similar to: only one puppet client fails with yum

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "only one puppet client fails with yum"

2007 Apr 26
Struggling to define multiple yum/rug repositories
My head hurts from trying to figure this out for the past several hours . . . I want to determine what provider to use based on a fact (thanks for the suse version fact btw) but I ain''t gettin it: What''s wrong? Am I going down the completely wrong path? Is there a better way? # suse-yum.pp case $suse_repo_name { #sled10-i586: {Package{ provider => rug}} sled10-i586:
2011 Mar 24
run stages in puppet 2.6
hello guys, I am trying to incorporate run stages into my puppet setup. I''ve been working with this for a few days and I haven''t quite got the hang of it yet... When I attempt my puppet run this is the error I see: ------------------------------------------------ [root@chromews21 ~]# puppetd -t err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
2008 Feb 22
Yumrepo and managing the contents of /etc/yum.repos.d directory...
Puppet version: 0.22.4 facterversion => 1.3.7 rubyversion => 1.8.5 Given the following: file { yum_repo_d: path => "/etc/yum.repos.d", ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true } yumrepo { pkg_repo: descr => "Packages Repository", enabled => 1, baseurl => "http://Some/path/", gpgcheck => 0,
2008 Aug 21
YumRepo Warning: not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - 5 is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet
Hi all Does anyone know what causes this error? I have setup a local CentOS repository, with mrepo, and can succesfully use it for updates & installation of just about anything. Yet, this error comes up. Here's my /etc/yum.conf: # PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo # in /etc/yum.repos.d [base-local] name=CentOS-$releasever - Base #mirrorlist=
2009 Apr 29
Puppet and yum repositories
I''m running puppet 0.24.6 on CentOS 5.2 from a puppetmaster on a virtual server to a variety of client servers both virtual and metal running either CentOS 5.2 or Fedora Core 10. I want to extend this to servers running RHEL 5 (and 6) in the near future. My problem is I have puppet set up with all repositories (mirrored locally using cobbler) included in one file in
2010 Jul 26
Php 5.2.x support ends
Thinking of just sitting on this for awhile? Thoughts? Last release for PHP 5.2 & updates for 5.3 PHP Logo The users of PHP 5.2 should upgrade to 5.3 at their earliest convenience, as the active support of the 5.2 series came to an end with the release of version 5.2.14 earlier today. PHP 5.2.0 was released almost four years ago and according to the release announcement,
2013 Aug 23
yum update after update from 6.3 to 6.4 - problems with epel repository.
Hi All. I've updated my system from 6.3 to 6.4. In my /etc/yum.repos.depel.repo I have: [epel] name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux - $basearch #baseurl=$basearch mirrorlist=$basearch failovermethod=priority gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
2011 Nov 01
2.7.6 yumrepo not working
Just upgraded to 2.7.6 and the yumrepo type does not write out our yum configs correctly, anyone experiencing this? Documentation hasn''t changed from what I can tell for this type. # facter -version 1.6.2 # puppetd --version 2.7.6 # facter architecture x86_64 # facter operatingsystem Fedora # facter operatingsystemrelease 14 ==== My manifest ==== yumrepo {
2012 Jul 05
proper usage of global variables / node variables / +=
Hello puppet masters, I am cleaning up some puppet modules, using puppet-lint. The warning I am getting is: top-scope variable being used without an explicit namespace I can turn this particular check off, but in doing my research I''m finding all sorts of messages saying to avoid using +=, to avoid using variables in the node scope, and to switch to a parameterized class whenever
2006 Aug 30
Yum updates packages for other arch too
Hi, I have the x86_64 arch on my server so therfore i expect that yum updates only x86_64 packages. With the last *yum update* i?ve noticed a strange behaviour while retrieving the needed packeges. As you you see, yum wants install packages for different architectures: glibc x86_64 2.3.4-2.25 base 4.9 M glibc i686 2.3.4-2.25 base 5.1 M . .
2012 Jun 01
problems installing parted tool
i have downloaded the CentOS distribution that comes with Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) at i am trying to install the parted utility. yum install parted however, i get the following message. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Setting up Install Process No package parted available. Nothing to do any ideas on what's
2009 Dec 04
yumrepo is missing name attribute in repo files using puppet-0.24.8-4.el5
I''m using puppet-0.24.8-4.el5 on CentOS 5.4. My problem is yumrepo isn''t writing the "name=" field to the repository files which causes yum to complain with the error: Repository ''local-CentOS-5.4-x86_64'' is missing name in configuration, using id I get this behavior on all of my yumrepo definitions. One of them looks like this: yumrepo {
2007 Apr 12
Suse documentation
Hi, I''ve writen a draft describing puppet on SuSE/opensuse linux. Any feedback is welcome. Martin
2016 Aug 25
Centos 7 and php 5.5
On 08/25/2016 07:07 AM, Alice Wonder wrote: > Looks like you are trying to install packages built for EL6 in EL7 > > I'm fairly certain Remi has EL7 packages for PHP 7. That should read "PHP packages for EL7"
2007 Jul 20
centosplus repo updates
Hello, First of all thanks to the poster on the wiki for centosplus. I've configed it added include and exclude lines, do i need the centos-priority plugin? I want to enable centosplus to use the centosplus kernel and the centosplus webstack. Below are my base, updates, and centosplus repo definitions. I'm getting an error when i do a yum update that a dependency for postfix
2008 Aug 07
Firewire/IEEE1394 support on repro and yum update
Helo, I'm trying to update a centos server with a kernel form the repro because it contain Firewire/IEEE1394 support. But when y do a : # yum update The kernel from the base is more recent thant the centos plus repro I have tried with the plug-in and it didn't take the right kernel :
2007 Jul 17
Yumrepo''s subscribe ran before package require Yumrepo?
I am trying to set a "subscribe" for a Yumrepo object so that an Exec "yum clean all" is ran immediately after a Yumrepo is changed. With the following setup, I am not seeing the "subscribe" fire off until after Packages that have a require pointing to the Yumrepo["custom"] are attempted to be installed. Is in right to expect that the subscribe on the
2008 Jun 19
can't install software, "not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - 5 is not a valid release or hasnt been released yet"
Hi all I've just installed CentOS 5.1 x64, from the 1st CD (minimal installation) and then tried to install Apache, but keep on getting this error: [root at cacti ~]# yum install apache Loading "installonlyn" plugin Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration Setting up Install Process Setting up repositories not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos,
2008 Jan 31
centosplus + priority plugin
I have a Centos 4 box that has been updated all the way to 4.6 without using the centosplus repository. Now I want to use the centosplus repository for Centos 4 to get the latest LAMP, mod_perl, perl and other perl modules so that I can install rt 3.6.6 and its necessary modules. However, for some reason, the latest perl package in the centosplus repository does not appear on the radar when
2011 May 27
local repo
Hi all, When I am installing I use kickstart and have a line like: repo --name=Updates --baseurl= and that works great for installing the OS. After that the machine reboots and I have it automatically go into additional installations running scripts. These installations do "yum install XXX". However, its no longer using my above repo