similar to: source /etc/profile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "source /etc/profile"

2012 Jul 25
manifest variable with sed - problem
Hello, i have a problem in my sudo manifest file, because in the variable $name comes sometimes usernames like user.lastname, but i need for sudo (includedir */etc/sudoers.d/*) file names with no dots (like user_lastname). I need a new variable, where is the dots change by underscores. My first try was like this, but it isn''t working well. $name_underscore = "`echo $name | sed
2015 Aug 14
Build R on Haiku
Hi R-devel, I'm trying to get R 3.2.1 working on Haiku (an open source OS inspired by BeOS, not Linux based) on i586. With a few small changes to library paths and ifdefs I am able to get a seemingly working R binary. The build process stops with the 'tools' package. The last lines from make are below. Does anyone have any tips? I'm rather new to debugging at this low level. Are
2010 Dec 24
buildr Windows 7 64 bit problems
Preface: I''m not overly familiar with the inner workings of RoR, so I apologize for my relatively superficial knowledge upfront I have a new 64 bit Windows 7 machine. My dev environment on my old machine which functions fine (sans a functioning monitor -- thus the new machine), I have the following installed and functioning well: Ruby 1.8.6 using the Windows MSI installer Buildr 1.3.3
2007 May 30
java bindings 1.0.0 - jni.h not found
Hi all, I am new to Xapian and want to use it with Java. In order to do that I tried to compile the Java bindings. I set XAPIAN_CONFIG and invoked "configure". However "./configure --with-java" exits with an error. Point of failure: checking for jni.h... no checking for jni.h in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/include... no checking for jni.h in
2006 Aug 06
Official Java
What is the official method to install Java on Centos? I searched, but could find no mention of Java on the Web site. Ted Miller Centos 4.3 x86_64 Indiana
2005 Feb 26
Wierd asterisk-perl compilation problem
I am running a fully updated Fedora Core 3 server, and installed a pretty thin system, and have just installed packages as needed. My problem is that I am trying to get asterisk-perl installed, but it keeps segmentation faulting on me. I know a little python but perl baffles me. # perl Makefile.PL Segmentation fault ==========Strace============
2011 Mar 09
prerun_command don't stop puppet on error
When an error occurs in prerun_command, puppet continues execution instead of stopping. We can see the error at the log file, but puppet cotinues doing changes: puppetd[18430]: Failed to prepare catalog: Could not run command from prerun_command: Execution of ''/path/to/command'' returned 1: We want to prevent changes when an error occurs in prerun_command. Our puppet.conf:
2011 Jun 09
Prerun, Postrun Commands, and Stages
Hi all, I''m looking for background information about how bug #7127[1] should be fixed: prerun_command don''t stop puppet on error I think there''s general agreement that if the prerun command fails, then the catalog should not be applied, but the report should be sent, and the report''s status should be "failed". However, what about the post-run
2013 Oct 28
inline_template private method `gets' called for false:FalseClass
Hi, I am new to Ruby ERB and inline_template. Can anyone spot what''s wrong with this inline_template? $moddedContent = inline_template("<%= puts gets(nil).gsub(/one two three/,\"\") /tmp/blah %>") exec { "/bin/echo ''${moddedContent}'' > /tmp/blah" : } When I try to apply it, I
2011 Aug 08
Hash Interpolation inside double quotes?
I''ve got this: file { ''/opt/sugarsync/tomcat/tomcat-home/current'': ensure => "tomcat-$config[''tomcat_version_server'']"; where $config[''tomcat_version_server''] was set with extlookup (the yaml one), by loading: --- tomcat_config: tomcat_version_server: 6.0.20-1 tomcat_version_libs: 1.0-1
2011 Apr 07
Ubuntu Execution of '/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-pre' returned 1:
Hi I have just put puppet onto a new Ubuntu install and it ran a couple of times but now I get Execution of ''/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-pre'' returned 1: whenever puppetd runs. Grepping on etckeeper-commit turns up lots of posts to ubuntu and debian forums about changes made in February. Does anyone know what the story is? I''ve ended up with a screwed pam
2011 Jul 02
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target "File[]"
I''m running Puppet 2.7.1 on the master as well as the agent and just received a new error which doesn''t actually reference a module or a file, so I''m somewhat stuck as to how to debug this. Any pointers? The error is err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target
2011 Jun 16
Problem with usage of arrays
Hi there, i can''t use array in puppet. Here is my codesnipplet: $callapidata = [ ''wert1'',''wert2''] notice $callapidata[1] A puppetrun results in: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: can''t convert String into Integer at /etc/puppet/myenv/modules/ uc4client/manifests/init.pp:41 on node testnode Thanks for your
2012 Mar 27
Arrays from templates
Hi, I am having an issue trying to use the inline_template function to return an array. This is what I do: $array = inline_template ("<%= a=[''a1'',''b2'',''c3'']; a %>") notify {"array: ${array}":} And that works, showing the typical comma-less string: notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[array: a1b2c3]/message: defined
2010 Oct 14
manipulating facter variable
I''m trying to manipulate the following facter variable: ipaddress => What I need is the second group of digits. If it''s 84 then location is A, but if it''s 85 then location is B. In puppet I couldn''t grab this second set of digits, but maybe there is a way? I''ve already tried to make a custom fact, but my ruby knowledge is *ahem* pretty
2010 Jun 17
Joining an AD domain when hostname != netbios name
I'm trying to join a RHEL5 host to an AD domain, and can do this successfully when I set those hostname to the same value as the samba "netbios name" parameter. However, when I try with a hostname != netbios name, it fails. Is it possible to join a machine when the hostname isn't the same as the netbios name? The reason for wanting this is because I have a whole load of servers
2012 Jul 05
hash to_yaml in erb template not giving valid yaml
Hi, I want to use a file resource to write a facts.yaml file for Mcollective. For some reason it won''t provide a valid yaml format if I dump my scope to hash and convert to_yaml. file { "/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml" : owner => root, group => root, mode => 400, loglevel => debug, #content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject {
2010 Mar 09
rJava works on karmic for root but not for user sean
Good afternoon, A strange one - library(rJava) works for root but not for user sean On 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10, using R as root (sudo -i), I can say library(rJava) and it works fine with no error message of any kind. But logged in as myself user "sean", it can't start... sean at SeansPC:~$ R --no-save --vanilla R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for
2009 Jun 30
Variable named "memory" in templates
I tried to use a Puppet variable named "$memory" and access it from a template, like this: $memory = 4711 file { "/tmp/test.txt": content => inline_template("memory = <%= memory %>\n"); } One would think that my file would contain "memory = 4711" after that, but instead the memory variable seems to hold a
2004 Dec 29
Makefile vs Makevars vs configure
Apologies in advance for the long post. I'm currently using a Makefile to build my shared library. Pursuant to the R-exts manual, I'd like to switch to a Makevars file or a configure file if necessary. Having never used these types of make utilities before, I'm a bit lost. My package is quite simple. It only has one source file and one header: excelpoi.cpp excelpoi.h The reason I