writeup [1]
I like that writeup a lot; I just had a few comments/clarifications:
* Namespaces: For now, we just use a flat namespace for modules, i.e.
you can''t have modules within modules, and you always know that in a
fully qualified name ''foo::bar::baz'' that ''foo'' is the module name and
2012 Apr 25
Exec and snmpd restart question
Hello Pros and users of Puppet.
I have two problems with the following modul setup:
My first problem that i tried every combination of
require,notify,subscribe for the mail sending exec but it runs every
single time when i run the module no matter if the files changed or
Second problem that puppet reports that snmpd was refreshed by two
resource and restarted but actually it doesnt happen.
2010 Nov 19
augeas / sudoers
Hello everybody!
How can i create with puppet following sudoers file:
User_Alias CENTREON=apache,nagios
CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* restart
CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* reload
CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nagios* -v *
The problem that augeas create only last line, replacing previous one.
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2011 Aug 05
Variable scope when having node inheritance
I''m having some trouble with the following setup:
node ''serverA'' inherits server-defaults {
include myApp::install
node ''server-defaults'' inherits default {
$sudoenv = ''custom_server''
node default {
$sudoenv = ''default''
include sudoers::config
class sudoers::config {
file {
2011 Jun 27
Ruby script to download files without 'puppet agent'
We have often the Problem that some files need to be checked for updates
faster than the cycle of the puppet agent. I try to solve this with a
script which tries to download the files directly from the fileserver of
the puppetmaster. So far i couldn''t get it to work.
I don''t know if i got the URL right, i did not find any examples on the
REST API documentation for the
2011 Sep 21
Two parameterized classes calling both a thirth class (results in already defined)
Hi all,
I have three parameterized classes, named mq, mq_gsk and apache.
The mq class always calls the mq_gsk class, but the apache class
should only call the mq_gsk class when the mq class is not used in a
hosts'' node definition
Here is my configuration
class mq (
$gsk_version = undef ) {
require mq::params
< ..... >
class { ''mq_gsk'':
2007 Oct 18
verify before deploy
so I have this sudo module that I''ve been working on:
class auth::sudo {
package { sudo: ensure => installed }
file { sudo_config:
name => "/tmp/sudoers",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 0440,
notify => Exec["sudoers-syntax"],
source => [
2013 Oct 15
hiera_array, structured data and multiple levels of hierarchy
Hi all!
I''m trying to setup a puppet module for sudo that will write multiple files
with separate data for each file, all dependent on the hiera hierarchy.
Here''s the relevant portion of my hiera.yaml:
> :hierarchy:
> - "datacenter/app/role/node/%{::clientcert}"
> - "datacenter/app/role/%{::server_role}"
> -
2011 Jul 25
Sudo #includedir function ignored CentOS 6
I am unable to get the #includedir function to work with sudo. This works
just fine on all my CentOS 5.6 servers, but on 6 it is being ignored. I
have this line in the file /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix-puppet
zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet
However sudo still requires a password. If I put that same line into
/etc/sudoers file , there is no password prompt. At the end of my
2008 Mar 18
Overriding a file without causing duplicate definitions
Hello folks.
I''ve got a problem that I can''t work out the solution to.
My base workstation node definition says essentially:
node base-workstation {
file { etc-sudoers:
name => "/etc/sudoers", ...
This works fine, all of our workstations get a standardised sudoers file.
However, I have one user on a workstation who needs a specialised
sudoers file.
2013 Apr 03
calling_module vs module_name ?
In using Hiera, what is the difference between calling_module
and module_name?
Which is should be used?
- %{environment}/%{calling_module}/common
- %{environment}/%{module_name}/common
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2011 Feb 02
Two file mode bugs in puppet 0.25?
I''m using puppet 0.25.5 and just discovered two file resource bugs. I
suspect the bugs did not exist in 0.24 because the code were using that
triggers them has been the same for a long time and while it is possible we
did not notice the problem earlier, it seems unlikely as it has been
triggering failures in our automated system tests since around the time we
2011 Aug 25
manage sudoers with augeas
I am trying to use augeas via puppet,
augeas { "mailops":
context => "/files/etc/sudoers",
changes => [
"set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/user %mail-ops",
"set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/host ALL",
"set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/command[1] \"/bin/su
2012 Nov 28
Could not retrieve information from environment production source
I''m using puppet 3.0
i install puppet by these two command:
sudo rpm -i
sudo yum install puppet-server
2009 Sep 24
puppet permissons
Today I was testing Puppet''s fileserver feature and and error came up:
client> /usr/sbin/puppetd --test --verbose --server puppet
info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml
notice: Starting catalog run
notice: //Node[default]/sudo/Package[sudo]/ensure: created
err: //Node[default]/sudo/File[/etc/sudoers]: Failed to retrieve current state
of resource: No specified source