similar to: is the "line" directive/option deprecated now?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "is the "line" directive/option deprecated now?"

2011 Aug 25
manage sudoers with augeas
Hello, I am trying to use augeas via puppet, augeas { "mailops": context => "/files/etc/sudoers", changes => [ "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/user %mail-ops", "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/host ALL", "set spec[user = ''%mail-ops'']/host_group/command[1] \"/bin/su
2010 Nov 19
augeas / sudoers
Hello everybody! How can i create with puppet following sudoers file: User_Alias CENTREON=apache,nagios CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* restart CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* reload CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nagios* -v * The problem that augeas create only last line, replacing previous one. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to
2010 Jun 30
augeas and sudo woes
The following function is based on code I found here in an earlier thread. define sudoer() { augeas { "sudo${name}": context => "/files/etc/sudoers", changes => [ "set spec[last() + 1]/user ${name}", "set spec[last()]/host_group/host ALL", "set spec[last()]/host_group/command NOPASSWD: ALL", "set
2010 Feb 22
Augeas type: Removing an entry from /etc/hosts
Hi all, I''m just starting to look at using Augeas with Puppet to manage some of our configuration files. I thought I would start with a simple task of removing an entry from the /etc/hosts file. I''m not finding it simple though! We have a number of hosts with entries in the /etc/hosts file like this: hostname We would like to remove these lines. Now I know this can
2007 Jan 13
duplicate definition when inheriting classes
I thought the purpose of classes was that you could redefine types in the subclasses. However I get "Duplicate definition" errors whenever I attempt this. On a whim I tried the code from the documentation: --- Subclassing The primary benefit of using subclasses instead of just including the parent class is that
2011 Aug 05
Variable scope when having node inheritance
Hi I''m having some trouble with the following setup: node ''serverA'' inherits server-defaults { include myApp::install } node ''server-defaults'' inherits default { $sudoenv = ''custom_server'' } node default { $sudoenv = ''default'' include sudoers::config } class sudoers::config { file {
2013 Jun 20
Re-inventing the Wheel (again?)
I''m new to puppet and working my way through the documentation. I''m struggling with the puppet labs module repo. I''ve toyed with numerous automation and configuration methodologies over the decades. Perhaps I''m seeing puppet wrong, Compared with CFEngine there is a a lot I like, but I''m not sure why I''m still having to re-invent the
2012 Jan 26
Question about puppet module development
Hi all. I want to write module for kerberos configuration. I planned configure realms by using subclasses like in saz-sudo module: ... ### Adding sudoers definition (includes installation of sudo) sudo::conf { ''admins'': priority => 10, content => ''%admins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'', } ... But this module just createing file in
2012 Nov 28
Could not retrieve information from environment production source
I''m using puppet 3.0 i install puppet by these two command: sudo rpm -i sudo yum install puppet-server as and
2007 Oct 18
verify before deploy
so I have this sudo module that I''ve been working on: class auth::sudo { package { sudo: ensure => installed } file { sudo_config: name => "/tmp/sudoers", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0440, notify => Exec["sudoers-syntax"], source => [
2011 Apr 14
copying file with "source" parameter
Hi there, Just started using Puppet since yesterday, so a totally newbie question. I tried to search the answer by myself but none of the suggestions actually worked. This is how my "modules" is laid: |-- modules | |-- mySudo | | |-- files | | | `-- sudoers | | `-- manifests | | `-- init.pp The file(s), that I want to send to the client machines, is in the
2011 Jul 25
Sudo #includedir function ignored CentOS 6
I am unable to get the #includedir function to work with sudo. This works just fine on all my CentOS 5.6 servers, but on 6 it is being ignored. I have this line in the file /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix-puppet zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet However sudo still requires a password. If I put that same line into /etc/sudoers file , there is no password prompt. At the end of my
2009 Sep 24
puppet permissons
Today I was testing Puppet''s fileserver feature and and error came up: client> /usr/sbin/puppetd --test --verbose --server puppet info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml notice: Starting catalog run notice: //Node[default]/sudo/Package[sudo]/ensure: created err: //Node[default]/sudo/File[/etc/sudoers]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: No specified source
2013 Oct 15
hiera_array, structured data and multiple levels of hierarchy
Hi all! I''m trying to setup a puppet module for sudo that will write multiple files with separate data for each file, all dependent on the hiera hierarchy. Here''s the relevant portion of my hiera.yaml: > :hierarchy: > > - "datacenter/app/role/node/%{::clientcert}" > > - "datacenter/app/role/%{::server_role}" > > -
2008 Mar 18
Overriding a file without causing duplicate definitions
Hello folks. I''ve got a problem that I can''t work out the solution to. My base workstation node definition says essentially: node base-workstation { file { etc-sudoers: name => "/etc/sudoers", ... } } This works fine, all of our workstations get a standardised sudoers file. However, I have one user on a workstation who needs a specialised sudoers file.
2007 Mar 26
Basic help with imports and includes
Do any of you good people have a moment to help me out with my basic Puppet language skills, I''m a little new around here and getting an error I don''t yet understand. I have an RHEL4 Puppetmaster happily controlling the permissions of /etc/sudoers on an RHEL5 and SolarisX86 client. My actual environment consists of several systems in several locations. All systems need the
2011 Jun 27
Ruby script to download files without 'puppet agent'
We have often the Problem that some files need to be checked for updates faster than the cycle of the puppet agent. I try to solve this with a script which tries to download the files directly from the fileserver of the puppetmaster. So far i couldn''t get it to work. I don''t know if i got the URL right, i did not find any examples on the REST API documentation for the
2010 Jun 02
augeas type and /etc/services
Has anyone attempted to use the augeas type to add a service? I got the service to add no problem, but having some difficulties to get the match to work to prevent duplicate entries from adding. Since the service-name[*] has endless number of entries I used a glob so it checks all the entries but that does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to proceed? augeas { app_tcp'': context
2007 Feb 10
Multipe file sources...
Hi, I''m trying to use several sources to pick from in a remotefile statement: remotefile { "/etc/sudoers": mode => 0440, source => [ "config/apps/sudo/sudoers.${host}", "config/apps/sudo/sudoers" ], sourceselect => first } But it doesn''t seem to work. I get an error like this: "File source
2014 Jul 02
sssd_sudo search results different from command line ldapsearch
Hi all! I'm attempting to configure sudo rights from Samba ldap. Alas, libsssd_samba receives 0 rules and config doesn't work. I think I have the problem identified here but I don't understand why. The way sssd_sudo searches for sudoers leave all important attributes out and of course filtering then fails. Can you help me to understand why following search results are so different (and