similar to: :_timestamp format changed???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: ":_timestamp format changed???"

2007 Apr 13
Config is not actually up to date
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''ve been trying out some configurations and been frustrated because they weren''t working how I would expect. After trying practically everything I could think of, I tried removing everything except the most basic elements to see what was going on. It turns out that my client is thinking that there is no configuration change, when
2013 Aug 07
Puppetdb install from sources
Hi everyone I''m currently trying to install Puppetdb on my puppet master server (on Suse 11 SP2 64bits) using the Source method<>and I can''t figure out why it is not working. It''s seems to be stuck at the begining of the rake install I have Facter in version 2.0.0 # facter -v 2.0.0 I installed
2010 Jul 07
Puppet report server
I was looking into the reporting features in puppet today and realized that though I want the reports I don''t want to bog my puppetmasters down with the task of generating the rrd and png files. Also I already have a server set up to do reporting on various other things that already has the space/CPU cycles and that''s where everyone already goes to look for information. Plus we
2009 Jul 01
Facter infinite looping on custom facts
Hi All Background: I am running Puppet to configure ESX 3.5 servers by NFS mounting the Puppet binaries and configuration from a shared server. This is to ensure VMware don''t come back refusing support for installing non standard software on the server. # ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-04-08 patchlevel 160) [i686-linux] # facter -v 1.5.5
2012 Aug 31
Announce: Facter 1.6.12-rc1 available
Facter 1.6.12-rc1 is a maintenance release candidate in the 1.6.x branch with bug fixes. Downloads are available at: * Source: RPMs are available at or /fedora Rubygem available at or by using the --pre option to gem install. Debs are available at
2012 Sep 11
Announce: Facter 1.6.12 Available
Facter 1.6.12 is a maintenance release in the 1.6.x branch with bug fixes. Downloads are available at: * Source: RPMs are available at or /fedora Rubygem available at Debs are available at Mac package is available at
2012 Oct 04
Announce: Facter 1.6.13 Available
Facter 1.6.13 is a maintenance release in the 1.6.x branch with bug fixes. Downloads are available at: * Source: RPMs are available at or /fedora Rubygem available at Debs are available at Mac package is available at
2008 Jan 08
odd facter error with split
Not sure if this is another issue cropping up with 0.24.1 but I''m getting the following: info: Loading fact raid /etc/puppet/facts/location.rb:5: private method `split'' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:510:in `call'' from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:510:in `value'' from
2010 Oct 21
SLES11 facter problems
I installed the 2.6.2 puppet and facter 1.5.8 gems and tried to run puppet, but it failed with the following message: err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not retrieve local facts: uninitialized constant Facter::IPAddress Then I tried running facter alone: # facter /usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/facter/ipmess.rb:19: uninitialized constant Facter::IPAddress (NameError) After
2012 May 16
Announce: Facter 2.0.0rc1 Available
Facter 2.0.0rc1 is a feature release candidate with bug fixes, features and other improvements. Facter 2.0 is designed to accompany the upcoming Puppet 3.0 release and has breaking changes from Facter 1.6.x. Facter 2.0 is not backwards compatible with Puppet 2.6 or 2.7. It includes contributions from the following people: Chris Price, Daniel Black, Daniel Pittman, Garrett Honeycutt, Gary Larizza,
2013 Sep 18
All nodes stopped reporting to puppet enterprise console
My install was working for a couple of months until I rebooted my puppet server. The clients do not report an error when I run puppet agent -t. I''ve attempted to remove certificates and renew. The clients get new certificates, but the console still does not update. Even the puppet server itself is not updating as a client. After reboot the only thing I have noticed that changed
2009 Apr 24
uninitialized constant Facter::IPAddress (NameError)
I just started getting this error on some machines after a yum update from centos 5.2 to centos 5.3. Does anyone know what it means? Since I''m not a ruby person, I''m not sure how to debug this, but it looks to me like facter is having trouble parsing information about my interfaces. # facter /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ipmess.rb:19: uninitialized constant
2012 May 11
Announce: Facter 1.6.9rc1 Available
Facter 1.6.9rc1 is a maintenance release candidate with bug fixes and improvements. It includes contributions from the following people: Jeff Weiss, Joachim de Groot, Ken Barber, Matthaus Litteken, Moses Mendoza, and Stefan Schulte. This release is available for download at: See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2012 Apr 23
Announce: Facter 1.6.8 Available
Facter 1.6.8 is a maintenance release candidate with bug fixes and improvements. It includes contributions from the following people: Stefan Schulte, Ken Barber. This release is available for download at: See the Verifying Puppet
2009 Jun 03
Facter 1.5.5
Hello, Since i use facter 1.5.5 i got error running it by hand. It still work in puppet but i loosed the hability to run it from the command line: (aqadmin)> /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter:50:in `require'': no such file to load -- facter (LoadError) from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter:50
2010 Apr 08
Puppet commands giving nothing but a stack trace
I suspect this has more to do with Ruby than Puppet, but I know little about Ruby and Google has failed me, so I''m asking here. I''m finally getting some of our older systems brought into Puppet. I installed it on several this morning without incident, but there are two (more or less identical RHEL 5.3 systems) that throw horrible errors. These systems did not have Puppet or Ruby
2013 Nov 12
How to get Puppet Ent Agent for Mac Mountain Lion?
Dear All, I''m very new to Puppet Enterprise.... I have the following setup so far: 1. Puppet Master (Puppet Ent) on Ubuntu with its own Agent 2. Puppet Agent on MAC Mountain Lion Everything looked ok but then I noticed this on the MAC (below), which suggested to me I had the wrong Agent? I''m a little confused on how to get the Puppet Ent Agent for MAC? Info: Retrieving
2010 Jul 19
facter fails to recognize OEL/OVS in operatingsystemrelease.rb
For the benefit of those running OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) or OVS, be aware that under 2.6.0rc4 facter doesn''t properly recognize OEL in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/operatingsystemrelease.rb. A diff for a fix is below; probably not the best fix but if you need it work now, this''ll do it for you. I''ve already filed a bug:
2008 Dec 01
configuring puppet to run custom facts
Hi, I''m following in order to use a custom fact. My modules looks like: # ls manifests/modules/network/ manifests plugins # ls manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb as is said in doc. Then: Turn on pluginsync and specify factpath, so that the facts
2011 Dec 01
Announce: Puppet 2.7.8rc1 available
Puppet 2.7.8rc1 is available. 2.7.8rc1 contains everything that was being previewed in the 2.7.7rc series as well as some new content. Key highlight in this release (beyond items from 2.7.7rc series) are: * Allow providers to be selected in the run they become suitable * Showdiff is now not auto-enabled when running in noop mode * Provide default subjectAltNames while bootstrapping