similar to: if file exists

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "if file exists"

2007 May 01
Custom functions and facts
Hello! I''ve been trying to use facts from Facter in a custom function. I''ve been following Matthew''s entry in the wiki ( What i''m seeing is that Facter[''fqdn''].value is always returning the fqdn of the puppetmaster host. I was expecting the fqdn of the client host.
2006 Sep 29
Facts load by puppet -factsync question
fact loads: I use facter to search the rsync path and then i write this sudoers line: Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = /usr/bin/rsync I call puppet like this: puppetd --factsync --server=xxx.yyy.61.131 --waitforcert 60 --test the recipe is: sudoensure_line { sudobackupcommands: ligne => "Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = $rsyncpath",
2008 Dec 04
puppetmaster built via puppetd
hi, i''m trying to set up my puppetmaster infrastructure with multiple puppetservers behind load balancers in each of our datacenters. i''m using 0.24.6. i''ve read the howto on puppet scalability, and i think i''ve got the ssl config working correct, but i''m noticing that when puppetd is used to build a puppetmaster, some of the files in $vardir/ ssl
2009 Dec 21
custom fact and environment variable
Hello, I''m trying to add an environment variable as fact like this : #export $FACTER_test="infof" #facter | grep test test => infof But my fact don''t synchronize with puppet master. I don''t see it in / var/puppet/yaml/clientfile.yaml If I want this works, I''ve need to start puppet like this : #puppetd -vt --factsync but factsync''s
2007 Dec 10
Results from testing our manifests, functions and types against HEAD
Hi Luke and other people working on 0.24. I hope this is constructive. So, I have our configuration working against a checkout from git as of last night. Subject to (sorry, here''s the big but :) * external_nodes script is not being called (#951) * Custom types aren''t working unless I drop them into $rubysitedir/puppet/{type,provider}. Previously they worked in
2007 Jan 10
Problem adding facts ...
I have created my first ''fact'', first attempt at Ruby too, and configured the fileserver to server it but when a Fedora (5 or 6) client sync''s puppetd appears to hang. CentOS clients sync and use the new fact fine. Find attached the fact file and the output from ''puppetd --debug --factsync'' on a FC5 client is below. This is a 0.20.1 client and
2007 Jul 17
Recommended way to set $FACTERLIB?
Is there a recommended way to set $FACTERLIB so that Puppet will be able to access custom facts when running as a Red Hat service? If I export $FACTERLIB=/var/puppet/facts and then run Puppet manually I have no problems, but I''m not sure how I should be setting $FACTERLIB when Puppet is running automatically. Cheers, James
2006 Sep 15
before everything
I have some facter file to distribute before running puppet on the platform. The problem is : how can i send the facter local.rb file so the rest of the .pp file take into account the new facts created ? ex: i have sudopath as a facter fact and one sudoers class that need that sudopath to work. How do you model that ? it seems puppet would have to rerun after the new local.rb is downloaded
2008 May 30
pluginsync factsync etc
Hi, When starting puppet on a new machine, (or when the $vardir/lib is empty) puppet will not run the facts, it will only copy them. on the second time puppet runs, it works quiet well: on the client its defined: [main] pluginsync = true pluginsource = puppet://$server/plugins plugindest = $vardir/lib/puppet factpath = $vardir/lib/puppet/facter [puppetd] factsync = true I also tried with
2007 Dec 03
certificate issue with Branch Testing
Hello All, I''m using the "Branch Testing" approach documented at and am seeing an issue with certificates. On all clients, I can run puppetd --masterport=8141 successfully but see the following error when I run against the default (8140) port: err: Could not retrieve configuration: Certificates were not trusted:
2007 Mar 26
Basic help with imports and includes
Do any of you good people have a moment to help me out with my basic Puppet language skills, I''m a little new around here and getting an error I don''t yet understand. I have an RHEL4 Puppetmaster happily controlling the permissions of /etc/sudoers on an RHEL5 and SolarisX86 client. My actual environment consists of several systems in several locations. All systems need the
2007 Feb 07
Writing your own functions
In case anyone is interested in extending the Puppetmaster by writing new functions, I''ve written up some notes on how to do it, gleaned from my own experience earlier today: Corrections from people who''ve done it before, or who are wanting to do it, as to correctness, clarity, or whatever, are appreciated. And
2007 Jun 01
Puppet starting before network is up
Lots of my puppet hosts have DHCP-assigned addresses. I''ve found, at least in Debian 4.0, that puppetd will often start up before the network interfaces are all up and running, and therefore it can''t contact the puppetmaster. When that happens, puppet exits immediately. I''m hacking around the problem with the following content in /etc/default/puppet, but
2007 Apr 30
escape regex code
hello, i wondered if it would not be interesting to have some filters function in puppet like filter_integer(), filter_prelregex, filter_text, filter_email or such so we can validate and make our defines a little more foolproof :) i particulary see filter_regex as usefull in quite a lot of exec that manipulates text files. What do you think about this ? -- Cordialement, Ghislain
2010 Nov 10
Custom facts in current and old environments
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hello, I read that there is several problems about custom facts on this list. However, none is serving my task exactly so I start another. (Topic »custom facts in legacy puppet 0.24.[89]« is the might be the same issue but that gets no answer.) My problem is that I have to serve clients with different versions of puppet. The systems running ubuntu
2007 Apr 05
Preferred method for setting customer facts?
I''ve checked out the page on adding custom facts for Facter and I see that there are a number of ways to do this. Is there a preferred method of setting system-wide facts? In this case, I''d like to set a "Location" fact which represents the data centre a server is in. Cheers, James *********************************************************************************
2006 Oct 11
Built In Puppet Variables Documentation
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''m just getting started with using Puppet, and from what I''ve seen I really like it. However, I''m trying get started with slighly more advanced things like templates but I''m running into a roadblock with not knowing what built-in variables I have available to me. Is there someplace this is documented?
2007 Nov 13
Exported resources & exec ?
Hi, I''m sorry if that''s a FAQ, I also know exported resources are a still experimental. So my problem might well be a design limitation of how exported resources are working. My issue: I''m trying to export a file resource that is created by an exec block. The file is exported fine and collected fine but it is always empty on the other host. The puppet snippet: class
2007 Nov 17
oddness with fileserver, facts and plugins sync
I''m working with a pretty simple config at the moment to track down some issues I''m seeing with custom facts and plugins. I have factsync = true (default locations) and I have a simple fact in /var/lib/puppet/facts/ (actually it''s David''s netmask plugin) my pp file I''m testing with contains only: notice "netmask: ${netmask}" puppet -v
2006 Nov 02
certificate not trusted
Hello, I try to install puppet on freebsd 6.X. All is well but i cannot get the certificte to install and be recognized. I run .19.3. I run the puppetd --test --waitforcert 60 then sign and then i got: err: No certificate; running with reduced functionality. info: Creating a new SSL key at /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/conf/ssl/private_keys/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem info: Creating a new certificate