similar to: package name AND VERSION needed for passing to yum?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "package name AND VERSION needed for passing to yum?"

2008 Aug 11
Class dependency question
So I have two classes for openvz setup. The first is openvz::setup and it sets up the box for OpenVZ.. then another class (in same .pp file) called openvz::master sets up the config for the main system (as opposed to a VE). The error I see is that the openvz::master class is executed (and fails) becuase it doesn''t seem to load up the setup class? debug: Calling puppetmaster.getconfig
2012 Jun 04
Windows architecture fact
We recently fixed the hardwaremodel and architecture facts on Windows as they were always returning i386[1]. The change will be in the upcoming 1.6.10 release of Facter[2]. The new behavior is that hardwaremodel will return something like i686, ia64, x64, etc, while the architecture fact will return either x86 or x64. Since the new behavior will likely affect puppet users that are trying to write
2011 Mar 04
ifname in openvz container
Hi! Is there any way to specify ethernet device name to be created inside the openvz container? I could find such info at If I do as below I get br0 as ethernet device inside VM whereas I'd like it to be eth0. $ cat ovz.xml <domain type='openvz' id='144'> <name>144</name>
2008 Jun 06
useradd provider not working?
I have this config: # BL00070 - Disable NFS service {["nfs","nfslock","netfs","portmap"]: ensure => stopped, enable => false, } user {"rpc": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } user {"rpcuser": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } file
2008 Jun 12
Puppet Demo at ETRADE
I had some questions come up today during the Puppet demo here: 1. Is there any way to apply different intervals to different classes? For example, we might want a security baseline manifest to run once a month, package installation files once/day, etc. Since we''re a brokerage, we also don''t want ANY system changes during trading hours. I guess we could cron killing the
2010 Dec 15
having trouble with puppet 0.25.5 on openbsd 4.8 on amd64
My manifest includes this snippet class app_client_openbsd { $app_client_pkgs_obsd = [ ''glib2-2.24.1p2'', ''gtar-1.23p1'' ] package { "${app_client_pkgs_obsd}": ensure => ''installed'', source => "http://${installserver}/openbsd/${operatingsystemrelease}/packages/${hardwaremodel}/${name}.tgz", } This
2009 Dec 09
facter 1.5.7 all lsb* items missing
I have 2 RHEL 5.4 systems where all facter lsb* items are missing. Any ideas? Sanitized facter output: architecture => i386 domain => facterversion => 1.5.7 fqdn => hardwareisa => i686 hardwaremodel => i686 hostname => broken id => root interfaces => eth0,sit0 ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => is_virtual => true
2011 Mar 03
lsbdistcodename and Debian Squeeze
Hello all, I use puppetmaster on a Debian Squeeze server (packaged from Debian 2.6.2-4) I am using a template for Debian Servers which works great for Lenny in order to update my sources.list automagically, here goes: deb <%= lsbdistcodename %> main contrib non-free deb <%= lsbdistcodename %>/updates main Now the problem
2008 Jul 01
OpenVZ configuration of networking with puppet - big crash
I am trying to streamline the current distribution specific setup and creation of VE''s within OpenVZ with puppet. My first attempt has gone horribly wrong as you will see below. Here''s the script I wrote to replace the redhat specific setup that OpenVZ used: [jleggett@lxp6d15m3 scripts]$ cat #!/bin/bash # # Debug - take out later set -x
2007 Dec 28
puppet hangs on Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum
This is particularly nasty, since it''s on the puppetmaster itself: [root@puppet tmp]# rpm -q yum puppet puppet-server yum-3.0.5-1.el5.centos.5 puppet-0.24.0-2.el5 puppet-server-0.24.0-2.el5 [root@puppet tmp]# cat /etc/issue CentOS release 5 (Final) Here''s the output of puppetd --debug: notice: Starting catalog run debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds debug: Prefetching rpm
2008 Apr 07
setting environment variables
Hi all, I''m running Puppet on FreeBSD and recently I started building my own packages. I would like to set the PKGROOT variable on all hosts so that packages are fetched from my server instead of Is it possible to set this with puppet? I''ve read the suggestion on Trac [1], and it solves the problem when puppet is run with an rc script, but it won''t work
2006 Nov 02
certificate not trusted
Hello, I try to install puppet on freebsd 6.X. All is well but i cannot get the certificte to install and be recognized. I run .19.3. I run the puppetd --test --waitforcert 60 then sign and then i got: err: No certificate; running with reduced functionality. info: Creating a new SSL key at /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/conf/ssl/private_keys/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem info: Creating a new certificate
2008 Sep 30
something wrong with puppet client or Server
Hi All, I have running puppet client and server on solaris 10 x86. Now days some of puppet client behaviors is something weird !!! or May be i am missing something... for ex. I created class to add one line in /etc/vfstab . but puppet client did it successfully 1st time ...But .. After few days , i saw there are same line has been added more than 250 times.. [ see same line is added so many
2008 Sep 10
Managing SSH keys
Hello all, I''d like to have Puppet distributing one of your server''s (public) SSH keys, effectively doing the same as the ssh-copy-id command. Is there a build in puppet resource type for managing SSH keys. We''re running version 0.24.4 of puppet. Regards, Kenneth Holter --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2008 Jul 30
Refreshonly question
Does anyone have a technique for performing an exec the first time puppetd runs but then reverting to refreshonly => true state for subsequent runs? The basic idea is: file { "/etc/foo": notify => Exec["bar"] } exec { "bar": command => "Do stuff to /etc/foo", refreshonly => true } Should I use a fact that is unset based on a
2008 Dec 29
Using an Exec inside a define
I''m working on a definition for activating/deactivating Apache modules on an Ubuntu system. Inside my Apache class I have this definition: define module($ensure) { case $ensure { enabled: { exec { "a2enmod": command => "/usr/sbin/a2enmod $name", logoutput => on_failure,
2008 May 30
XFS install issue
I am attempting to implement XFS on a new system. System: Supermicro SC846 TQ-R900B - rack-mountable SUPERMICRO X7DWN+ - motherboard 3ware 9650SE-24M8 - storage controller 10 Hitachi DeskStar 7K1000 - hard drive - 1 TB 8GB Ram 2 Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5420 / 2.5 GHz processor Installed Centos 5.1 X86 64 from DVD. System on /dev/sda1 ? 250GB ext3 (raid 5). /home will be on /dev/sdb1 ? over 7TB
2007 Dec 13
logoutput attribute on exec type
so here I am trying to track down why one of my execs isn''t working properly and I notice in the wiki[1]the option on_failure for logoutput. Turns out it does''t work (in 0.23.0) err: Parameter logoutput failed: Invalid ''logoutput'' value "on_failure". Valid values are true, false, debug, info, notice, warning, err, alert, emerg, crit. err: Could not
2013 May 06
Installing on an OpenVZ instance
Hello All; I'm attempting to build the dahdi on an OpenVZ instance: Linux serverx 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1 #1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Now, the kernel says that I have the proper one installed, as you can see from above. However, when I run the make all, this is what I see: You do not appear to have the sources for the
2009 Jan 28
Solaris zone documentation
I''m following the example provided in the type reference under ''zone'', i.e.: zone{myzone: autoboot=>true, create_args=>"-b", ip=>"nge0:10:130.55.201", path=>"/zoneds/%s", realhostname=>"",