similar to: Ensure overriden service after exec has run

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Ensure overriden service after exec has run"

2011 Sep 30
CentOS 6 and NIS not working
I am having no luck getting NIS to work on a clean install of CentOS 6. It seems to be an issue with ypbind. I have simple /etc/yp.conf which explicitly sets the server domain myDomain server myServer The service seems to start okay #service ypbind start Starting NIS service: [OK] Binding NIS service: ? [OK] But when I try to use any of the yp services, like ypwhich #ypwhich ypwhich:
2005 Aug 15
Kickstart, package always selected
I'm trying to kickstart a Centos 4.1 system with the minimum set of packages. I have no use for ypbind so I'm trying to prevent from being installed, but kickstart/anaconda always insist on its installation (complaining that the package is missing). This is the %packages section of my ks file so far: %packages #-@ dialup kernel grub e2fsprogs lvm2 -slocate -bluez-utils -bluez-bluefw
2013 Jun 04
Delete ypbind.........dependancy headaches.. yp-tools is needed by (installed) ypbind
Hi, My brain is hurting a bit over this one. How does one delete ypbind cleanly from a RHEL6 box? It has a dep of yp-tools. No problem...I add both to the uninstall list in hiera; packages_oel6_absent: <snip> - ypbind - yp-tools SNIP from manifest; $packagesabsent = hiera("${packages_key}_absent",''nil'') if
2008 May 27
how to force a cycle package dependancy
Hi I''m trying to ensure ypbind and yp-tools are not installed BUT they one of the rare group of rpms that require each other. I have package { "yp-tools": ensure => absent, require => Package["ypbind"], } package { "ypbind": ensure => absent, require =>
2010 Sep 09
Rails3: jquery-rails gem sets 'config.action_view.javascript_expansions' but cannot be overriden in 'config/application.rb'
Hello, I''ve created a new Rails3 app and I''m using jQuery instead of prototype. Gemfile: gem ''jquery-rails'' in my config/application.rb I want do the following: config/application.rb if Rails.env.production? config.action_view.javascript_expansions[:defaults] = %w(jquery.min rails application) else
2019 Feb 08
netmask on aliases overriden by netmask on interface
On 08.02.19 15:08, James B. Byrne via CentOS wrote: > # ifconfig eth1:192008001 > eth1:192008001 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:25:90:61:74:C1 > inet addr: Bcast: > Mask: > UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 > Interrupt:17 Memory:feae0000-feb00000 > > Which shows that the network mask is
2010 Sep 09
is a "- *.ext" filter overriden by a later "+ *.ext"
Hi, In our backup script we sometimes would like to override the common (i.e: static) excludes filter list. For example we exclude "- *.ext" for all backups but would like to include "+ *.ext" only for 'local' backups. Are such entries supposed to cancel each other? How can one override an earlier exclude in a filter list? Thanks,
2009 Nov 11
Bug or feature: SIP chanvars not overriden
Hello, Using 1.6.2-rc5, my settings include: [local-phone](!) context=mylocal type=friend nat=no canreinvite=no host=dynamic qualify=yes dtmf=info language=fr call-limit=5 subscribecontext=subs disallow=all allow=alaw t38pt_udptl=no setvar=accountcode=foo [168](local-phone) defaultuser=168 secret=pass168 callerid=John Doe<168>
2009 Dec 17
NIS failover
We just updated our configuratiosn to have multiple NIS servers, when we initiated a test of client failover, we were disapointed. It seemed that the only way to get a filaover was to /etc/init.d/ypbind restart. It behaves as indicated in using ypbind-1.17.2-13 on Centos 4.5 / Linux xxxxxxxxxxxx 2.6.9-55.0.12.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Nov
2007 Jul 16
NIS problems after installation
so, i just installed CentOS on our server and set up NIS using the same configuration as on our other server, but the clients' ypbind services complain that although they can find the correct server, the server does not respond to requests. to debug this, i've: * pinged the server using its ip and it's name * ssh'ed to the server using it's ip and name *
2019 Feb 08
netmask on aliases overriden by netmask on interface
CentOS-6.10 We have a host with the following ifcfg file contents: BOOTPROTO=none BROADCAST="" DEFROUTE=yes DEVICE=eth1 . . . GATEWAY=X.Y.Z.234 IPADDR=A.B.C.2 IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=yes NAME="LAN Link - eth1" NETMASK="" NETWORK="A.B.C.0" NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes PREFIX=25 TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no And an aliased ifcfg containing this:
2008 Aug 28
Strategy for using CentOS on laptops in an NIS environment
We use NIS (ypbind) and Kerberos at work for all our Linux and Unix systems. Home directories are mounted via autofs from an NIS map. Everything works just fine as long as all network resources are available (however, things turn ugly when the NIS servers are not reachable). Some users also want to start using laptops and bring them home or on trips to continue working while not at
2012 Feb 10
init/upstart issue? ypbind and autofs
One problem I have with custom CentOS 6 installation is that NIS auto.* maps are not available. According to boot.log, ypbind starts before autofs, but when I login to the machine, the maps are not available until I issue a service autofs restart. Any pointers on what to check?
2013 Jun 18
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
I upgrade our infrastructure (mostly RHEL5, some RHEL6) from 3.1 to puppet-3.2.1-1.el5. Ruby sits at ruby- I ran some tests and everything seemed good so I pushed it out. Since then, all my puppet clients are failing with this: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass at
2008 Aug 11
Need to restart ypserv to update the nis maps
Hi I use NIS om my network (CentOS4.6). When an update on a map occurs (home directory changed in /etc/passwd for instance), I run make -C /var/yp/ and check the result on a client. On the client I use "ypcat passwd" and find indeed that the update has propagated (the clients run ypbind service). On the client I have configured /etc/nsswitch.conf with : passwd: files nis shadow:
2003 Jul 30
portmap, bind(), and NIS
Greetings I'm running an NIS server that I would very much *not* want to be accessible on some of its interfaces. portmap can be instructed to bind to specific addresses using the -h flag, but this seems to break ypbind. ypbind will attempt to find a server by issuing a broadcast rpc request to the local network. When portmap is not bound to INADDR_ANY, it will not reply to these requests.
2007 Oct 17
NIS problems
I've got a RHEL5 server acting as a NIS/NFS server, and connected one C5 machine just fine. I'm trying to connect another, and for the life of me, cannot figure out why NIS won't bind. NFS works fine. ypbind just hangs. I disabled SELinux and the firewall. I just cannot get it to bind. Ideas? Thanks. Scott
2007 Sep 06
NIS binding probs w/Firewall and SELinux
I have RHEL5 Server originally configured and installed by me with Firewall enabled, but passing through NFS, Samba, and SSH. I then disabled SELinux. As you all likely recall, I had configured a test environment to get samba and nfs/nis up and running. I got it going, and recently brought it to a production server. After modifying the files on the production server and rebooting, I'm
2003 Apr 10
Can winbind solve this problem...
>From a linux box, I mount a native NT share (mount -t smbfs -o<options, etc. etc>). I want to be able to do an 'ls -l' in that share and have the owner/group information show the right thing. Currently, no matter what the ACLs on the file on the NT side, from linux, an 'ls -l' shows 'root' as the owner/group. I was expecting winbind to work similar to ypbind in
2019 Jan 16
Inconsistent NIS Client Behavior w/ Centos 7.6
Hi All. I am working on bringing back a number of Centos 7 rigs in our student computer lab back online. No change was made to the existing server machine [running Scientific Linux 6] Right now there is one remaining thing to resolve: an inconsistency with the rigs' NIS Clients. I have configured rcpbind and ypbind following guidance from Server World (