similar to: simple question.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "simple question."

2011 Oct 17
Managing entries in /etc/group (membership)
I have a requirement to manage membership to groups in /etc/group. These members do not need to be virtual users. I don''t see a way to do this through virtual users @group. How are others doing this? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To
2012 Apr 27
trouble w/ Foreman as ENC, agents and environments
Hi, I have a Puppet Enterprise (2.0) puppetmaster running with Foreman, and having trouble getting it working as an External Node Classifier. In short, if I manually add a test client into site.pp, it will retrieve the proper catalog / classes, but I would like to avoid having to do that. I''m also using environments (production/testing/ development) as well, but think I have most of
2012 Jan 09
copying file(s) from agent to master??
Is there a way to copy file(s) from the Puppet agent back to the master? I know it sounds silly but that''s what I need to do. This is one of the s/w-tag files, gets created/modified automatically by the software installation job and then I want to overwrite the tag files on two other agents with this one. Is there a why for doing this? Cheers, San -- You received this message because
2011 Dec 15
Puppet with Ruby1.9 issue
Hi, I have a running puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and ruby 1.9.2. When i do puppet cert --trace --list . i get the following error. /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application/ cert.rb:43:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Cert>'' /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/puppet-2.7.9/lib/puppet/application.rb: 357:in `block (2 levels) in parse_options''
2011 Nov 15
Adding a parameter to a custom Puppet type/provider
Hi All, I''ve downloaded a Puppet module and I''m trying to add a parameter to it by editing lib/puppet/type/<resource>.rb. I simply added: newproperty(:pcfree) do desc "My description here" end In the corresponding file in lib/puppet/provider, I do something with :pcfree. Whenever I call the resource from Puppet with my new parameter, it keeps
2011 Nov 16
What is the offical variable scope best practice?
I read the guide at others'' mail, i am a little confused now, below is my understanding: 1. top scope only refers to site.pp, not include node definitions and facts. 2. in puppet class, using variables not local, must specify the namespace, like $class::variable, if it''s a top scope variable or a fact variable or a
2012 Oct 29
multiple puppetmasters, single ca
HI all, I am currently setting up a HA devops configuration using puppet. I want to be able to run a single puppet master as the CA and the rest act as peering puppet masters. I have each puppet master running on passenger and I am proxying the SSL requests to the CA server following:
2011 Jun 24
Different users within same exec
I have the following exec in my manifest : exec { some_exec: path => [ "/bin","/usr/bin","/usr/local/bin" ], command => "EXECUTE COMMAND 1", onlyif => "EXECUTE COMMAND 2", logoutput => "on_failure" } I want that the "COMMAND 1" should be executed by "USER 1" and "COMMAND 2"
2010 Jun 28
Bind Module
Anyone know where I can find a good chrooted named module for centos? Named as chroot is ugly... soft and hard links everywhere... Doug -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2012 Feb 17
Installing Puppet/Facter without sudo/root access
I want to use Puppet and Facter on a machine where I don''t have sudo or root access privileges. I won''t be using Puppet for anything that requires that level of access, so I should be OK if I can get it on the box. Any advice on how to proceed? Currently the Facter installer complains that it doesn''t have privileges for /usr/bin/facter. I assume Puppet will have the same
2010 Nov 12
Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': wrong header line format
I''ve upgraded to puppet v2.6.2 on ubuntu (clients and server) and now I get this error messages related to pluginsync: info: Retrieving plugin err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using ''eval_generate'': wrong header line format err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: wrong header line format Could not retrieve file
2010 Nov 30
puppet 2.6.3 (kick.rb) error after install
Hello, I''ve just installed Ruby, Facter and Puppet from source (versions listed below) and am getting the following error, when trying to run Puppet 2.6.3: [root@localhost puppet]# ruby --version ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i686-linux] [root@localhost puppet]# ruby -ropenssl -e "puts :installed" installed [root@localhost puppet]# ruby -rxmlrpc/client -e "puts
2012 Feb 11
Question about reusing classes/modules
Hello Everyone, I''m still pretty new with puppet so please bare with me. I tried searching and I''m pretty sure I''ve ready my answer but I''m not sure if I''m going down the right path just yet. My scenario is this: I have 4 environments, Dev, Test, QA, Prod. Each of these environments lives in 2 sites, LA and NY. I have 5 applications that are site and
2010 Sep 21
Undefined method 'closed?' for nil:NilClass
Hi all I started researching on puppet and decided I''ll try it out on Vmware Workstation using Ubuntu 10.04. So I''m trying to do the simplest puppet install pattern as outlined in For now, I''m trying to test puppetd and puppetmasterd on the same machine. I start puppetmaster and
2010 Apr 21
Puppet & EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?
Is it possible, using puppet, to configure an EC2 instance so that when it boots it attaches & mounts an EBS volume? If so, what steps would one take to achieve this? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2011 Jul 25
puppetmaster SSL_Read
Seeing ''SSL_read'' errors being logged by puppetmaster. Anyone know what causes these or how to correct? They''re sporadic, not happening all the time or on all puppet runs. /var/log/puppet/masterhttp.log [2011-07-25 10:00:10] ERROR OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_read:: internal error /var/log/messages Jul 25 10:00:10 cmd-box puppet-master[22572]: SSL_read:: internal error
2010 Sep 21
FreeBSD Puppet 2.6.1 odd core-dump
Hi, I have a couple of FreeBSD-servers that I try to manage using puppet. I''m just trying it out at the moment and have just deployed 5 new boxes (from PXE and scripted installation so supposedly they are all identical except for the name and ip-addresses). On two of the servers I get the error-messages at the bottom of the post. The first error- message I get every time I run puppet on
2011 Jul 22
Random error in the recovery catalog
Hello, I randomly errors like this: Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: end of file reached Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (notice): Using cached catalog Fri Jul 22 09:01:41 +0000 2011 //SERVER.fqdn/Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run Here are the versions: puppetmaster
2011 Aug 05
Variable scope when having node inheritance
Hi I''m having some trouble with the following setup: node ''serverA'' inherits server-defaults { include myApp::install } node ''server-defaults'' inherits default { $sudoenv = ''custom_server'' } node default { $sudoenv = ''default'' include sudoers::config } class sudoers::config { file {
2012 Jan 10
need link for simple docuemntation
kindly provide me link for documents for puppet other than puppet lab I am specifically looking at how to create a module/manifest -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to