similar to: ACL support

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "ACL support"

2008 Sep 10
Managing SSH keys
Hello all, I''d like to have Puppet distributing one of your server''s (public) SSH keys, effectively doing the same as the ssh-copy-id command. Is there a build in puppet resource type for managing SSH keys. We''re running version 0.24.4 of puppet. Regards, Kenneth Holter --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2008 Apr 25
Certificate retrieval failed: Connection reset by peer
Hi. When registering a new client with the puppetmaster I get the following error: [root@host ~]# puppetd --server puppetmaster --waitforcert 50 --test info: Creating a new certificate request for host info: Creating a new SSL key at /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ host.pem warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session err: Could not call puppetca.getcert:
2008 Sep 12
Type nfs_share changes exported folder/file ownership
I''ve used the nfs_share type to export NFS shares on server A: nfs_share { "": shares => ["/path/to/share/", "/path/to/another/share/"], share_access => "" } The /etc/exports file on server A look like this: /path/to/share,sync)
2009 Sep 01
Storing puppet info in a database
Hi all. We have a bunch of RHEL servers running Puppet. They are also connected to our Red Hat Satellite server. Currently we don''t have any master documentation system that stores all relevant information (i.e. type of server, hardware info, linux configuration, etc) about the servers. So what I''d like to do is implement some sort of system that can hold all this information.
2009 Jan 23
Notifying a service when config file changes
Hello all. I''m trying to get my servers (syslog clients) to forward syslog-messages to a central syslog server. I''m using the "line" resource type to add the necessary entry to /etc/syslog.conf file, and I need a way to notify the syslog service to restart whenever the config file changes. Currently, this is what I''ve done: *service {syslog: ensure
2009 Oct 23
The /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket directory grew 4GB in minutes, filling up /var on production server
Hi. Last night the /var/lib/puppet/clientbucktet directory on one of our production servers suddenly grew about 4 GB, filling up the entire /var partition. Around that time, I see that there was a problem with one of our CIFS mount points (i.e. our CIFS client had problems reaching our CIFS server). We''re using puppet to set up the CIFS mount point. Under the clientbucket folder, I
2008 Jan 14
Spot the cyclical relationship
I got the following error, but there''s no "cycle" I commented out File["/dev/sdb3"] and it works, but of course would choke if I ran it and the requirement were not met err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found cycles in the following relationships: File[/dev/sdb1] => Exec[echo -e "0,290\n,290\n," | sfdisk /dev/sdb] Here''s the node: node
2007 Apr 13
Hi When using puppetrun to trigger machines to get and apply their configuration, it will only trigger the machine when executing puppetrun for the second time: puppetmaster # puppetrun --host puppetclient puppetclient log: -- snip Apr 13 08:19:49 puppetd[20208]: puppetmaster( triggered run Apr 13 08:20:08 puppetd[20208]: puppetmaster( triggered run Apr 13 08:20:08
2009 Jan 08
Puppet client hangs if LDAP server is not accessible
Hi. I''ve noticed that on servers that are both puppet and LDAP clients, the puppet client will hang if the LDAP server is not reachable. Does anyone know what the reason for this is? Regards, Kenneth Holter --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this
2008 Apr 10
ldap trouble
I am trying to setup puppet for use with ldap. Following the page ( ) I run ruby -rldap -e ''puts :installed'' with success, however ruby - rpuppet -e ''p Puppet.features.ldap?'' fails with ruby: no such file to load -- puppet (LoadError) I imagine that it is related to how I have things installed. I am
2007 Mar 13
Problem Managing Ruby Gems
I''m trying to have puppet install a bunch of ruby gems for me, but I''m running into problems with a few of them. This is on CentOS 4.4, ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [x86_64-linux] and the latest puppet from svn as of yesterday afternoon. I have: package { fastthread: ensure => "", provider => gem, require =>
2008 May 01
File source weirdness
Sorry for the rather vague subject-line, but I can''t think of any pithy way to describe what I''m seeing. I have Puppet 0.24.4 running on a whole bunch of Solaris machines. Some 10, some 8, some SPARC, some x86. On two of them (8/SPARC, but not the only 8/SPARC machines we have!) this: file {"/etc/resolv.conf": source => [
2008 Jan 14
Puppetrun denied by puppetd
Hi, I have a Gentoo server running puppetmasterd from Puppet 0.24.1 and a Ubuntu server running puppetd from Puppet 0.23.2. I have added listen=true to the [puppetd] section on the client and run puppetd --debug. I then run puppetrun --debug --host hostname on the puppetmaster server. This is the output I get: Puppetmaster: # puppetrun --debug --host hostname Failed to load ruby LDAP library.
2011 Dec 19
Hosting the user password only, not the .bashrc and -bash_profile files
Hi all, We have a number of server on which user "admin" exists, and that have manual modifications to its bashrc and bash_profile files. What I''d like to do is to host its user password from puppet master, but not the bash-files. I tries this (we''re running Puppet Enterprise 2): -- code start -- pe_accounts::user { ''admin'': password =>
2008 Apr 27
Template variable "hostname" not working with certname= parameter?
I recently upgraded my Puppetmaster to 0.24.4 and it looks like my templates are not working properly. All of my clients use the same certificate, built by my original client "xx". I do this using the certname=blah parameter in the puppet.conf on each client. Up until I upgraded each client would use the "xx" certificate (which I had renamed to "blah") and
2007 Apr 18
dependency and communication between defined classes
Hi, i wanted to know how you handle case when classes or define need to communicate between them. For exemple i got an ftpd define and a apachevhost define. Both need to know the path where the vhost is set and this path is defined by the ftpuser home''s directory. How can i ask information from other define or other classes ? we allready seen that tag are not reliable as they
2008 Apr 22
Puppetd exits when "puppet" can't be resolved
Heya, I''m using puppet on Ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy) and there''s a problem with the default setup of Ubuntu. Ubuntu uses network-manager to start the network in the background, which in turn causes puppet to start before the network is up. Puppet will then exit because it can''t resolve the server name. Currently I "solve" this problem by uninstalling
2008 Jul 01
chicken/egg problem with custom types
Hi while usings DavidS mysql module with its custom mysql types I hit some kind of a chicken/egg problem: While deploying mysql, I also like to define some mysql munin user, to enable munin monitoring for mysql things. I choosed to use the mysql_user type from DavidS and it works perfectly. However I start using the custom types on a host where mysql have already been installed. Now I should
2008 May 20
puppet thinks yum fails when it doesn't
Hi all, Not sure if this is a bug in puppet, yum, or just something I''m doing wrong. I''m trying to use puppet to update a package to a particular version and exec a command when that update is applied. The problem is, puppet calls yum which successfully updates the package, but puppet then thinks the update has failed and hence doesn''t trigger the exec. Next
2009 Sep 18
Using variables in virtual resources
Hi. I''ve defined a virtual user "kenneth", and depending on a variable in the node definiton I''d like to add the users to different groups. Consider this example: ###### Code start node "" { $server_type = "typeA" realize User[kenneth] } @user {"kenneth": ensure => present, uid => 1000,