similar to: ip alias class?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "ip alias class?"

2011 Jan 21
help writing types/provider
I''ve almost finished a pretty simple type/provider to manage RabbitMQ users and virtual hosts. I''m using the ''ensurable'' keyword in my type to save a bit of boilerplate. Type is below (the provider is just a wrapper around the ''rabbitmqctl'' command. Have a feeling there''s a developer guide somewhere I haven''t found (been
2009 Oct 24
BUG? $name inside a definition 'method signature' different to within a body ?
If I have something like this: ---------------------------------------- define bar($thing="/tmp/$name") { file { $thing: ensure => present } } class foo { somedef{ "bar": } } ---------------------------------------- puppet will try to create a file called ''/tmp/foo'' , not /tmp/bar. It seems like if I try to access $name inside the ''default
2013 May 20
Problem creating user with Puppet
Hi, (Since I am relatively new to Puppet, this might be some trivial problem) I am trying to create a user with Puppet, using following code: user { "clavis": ensure => "present", home => "/home/clavis", name => "clavis", shell => "/bin/bash",
2012 Feb 03
neatest way to determine a major version of centos/linux?
Just started a rollout of centos 6.x across our Puppet deployment (100-odd servers). what fact would people suggest I use to distinguish 5.x from 6.x (quite a lot of subsystems are different between major releases)? lsb* facts don''t seem to be present on centos 6 - is this an EPEL bug, or have they just been removed in Facter? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are
2012 Sep 26
Glassfish custom provider and 'file does not exist'
Hi there, I''m trying to setup Glassfish config management using puppet. I''ve found larstobi''s module here <>which I''ve cloned and am starting to tweak, as it would appear that the mentioned module is based on Solaris, therefore I''m starting to add support for EL. My code tree is
2006 Nov 01
ZFS/iSCSI target integration
Rick McNeal and I have been working on building support for sharing ZVOLs as iSCSI targets directly into ZFS. Below is the proposal I''ll be submitting to PSARC. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Adam ---8<--- iSCSI/ZFS Integration A. Overview The goal of this project is to couple ZFS with the iSCSI target in Solaris specifically to make it as easy to create and export ZVOLs
2006 Aug 16
Migrations: only one table per migration file?
Hi all I have a new migration file created that adds some tables and fills one with some data: create_table :sound_styles do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end create_table :show_types do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end create_table :countries do |t| t.column :name, :string, :null => false end ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper::COUNTRIES.each
2007 Jan 15
iSCSI on a single interface?
Hi, are there currently any plans to make an iSCSI target created by setting shareiscsi=on on a zvol bindable to a single interface (setting tpgt or acls)? I can cobble something together with ipfilter, but that doesn''t give me enough granularity to say something like: ''host a can see target 1, host c can see targets 2-9'', etc. Also, am I right in thinking without
2006 Jan 17
Does anyone use RedCloth to allow end user input?
I was hoping to use RedCloth for textilize support to allow end users to enter textilized text (In blog comments, for example), but these bugs seem to make RedCloth unsuitable for that purpose:
2013 May 15
hiera - anything better than empty string?
Hi, starting to use hiera in earnest now (still on puppet 2.6 but planning an upgrade to 3.x this summer). the heirarchy looks for fqdn, then network_eth0, then ''default''. Some of our subnets don''t want to set http_proxy environment variables, the rest do. so default.json has a ''http_proxy_url'' key in it, but I want to exclude it for Is
2006 Jan 10
first ajax demo in Rails book - does it work for anyone?
Just tried the first AJAX example in the rails book (p.391-392, the ''word guessing'' thing), and the AJAX partial used seems to render as a full page. I''m not sure whether it''s a) a partial bug b) some interaction between ajax and partials c) a change since the book came out or d) pilot error I''ve checked the errata pages and it''s flagged up
2006 Jan 21
problems in moving an application database from a local to a remote mysql server
hi. i''ve an application which is using a local mysql server (on localhost). i then moved the mysql server to another machine (remote host) and changed accordingly the "database.yml" file. when i launch webrick from the "localhost", it can connect to the database but as soon as i call a controller of the application (for example
2011 Aug 11
Custom manifest
Hi, Can I execute a command basis on some criteria in puppet. For example, I would want to execute the following command svn up; /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart only if "revision number of file on host = revision number of file on svn" i.e. "/usr/bin/svn info /usr/local/apache/conf/Web_Config/httpd.conf | grep Revision| cut -d: -f2| sed -e''s/
2006 May 07
Needle + Rails - IoC
Hi, I''m looking for past efforts to integrate Rails and Needle. I am thinking of doing it myself but would be interested in seeing what others have done before. If there are examples of other IoC frameworks being used with Ruby I''d be interested in hearing about them too. I find IoC to be a helpful concept in general and, having glanced at a few existing Rails app.s, I
2005 Nov 23
DB connection pooling support?
Does rails support connection pooling for DB connections? Or are connections just opened and closed as needed. Thanks, Joe -- Posted via
2006 May 15
zfs root eta?
Hi, I was just wondering if ZFS root is likely to be an install option any time soon, either in SXCR or the June Solaris update? The mechanism at Tabriz''s blog seem to work well, but it''d be nice to get it out of the box. -- Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
2010 Feb 02
Making the new users experience easier
Just one more email and I''ll let you go for a few hours :) One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately intuitive and easy to use for new users. I think Puppet is really good here, but there''s opportunity to make everything better. We want everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the way through to datacenter nirvana.
2006 Sep 06
creating zvols in a non-global zone (or ''Doctor, it hurts when I do this'')
A colleague just asked if zfs delegation worked with zvols too. Thought I''d give it a go and got myself in a mess (tank/linkfixer is the delegated dataset): root at non-global / # zfs create -V 500M tank/linkfixer/foo cannot create device links for ''tank/linkfixer/foo'': permission denied cannot create ''tank/linkfixer/foo'': permission denied Ok, so
2006 May 17
Help with Apache config
I have been attempting for days to configure Apache for Rails. I have read forums, followed How-To''s all in vain. I am hoping someone can help me out. I am getting the Rails Welcome screen, but when trying to go to any other url, I get the 500.html message. Take a look for yourself at and click on "about your application''s environment".
2009 Jun 18
Testing if a resource is already defined
Hi gang, Is it possible to test if a particular resource has already been defined? I''d like to do something like this: if !Host["$fqdn"] { host {"$fqdn": ip => "$ipaddress_eth0" } } Essentially, test to see if there is no Host resource defined for the current server and if not, add a host entry for itself using the IP address of eth0. Possible?