similar to: Custom Provider with multiple default targets

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2010 Mar 22
custom type/provider load error
Hi .*, with the first puppet run on a freshly installed system all custom types and providers a synced. As you can see from the output for some reason puppet tries to load the providers before the types and therefore the custom provider loads throw an error. It looks like the load happens alphabetically ordered, such that providers are loaded before the types... Anyway the puppet run afterwards
2008 Dec 31
custom package provider troubles
I have written a custom package provider for the pkgutil utility on Solaris 10. Pkgutil replaces pkg-get which is not deprecated. All I did was modify the Blastwave provider to use pkgutil instead of pkg- get. I''ve tried two approaches to get the provider on to the client. First, I created a plugin. I created a module called package to contain the plugin. The only file in
2011 Jun 19
Could not find a default provider for package
Need some help here. I am using puppet to mange some Gentoo boxes, and when working with packages I keep getting the following error: Could not find a default provider for package Version: * app-admin/puppet Latest version available: 0.25.0-r1 Latest version installed: 0.25.0-r1 Size of files: 592 kB Homepage:
2011 Jun 06
use a custom fact value in a manifest
Hi everybody, i''m a lucky Puppet user for a few weeks and i''m currently "blocked" for a "simple" thing. I try to use facter custom values deployed with pluginsync feature in one manifest. Unfortunately, values aren''t available when manifest is executed. I tried to use pre/main stage in order to deploy my facts with a pre stage class but it
2012 Nov 07
Custom Type & Invalid Parameter...
Hi All As per my various other Posts, I''m writing a customer type and provider set for NetApp support.. My current problem is that the ''puppet device -v'' run keeps failing with: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: > Invalid parameter aggregate at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:30 on node > actint-star-nactl01 > Now
2013 Mar 20
Still problem using Chocolatey provider on Windows
As some before me on the group, I have a problem getting the Chocolatey provider to work on Windows. I downloaded it from Github and placed it in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/chocolatey. (I am running Puppet Enterprise 2.7.19). On a Windows 8 client, I have a very simple manifest: class install_notepadplusplus { if $::osfamily == ''windows { $pkg =
2011 Nov 25
Is package gem and provider gem usage in one puppet run possible?
Hi, we want to install the ruby-gem package on a Debian system using puppet. package { ''ruby1.9.1'': ensure => present } In another manifest we want to use the gem provider to install a ruby gem. package { ''bundler'': ensure => present, provider => gem } On the first run the puppet agent run checks for a functional gem binary on the system. It will
2007 Apr 13
"Parsed Providers must define a default target" error
I''ve just noticed that Puppet is failing to automatically apply changes when running as a Red Hat service. Changes get applied with no problems or errors when I run Puppet manually with "puppetd --test" but fail with a "Could not apply complete configuration: Parsed Providers must define a default target" error in /var/log/messages when the service runs automatically
2013 Aug 05
serving .exe file via http (provider => windows)
hi everyone, i''m trying to roll out an .exe file for the puppet package provider "windows". my manifest looks like this: $package_source = "http://puppet.local.domain/base_check_mk/windows/check-mk-agent-1.2.3i1.exe" $package_name = "Check_MK Agent 1.2.3i1" package { "$package_name": ensure => installed, provider =>
2009 Nov 12
Multiple environments
So I''m trying to get multiple environments to work with puppet 0.25.1 on ubuntu 8.04 and no matter what I do, puppet just completely ignores any environment setting. There''s really next to no information in terms of configuration on the multiple environments documentation page ( other than saying that the
2012 Jul 31
Custom Package Provider Issue
I''m running into a weird issue with a custom package provider for PEAR. I''m using the provider I found here<>and the provider itself works fine. I''ve got it stored on the Puppet master under /etc/puppet/modules/common/lib/provider/package/pear.rb and the puppet.conf has pluginsync
2012 Mar 26
Could not prefetch package provider 'freebsd': No resource and no name in property hash in freebsd instance
Hi, I am puzzled. I installed exim-mysql on a freebsd machine without problem before but now this manifest creates an error: class exim::install { package { [ ''mail/exim-mysql'' ]: ensure => installed, provider => freebsd, source => ''http://<some_url>'', } } Here is the error: err: Could not prefetch package provider
2011 May 19
custom function from .24.6 not working in 2.6 (from squeeze)
I''m in the process of upgrading an existing installation from .24.x to 2.6. We seem to have a custom function that is throwing the error: "err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: private method `gsub'' called for #<Array:0x7fdcebf3bbf8> at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/apache-php.pp:72" Here is the function: """ #
2008 Dec 01
configuring puppet to run custom facts
Hi, I''m following in order to use a custom fact. My modules looks like: # ls manifests/modules/network/ manifests plugins # ls manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb manifests/modules/network/plugins/facter/primaryint.rb as is said in doc. Then: Turn on pluginsync and specify factpath, so that the facts
2007 Mar 05
How to add a custom function to return something to file => content
I''m having a heck of a time with this. Basically I want to write a custom function that returns a value to the file content type. Ex: file { /blah: content => do_stuff(option) } I looked at the wiki posting but just haven''t been able to figure out how to make this work. The first error that I get when I try to actually use ''return'' is: "return
2010 Apr 05
Problem syncing custom fact
I am trying to get a custom fact to sync. The fact is in a module. It will sync if I run puppet with "--pluginsync" but not otherwise. I have "pluginsync=true" in my puppet.conf. Shouldn''t the command line option and puppet.conf option have the same results? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2013 Jan 08
Puppet LVM create volume maximum size
Hello, Using the LVM module/providers from the forge I want to create a logical volume at the maximum size and I cannot work out how to do this. physical_volume -> volume_group -> logical_volume -> filesystem -> mount All works fine but you have to hard code the size for the logical volume. Anyone know if this is possible ? Thanks Paul -- You received this message because you
2012 Jun 30
Custom provider/types and adding to puppet forge
*Note, I''m very green when it comes to ruby development.. I''ve created a couple of custom providers and types, both of which rely on a particular ruby gem in order to function. How should I go about ensuring the gem dependency on the puppet clients before puppet syncs the plugins (the broken ''require'' in the provider will cause puppet to exit during a run)? On
2011 Jul 29
Custom fact question
Hi, I need to use the output of a script to set the value of a variable. I understand the only way to do this is to use a custom Facter fact. However, this script will only run when (naturally) it''s been installed, which is something Puppet takes care of. Conf files, which I would very much like to be able to install as part of the same run depend on the variable being set. So, it
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and