similar to: defining nagios hostgroupescalations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "defining nagios hostgroupescalations"

2010 Feb 18
Augeas pam.d argument checking
I''m trying to change the password complexity requirements in pam.d/system-auth using augeas. I can append the values (lcredit=-1, ucredit=-1, etc) onto the correct place, but if another value is already present (i.e. lcredit=-2), the onlyif match statement doesn''t seem to support checking regular expressions inside of strings. How do I check that any numeric value exists in the
2010 Aug 22
extlookup in 2.6.1 defaults
Hmmm.... So I was just trying the extlookup function that comes with puppet 2.6.1. It now lets you do this: $version = extlookup("rsyslog_version", "present", "packages") which, according to the documentation: # This will look for a version configured in packages.csv and then in the rest as configured # by $extlookup_precedence if it''s not found anywhere
2010 Jun 06
Collecting _all_ ssh keys
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hello, I read and find a way (well, there seems to be several equal implementations) to collect the ssh keys of machines. However they all give only the choice to choose between the key formats. But is there a way to collect both keys of a machine, the rsa _and_ the dss key (and maybe the rsa1 too)? I didn''t find a way to solve this as
2010 Feb 10
Puppet 0.25.4 and Facter 1.5.7 debs available in debian unstable. is lagging in terms of what it''s showing, but.... $ rmadison -u debian {puppet,facter} | grep unstable puppet | 0.25.4-1 | unstable | source, all facter | 1.5.7-1 | unstable | source, all they''re both up there now. -- nigel -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2010 Mar 02
Nagios based on David Schmitt's Complete Config : variables are empty
Hello ! I''m trying to implement a Nagios solution based on David Schmitt''s Complete Config. But I the following error when running puppetd -t - v : notice: Starting catalog run err: //Node[monitoring]/nagios::target/Nagios::Host[]/File[/conf.d/ _host.cfg]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set present on ensure: No such file or directory - /conf.d/
2010 Aug 20
puppet dashboard gui looks odd from apache2
I downloaded the puppet-dashboard.git from and did the installation in my ubuntu lucid puppet server following the steps in "Installation". Now I can run it fine using the WEBrick like this root@sys-ubuntu { ~/git/puppet-dashboard }$ ./script/server -e production => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on
2010 Feb 11
hi, i am trying to run /usr/bin/ -d, but i was end with exec timeout. I cannot find any think on google. Have anyone experience with this? It works, when I run it normally from shell. this is my exec resource. { "vmwaretools_config": subscribe => [ Package["VMwareTools"] ], refreshonly => true, path =>
2010 Apr 06
Why we wont use zpool ever again
Hi everyone, Just wanted to tell you a little story. We''ve been enthusiastic puppet users since about a year ago here at the Geographic Institute of the University of Zürich. But we won''t use the zpool type ever again. Its just not worth it. Here''s what happened: . one of our servers lost knowledge about one of its zfs pools . puppet didn''t find the pool
2010 Oct 04
Facter ignores interfaces with non eth names
Does facter support NICs that are not named ethX? I happen to use custom names on my systems. Just a quick look at the code I don''t see why it wouldn''t but the behavior I am seeing is very different. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To
2010 Aug 13
Push changes to clients
I was wondering how to configure the puppet clients to only listen, not to periodically pull configs down from the puppetmaster. I''d rather push the configs out from the puppetmaster with puppetrun... At a guess I need to set runinterval to 0 in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post
2010 Aug 06
using puppet ssl certs for other applications
Hello, As I''ve been building up my puppet infrastructure, I''ve started using puppet certs for all of my services that require ssl. Usually this is in the form of links: file { "/opt/syslog-ng/etc/ca.d/b2457b50.0": require => Package["syslog-ng"], ensure => link, target =>
2009 Dec 15
ACLs plugin
Hello everybody, I would like to know if there is a plugin that allow us to manage advances ACL on a linux system (Debian ) Because for the moment,the idea to use "exec setfacl" to set my ACLs sounds a little bit "dirty" Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Jun 09
pam_winbind and krb5_auth
Hey list, I'm wondering if there is any advantage to be gained by using kerberos with pam_winbind. I've configured pam_winbind and enabled krb5_auth though apart from being granted a ticket, I'm unsure as to any advantage that would be gained by enabling Kerberos. Thanks, Matt Delves -- --------------------------------------------- Matthew Delves System Administrator Information
2010 Jun 03
authenticating new nodes that are created by provisioning
Hey Folks, I''m looking at doing automated provisioning of new servers and am trying to integrate puppet into this process. What I''m wondering though is what the best process for securely registering a new node is. At the moment the first time puppet is run I have to then accept the certificate on the puppetmaster and then run puppet again. What I would like to do is accept the
2011 May 20
finding consultants or full time puppet experts?
We are looking to hire a full time (or possibly a consultant) in Boston with experience in AWS and Puppet (or Chef :) Any good leads on other places to look for someone like that? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Dec 17
monitoring puppet
Hi, I was wondering what people out there are doing to monitor puppetd in large environments. I''d love to hear what the best practices are around this. We have a few hundred hosts and are currently looking at the timestamps on the yaml files in /var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts/ on puppetmasters to make sure all clients are alive. Is it true that for a given client the fact file on the
2009 Dec 17
puppet performance and inability to retrieve file metadata
Hey All, I''m running into a problem whereby some nodes are struggling to retrieve the metadata for files. I''ve moved all the nodes across to 0.25.1 to try and eliminate version inconsistencies though they still appear. I''ve also started using asynchronous stored configs as well. I''m wondering if this has anything to do with performance on the box and if there
2006 Apr 06
interpreting anova summary tables - newbie
Hello, Apologies if this is the wrong list, I am a first-time poster here. I have an experiment in which an output is measured in response to 42 different categories. I am only interested which of the categories is significantly different from a reference category. Here is the summary of the results: summary( Call: lm(formula = as.numeric(as.vector(TNFa)) ~ Mutant.ID, data =
2010 Jun 09
issues with pam_winbind and ability to use old windows password
I'm currently using an implementation of pam_winbind to authenticate users on linux servers via Active Directory. This works as expected apart from an issue whereby after changing a password, a user can login with both their old and their new password. Having done a bit of investigation, it appears that this is a 'feature' from Microsoft as described in
2010 Feb 02
Making the new users experience easier
Just one more email and I''ll let you go for a few hours :) One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately intuitive and easy to use for new users. I think Puppet is really good here, but there''s opportunity to make everything better. We want everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the way through to datacenter nirvana.