similar to: Re: Re: Re: Towards a solution of tmp-file problems (fwd)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Re: Re: Re: Towards a solution of tmp-file problems (fwd)"

1998 Mar 12
Re: Re: Re: Re: Towards a solution of tmp-file problems (fwd)
>Forwarding a message from Steve \"Stevers!\" Coile: >> This is already possible. Create the file then unlink it. The file >> contents aren''t deleted and i-node isn''t released until the file is >> closed. > >Without kernel support, unlinking the file at creation time requires >a code change in the process which creates the file. And this
1998 Mar 12
Re: message rejected: Re: Re: Towards a solution of tmp-file problems.
G''day Roger, Forwarding a message from > Passing by fd means coding changes. > > The C compiler classically compiles you C program to preprocessed C > code in /tmp/ccxxxxx.i, throws that at the first compiler pass, ends > up with /tmp/ccxxxxx.s, throws the assembler at that file, gets > /tmp/ccxxxxxx.o and finally throws a linker at that file to
1998 Mar 11
Re: Re: Towards a solution of tmp-file problems
Forwarding a message from Rogier Wolff: > > Nick Andrew wrote: > > Theo De Raadt pointed out (possibly not in this thread) that basing > > protection on euid is not workable. Although I like the concept of > > variable expansion in pathnames, I don''t see it as a security mechanism. > > Why not? Because programs that _were_ privileged but have set euid ==
2008 Jan 21
sorting in 'merge'
Hello everyone, I've been advised to use merge to extract information from two data.frames with a number of common columns, but I cannot get a grasp on how it sorts the result. With sort=FALSE, I would expect it to give the result back sorted exactly as the input was but it seems it is not always the case, especially when there are repeats in the input. For example: > a =
2009 Jan 16
rspec model testing - test on user defined validation- How do I test that the create failed.
I''m new to rspec and looking for way to test a validation I added to a model. The test checks to see that if field1 has a value then field2 must be nil and vice versa. ------------------------------- When I did the rspec_scaffold it generated one test which worked before :each do @valid_attributes = { :field1 = "value for field1" :field2 = "value for
2006 Aug 10
I need "validates_presence_of" help
Hi - I have 3 fileds a user can fill out. They can fill out 2 of them or just one of them, for example. fill out these 2 fields: Field1 and Field2 Or fill out this field: Field3 In my model how do I use validates_presence_of for Field1 and Field2 or just Field3. I want to do something like this: validates_presence_of Field1, Field2 OR validates_presence_of Field3 So the user can fill out
2011 Oct 05
Weird behaviour of tab characters in a string in R (vs Python)
Hello, I wanted to parse some information from a text, where fields are tab separated. When I copy the text into an R session (under emacs) like: mystring <- "field1 field2 field3" the tab character is replaced by a single space! For ex, if I type mystring, I get: "field1 field2 field3" The tabs have disappeared!!! I checked with Python that the text I copied was tab
2008 May 29
how to use substring match as condition?
Hi, How can I use a substring match as a condition in a subset command? Sth like this: subset(input, field1=="blah1" & field2=="blah2") # but now with substring match in field2 subset(input, field1=="blah1" & field3 *substringmatch* "blah3") I've tried with gsub, but it won't work: subset(input, field1=="blah1" &
2007 Jul 16
Field initialization order bug?
I believe that I may have found a bug in R. The top code sample gives an error as shown. However, by simply switching which field is initialized first as in the bottom code sample, it works as expected. This gives an error: a <- NULL a[["field1"]] <- 1 a[["field2"]] <- matrix(c(2,1), 1) Error in a[["field2"]] <- matrix(c(2, 1), 1) : more elements
2006 Jan 13
How to add virtual fields in model
I want to add virtual fields in a model. table: field1 field2 I want to add field3 which is field1*2 + field2 I know tihs can be achieved in View, but I want it in model. Then I will pass this model to PagerRenderer to paginate. How to achieve this? thanks -- Posted via
2007 Feb 23
bug with boolean query evaluation containing parenthesis and NOT ?
Hi, The following [simplified] query works well, however a variation which includes parenthesis seems to fail, in that it returns hits which should be excluded by the NOT term. This is surprising because in this simple case, the parenthesis shouldn''t change the Boolean evaluation ... any pointers? Working Query: field1:value1 AND NOT field2:value2 Failing Query: field1:value1 AND
2009 Sep 10
tranform a table?
hello everyone, i'm new to R, so i hope you dont mind a fairly basic R question. we're using R to manipulate the results of SQL queries and create an HTML output. I'm starting with a table that looks essentially like this: Name Field1 Field2 John value1 value2 Jane value3 value4 My table is stored as a dataframe. I'd like to efficiently produce an
2007 Feb 17
Conditional data frame manipulation
Hi all, My current project brought forth the snippet below, which modifies in each row of a data frame a certain field depending on another field in the same row. Dealing with data of some 30000 entries this works, but is horribly slow. Can anyone show this newbie how to do this properly (faster ;0)? for (i in 1:nrow(dataframe)){ if
2006 Feb 05
Database Querry without a Object or Model associated with it
I have a need to connect to a separate database in order to get some information from that DB but I am trying to figure out the most elegant way to do it. With this application there will be times when a new DB will be added to the mix and I would rather not have to add models to my app every-time a new database is added. I could do it this way if that is how everyone tells me to go, but
2013 Aug 10
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Poor code generation for paired load
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Quentin Colombet <qcolombet at> wrote: > Hi, > > I am investigating a poor code generation on x86-64 involving a 64-bits > structure with two 32-bits fields (in the attached examples float, but > similar behavior is exposed with i32, and we can probably generalize that to > smaller types too). > The root cause of the problem is
2006 Apr 17
has_one problem in a form
Hello all, I have a syntax question. How does one refer to a field brought in via a has_one/belongs_to relationship in a form helper? Basically, I have two models: class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :other_thing end class OtherThing < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :resource end It has the normal id-resource_id foreign key relationship. OtherThing has two fields, plus the
2009 Aug 15
How to use R to perform prediction based on history data
Say I have a csv file, each row contains several fields, one of them are whether the row is success. In history data, I have all the fields including the result of whether it is success. In future data, I only have fields without the result. For example: history data: Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 ResultField 1231 CA TRUE 443 TRUE 23231 NC TRUE 123 FALSE
2013 Aug 09
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Poor code generation for paired load
Hi, I am investigating a poor code generation on x86-64 involving a 64-bits structure with two 32-bits fields (in the attached examples float, but similar behavior is exposed with i32, and we can probably generalize that to smaller types too). The root cause of the problem is in SROA, although I am not sure we should fix something there. That is why I need your advices. ** Problem ** 64-bits
2012 Apr 09
[LLVMdev] llc -march=cpp fails when using some STL stuff?
Hi, I'm really a novice in experimenting with LLVM, so I might be doing something plain wrong here, but I can't understand why this snippet // File ticket.cpp struct ticket { int field1; char field2[10]; } _ticket; goes fine through the sequence 1) clang++ -O0 -S -emit-llvm ticket.cpp (which generates ticket.s) 2) llc -march=cpp ticket.s So that I end up with a ticket.s.cpp that I
2013 Aug 12
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Poor code generation for paired load
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Quentin Colombet <qcolombet at> wrote: > Hi Eli, > > Thanks for the feedbacks. > > On Aug 9, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: > > On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Quentin Colombet <qcolombet at> > wrote: > > Hi, > > I am investigating a poor code generation on