similar to: When do modules get auto-imported

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "When do modules get auto-imported"

2009 Nov 12
Multiple environments
So I''m trying to get multiple environments to work with puppet 0.25.1 on ubuntu 8.04 and no matter what I do, puppet just completely ignores any environment setting. There''s really next to no information in terms of configuration on the multiple environments documentation page ( other than saying that the
2011 Apr 19
Puppet environment can't be used in extlookup (precedence)
Anyone able to explain why "$fqdn" works and "$environment" doesn''t in: $extlookup_precedence=["%{fqdn}","%{environment}","common"] How to reproduce it: ----------------------------- - In "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp" : $extlookup_datadir = "/etc/puppet/manifests/extdata"
2012 Dec 19
Template in site.pp
Can I use a template in site.pp? I have a templates directory in my /etc/puppet directory which has my template, but i get this error message: Wed Dec 19 09:19:23 -0800 2012 Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find template ''server.xml.erb'' at /etc/puppet/manifests/tcuser.pp:52 on node
2010 Sep 28
YUMREPO { productname => PowerEdge 2650}
Hello All, How do I specify a variable that has a space in it? I''m trying to setup a yum repo that has two different baseurl''s based on the product name ($productname). Default goes one way, but if the product is "PowerEdge 2650" then is a different URL. The thing is, that is only picking up the default. How should I specify the value with the space in the
2013 Apr 12
MCollective and Puppet with periodic runs disabled
Hi, I have looked all over the place and can''t seem to find a complete answer to my query I am setting up MCollective to run alongside my puppet deployment and am having some problems getting it to play as I want it to Basically, I need to make sure that puppet NEVER makes any changes without them being triggered by someone (I honestly can''t see how anyone would ever want
2011 Oct 24
extlookup not working correctly in 2.7.6
I''m trying to upgrade from 2.6.7 to to 2.7.6 and I''m running into an issue in my extlookup() calls. A lot of the variables which should be defined aren''t defined within extlookup.rb. I''ve tested 2.6.7 agent and 2.7.5 agent against the 2.6.7 master and 2.7.6 master. I adjusted extlookup.rb slightly to provide some debug output.
2011 Jan 07
Exactly how do people replace include with parametrised classes?
Hi list, Reading the thread "can a class require an other class?" it''s been mentioned that perhaps one way forward for the Puppet language is to phase out the include keyword in favour of parametrised classes. I''m thinking of my Puppet and the several levels of include chaining I use and I''m wondering how on earth that''d be possible. Maybe
2012 Sep 30
in-module data with hiera
hello, Till now hiera-puppet was the only way I know that allowed hiera data to be loaded from inside a module. The problem with this was that it was still subject to the site specific hierarchy which means a module author had a pretty hard time to store his data in a proper way in his module thus perpetuating the use of the params classes pattern. Now that Puppet 3 is out and it''s gem
2010 Jul 07
inventory of managed resources
Hi, are there any good ways of scripting an inventory of managed resources on all nodes? I''ve found the inventory script by R.I.Pienaar ( which does what I want but only locally on each client. Is there any native way of syncing the client_yaml data centrally or any other way of doing this? I need a
2009 Oct 08
quick split function question
With 0.25 we can use the split function to parse a string in to an array. In puppet how can I reference a single element of that array? $temp = "1,2,3,4" Then i''d lilke to do : $val = split($temp,'','')[0] Thanks, Matt --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2010 Nov 11
preferred directory structure for multiple environments
Hello All, Moving from 2.5 to 2.6.2 and I was wondering if there is a preferred directory structure for using multiple environments? Does it work much different in 2.6 than in 2.5? When I made the move I assumed (I know) that my current structure and configurations would just roll over but that isn''t the case. Thanks, Jim -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2010 Jun 04
running puppet withput puppetmasterd
Hi, I''m pretty sure I once did some experiments with running puppet wihtout a puppertmasterd - but having a "normal" puppet manifests and modules structure in /etc/puppet. Sadly, I can''t find how to do that anymore. I know I can write plain puppet instructions in a file.pp and run them plainly - but I want the whole config as if it would reside on a server) When I
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and
2013 Mar 05
Mcollective/Puppet Connector
When attempting to execute the mcollective puppet plugin: # mco puppet runonce -v aixl : execution expired aixj : execution expired I get an error, ''execution expired'' on some hosts. However, these hosts respond via mco ping and, I have verified the date/time on the servers. The puppet agent is also
2010 Apr 05
Problem syncing custom fact
I am trying to get a custom fact to sync. The fact is in a module. It will sync if I run puppet with "--pluginsync" but not otherwise. I have "pluginsync=true" in my puppet.conf. Shouldn''t the command line option and puppet.conf option have the same results? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2011 Jul 13
nodes.pp in different environments
Hi guys I have a small question, I have 3 environments in puppet.conf file: [development] modulepath=/etc/puppet/development/modules manifests=/etc/puppet/development/manifests/site.pp I have defined the site.pp path, my question is do I need to make a nodes.pp for every environment?????? Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
2012 Apr 12
Developing a module: Use it from the current directory?
In general, the loading/import/namespacing mechanism is really something that I cannot wrap my head around, even after reading the relevant sections in the documentation. Specifically, I''m trying to put together a module. I believe I have the correct module structure: $ find . ./test.pp ./graphite ./graphite/manifests ./graphite/manifests/init.pp ./graphite/files
2013 May 29
How can I use "puppet apply" with hiera?
I''m running Puppet v2.7.14. I have a puppet master server with Hiera and it works great. I also want to be able to apply my manifests locally on a node. I have installed Hiera on my node and I can verify using the Hiera command line application that values can be looked up: user@tag5-4-qa-sjc:~$ hiera corp_puppet_server region=northamerica datacenter=sjc environment=qa --debug DEBUG:
2012 Feb 22
Handling unique cases
Hello, Everybody! I need to allow my developers to run a special script on QA servers and nowhere else. I put this sort of thing in place: class app-server { packages: foo:; bar:; baz:; if $environment == ''qa'' { file { ''a'': content => ... } } which feels kinda kludgey to me. Is there a better way to handle unique cases like this
2007 Aug 08
Modules, modules, everywhere
Hello folks, At Stanford, we use modules to define every possible service, package, feature in the traditional sense (apache, ntp, iptables, etc). Then, for clients (such as other departments) and "services" (such as our mailman infrastructure, our ldap infrastructure, etc), we use manifests in /master/manifests and distributable files in /dist/ and templates in /master/templates.