similar to: Fedora resource -

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Fedora resource -"

2010 Jul 05
File-based Distribution, Module Function Logic and Per Setting (Augeas); Which method do you think is best for the env i help to support and why?
I am having a difficult time understanding and determining which module method is best for the env I help to support. Overview of systems supported: -There are 17+ clients. -4+ envs (dev, stage, beta, prod ..) per client -Several flavors and versions of OS ( Mostly fedora and centos ) -All are apache, some mongrel and most passenger -code deployments are capistrano -configurations are done with
2011 Feb 28
Nagios monitoring with example42 modules
Folks: I''ve started to play around with the comprehensive integrated module set from example42 ( Following the instructions, I set up one node as a nagios server, with ''include nagios''. I set up another node to be monitored via nagios, with ''include nagios::target". I set $monitor=true for the base node, which is inherited by
2012 Apr 02
Is there a way to upload modules releases to the Forge via CLI?
In order to contribute to the Forge in a sane and quick way I think it''s needed a way to upload new releases in a scriptable way. There''s a (long lasting) ticket open for that: but in the meantime I wonder if someone has managed to find a way to obtain the same result with some script. It shouldn''t be difficult. I tried,
2012 Oct 22
How do design next-gen modules, any guidelines ? a question for gurus...
Hi, My dilemma is how should I write my module to be "next-gen" ? Not from a code point of view but from a design/layout point of view. We wrote our modules for 2.6.x like every beginner would have done: write everything in init.pp. But now, the fashion is to use parameterized classes and Hiera which we will use with puppet 2.7.x. I mainly followed/watched what Example42 was doing.
2013 Jan 17
How do I manage puppet.conf? Let me count the ways.
In a recent post Nikola Petrov summerized methods for managing config files such as puppet.conf: * use augeas with virtual resources * use the concat module * use the standard template function with multiple arguments; look at and scroll down to "Combining templates" I can add a few others: * use the ini_setting type
2011 Oct 21
LSB facts
Hi All, In the example42 modules, I noticed the following is done: # Calculate OS version (without using lsb facts) $ossplit=split($operatingsystemrelease, ''[.]'') $osver=$ossplit[0] I''ve been using $lsbmajdistrelease in all my configs. Is there any particular reason why I might want to use the above instead? (apart from the dependency on redhat-lsb, which is
2012 Aug 25
JBOSS installation and Configuration through puppet
Hi All, I have puppet server and client ready. I found JBOSS module and manifests under<> and imported it through git. I am encountering these isse while I run : -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2013 Aug 13
params pattern when writing modules
So, I''ve been looking into the params pattern for writing modules, ie. having a params.pp file that init.pp inherits from as a place to use custom logic to set variables, and it seems very useful. I do have one question that I''m hoping someone can answer. If, for example, I look at an example42 module, everything is in params.pp. On the other hand, looking at, say,
2009 Oct 08
Installing libhildonfm2-dev for scratchbox
What seems to be an easy thing to do as to install a library into scratchbox is being something difficult to debug. The command "/scratchbox/moz_scratchbox -p apt-get --yes --force-yes install libhildonfm2-dev" can be run in a linux vm with the account "cltbld" without any problems but when I try to test it from this same slave (I remove first the package) or any other slave
2009 Jun 12
Obtaining puppet and facter for RHEL5/Centos5
What''s the correct yum repo to use for installing Puppet & Facter on RHEL5 and Centos5? I used to get them from the dlutter-rhel5 repo but this seems to be massively out of date now - latest version of puppet-server in there is 0.24.5-1.el5 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5. In Epel I see puppet-server 0.24.8-1.el5.1 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5 which is better but isn''t 1.5.4 the version
2007 Apr 17
Still having factsync trouble ...
Some time ago i sent to the list a problem i was having with facts on fedora core 6 and wasn''t able to find a solution at that time, but with the release of RHEL5 and CentOS 5 based on fc6 i have hit the problem again. i have written several facts to collect information about a clients network and i am also using the vmware fact from the wiki. i have separated my original fact into
2011 Jan 14
Using puppet to redeploy staging app
Hi, I''m building a staging environement and I would like it to be able to redeploy automatically, after each commit - or every hour, some applications. Those applications are right now deployed and set up by puppet. I wonder if I should use puppet to redeploy those applications after each commit, and if I should how trigger, on the puppet, a full redeployement of the application ? --
2007 Jul 26
source rpms for fedora
Hello, I'm running centos5. There's some rpms that exist on fedora that are not in centos5 in it's repos. I was wondering if it was possible to set up yum to get only selected packages in source rpm form ou of a fedora repo and install them on centos? In that way they could be recompiled for centos5. Thanks. Dave.
2012 Oct 18
Announce: Puppet 3.0.1 Available
Puppet 3.0.1 is a bugfix release for the 3.x series of Puppet. To see a list of the issues addressed by this release, check out the 3.0.1 version in our issue tracter at: This release contains contributions from the following people: Andrew Parker, Jeff McCune, Josh Cooper, Matthaus Owens, Moses Mendoza, Nick Fagerlund, Niels Abspoel, Patrick
2013 Jan 30
Mcollective on puppet server and agent?
I have a puppet server and various puppet agents. I want to do mcollective stuff. So please anyone tell me what should i install on puppet server and agent to run mcollective? Is there any need to install ActiveMQ also and where should i install it? Thanks in advance. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe
2013 May 20
puppet pull code from svn
How can i setup puppet to pull code from A current SVN server? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at
2007 Oct 26
user management
Hello, I would like to use puppet to manage my user accounts. I also have a requirement to do things like password aging on the systems, and enforcing strong passwords. I can create a user just fine with the user class and have it assign a password to the account. If I change the password on the local machine, puppet will reset it to the password specified in my user class. Is there a
2012 May 17
Newbie question: what to start from?
Hello fellow community members! I just joined you in order to find an information about how to start using Puppet... Currently we use cfengine for our legacy system containing several OS platforms, including physical and virtual servers. For fresh new hardware and OS versions we decided to go with Puppet due to it''s growing popularity (wow, 4082 members of this group only!).
2007 May 30
cobbler or puppet in Centos5
while i'm on a Centos5 kick, I was just curious if I simply needed to add a repo or if building these was a matter of waiting in terms of Centos5. Am trying hard to stay away from Fedora if possible... -krb
2012 Aug 15
Howto/Tutorial: Compiling Xen 4.2 from source on RHEL5/CentOS5, RHEL6/CentOS6, Fedora 16, Fedora 17
Hello, I just wrote instructions for building Xen 4.2 from sources on various RPM-based Linux distributions. The guide is available here: I was able to successfully build Xen 4.2.0-rc2 on the following Linux distros: - CentOS 5.8 x64 - CentOS 6.3 x64 - Fedora 17 x64 RHEL5/CentOS5 requires some hackery to get