similar to: A lens for mucking with puppet content / modules

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "A lens for mucking with puppet content / modules"

2010 May 14
[PATCH] Rely on new augeas lens for modules.conf and conf.modules
We were previously forcing the augeas Modprobe lens to match modules.conf and conf.modules. It turns out that the contents of these files are quite different to modprobe.conf, requiring a new lens. This change keeps the logic which looks for where modules should go, but doesn't update the augeas configuration. If there is no augeas lens for /etc/modules.conf, any attempt to parse or modify it
2011 Oct 07
puppet 2.7.5 and augeas break grub.conf on RHEL5
Hi, I was running puppet (2.7.5) on a host which needed to have some settings changed in it''s /boot/grub/menu.lst file. This file is however a link to /boot/grub/grub.conf When I used augeas in puppet like shown below augeas { "${dom0::params::module_label}_menu.lst_memory": incl => ''/ boot/grub/menu.lst'', lens => ''Grub.lns'', changes
2013 Oct 04
Converting augeas snippet to puppet augeas resource
(apologies in advance for the line wrap) I have the following tidbit of augeas code, which inserts a rule into /etc/sysconfig/iptables as the first rule of a specifically named chain; # augtool> insert append before "/files/etc/sysconfig/iptables/table/append[. = ''Mayo-Firewall-INPUT''][1]" # augtool> match /files/etc/sysconfig/iptables/table/append[. =
2012 Jan 22
Augeas lens for zabbix agent config files?
Hi all, I''m trying to come up with a lens for the zabbix agent config files. I find the lens language untransparent at best, so I''m struggeling to figure out what''s up. The debugging possibilities are extremely limited. Here''s what I have now: zabbix.aug: ==== (** An adjusted copy of the postfix_main module **) module Zabbix_agent = autoload xfm
2012 Aug 28
using puppet augeas to add entry in /etc/syslog.conf
Hi , I"m trying to add a entry in /etc/syslog.conf using puppet augeas like this " *.warning;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none @syslog_host" , seems the way to do this with augeas is : augeas { "syslog_conf": lens => "syslog.lns", incl => "/etc/syslog.conf",
2010 Dec 23
Multiple AllowGroups entries in sshd_config with Puppet and Augeas
Hi, After extensively looking into puppet + augeas for managing the AllowGroups in sshd_config, I came to the conclusion that it won''t work as I expected :( So I''m sharing my thoughts here. The main objective is allowing multiple groups per-node, depending on what the security team wants. Since I want this to be dynamic, I created a define in a class: class ssh::server::config
2013 Oct 10
Augeas XML trouble
Hello everyone, I am currently trying to add elements to an XML file (a libvirt network definition) using Puppet (2.7.23)/Augeas (0.10). The XML looks like this: <network> <name>virbr0</name> <uuid>57fdc6e3-cba1-4110-88ef-850f1b71ee39</uuid> <forward dev=''eth0'' mode=''nat''/> <bridge
2010 Sep 29
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find a default provider for augeas
Hello, I get these message when i try to run puppet with augeas. Puppet Version are 2.6.1 on server and client. The ouput of the puppet Client with debug: debug: Failed to load library ''selinux'' for feature ''selinux'' debug: Failed to load library ''shadow'' for feature ''libshadow'' debug:
2012 Jul 31
Long processing time using Augeas
Hi! I using Augeas to handle dump and passno for certain mount points in /etc/fstab. Each mount point is defined as it''s own augeas block: augeas { ''homeLV'': context => ''/files/etc/fstab'', changes => [
2012 Jan 26
Question about puppet module development
Hi all. I want to write module for kerberos configuration. I planned configure realms by using subclasses like in saz-sudo module: ... ### Adding sudoers definition (includes installation of sudo) sudo::conf { ''admins'': priority => 10, content => ''%admins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'', } ... But this module just createing file in
2010 Dec 29
Puppet and augeas - onlyif conditions; overwriting default values
Hello, I am still not getting warm with augeas and puppet, there are some things I do not understand. At the moment I am trying the following: - I want to set some kernel parameters in the /etc/sysctl.conf file - in one puppet module, I have defined some default values for the kernel parameters - but for several servers I want to modify some of these values, therefore I would like to overwrite
2010 Jun 30
[PATCH 1/2] Add new augeas directory with grub lens
Add a directory to contain required augeas lenses which aren't yet upstream. Include a new lens for grub's --- augeas/README.txt | 4 ++++ augeas/device_map.aug | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 augeas/README.txt create mode 100644 augeas/device_map.aug diff --git a/augeas/README.txt
2013 Jan 24
Augeas file line edit please help
what i thought would be a simple edit using augeas is turning out to not be so straight forward, can anyone please help ? the plan is to edit and change the default DS to DShostname.domain class mail { $key = DS service { ''sendmail'':; } augeas { "$key": context =>
2010 Oct 22
problem w/ puppet & augeus : xinetd.d/rsync server_args value
Hello, I would like to have the following line (among others) in my /etc/xinetd.d/rsync file : server_args = --daemon --address=<ipaddress_eth0> --log-file=/var/log/rsyncd.log To this end, i am using the camptocamp rsyncd module available from git. Everything works except this line. I thought it was, perhaps, a questions of spaces (this has been discussed on the list before),
2013 Mar 15
issue while installing puppet
Hi Heidi, Now We tried to install the puppet and puppet-server packages from puppetlabs, but we faced below discrepancy. Please look into this and let us know your suggestions because issue was not found in Puppet community as well. There was 1 issue related to this but it dint help us ( ) We went through
2009 Oct 29
Puppet + Augeas + dhcpd.conf
Has anyone used augeas to manage the dhcpd.conf file? I really don''t want to have a series of .d directories to build this thing. Each subnet needs to be a resource and each static host entry inside the subnet needs to be its own resource. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
2011 Dec 02
Using array's in Puppet (in combination with Augeas).
Hi, I have been struggling with arrays in puppet in combination with Augeas. I have written a define to configure network interfaces on Debian based distributions using Augeas. One of the requirements is the possibility to use the up/down mechanism. This where I run into a snag. Everything works fine until I try to setup more than than one up rule. First some code examples of the define: --
2011 Nov 04
augeas lens asterisk
Hi, does anybody have Augeas lens for Asterisk? I was googling for a while but could not find any information. Thanks, Vaclav Strachon
2024 Apr 29
NUT Augeas Lens definitions - help wanted
Cheers all, With PR I've paid some attention to the tools we have to help external consumers edit NUT configuration files. These go back to issues like (originally posted for "nutconf" improvement, and now with some more TODO's linked to it) and
2012 Apr 16
hiera puppet augeas and hash keys ?
Hi, if possible can someone post a working example please ? I am using hiera => puppet => augeas. cat myserver.yaml --- myserver: "Birthday": ''1'' "Debug": ''5'' The no. of settings will change, so i would like to use a hash here. The hiera lookup works already: >hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml -h myserver