similar to: cpan package provider

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "cpan package provider"

2008 Apr 24
puppet ldap integration question
I want to deploy puppet with openldap for specific node configuration, but only for specific nodes, every other node (not in LDAP) should follow the ''default'' node definition. Is it possible to mix and match like this? As I try it I am getting err: Could not retrieve catalog: Could not find node ''myhostname'' instead. -- Mark Foster - Sr. Systems Engineer
2007 Sep 04
CPAN error
Hi all im not sure if this is the right mailing list but im using centos anyway. i run CPAN by perl -MCPAN -e shell and got through the first time configuration and after selecting the mirror sites i got this error and i can't get any modules to be installed. I haven't encountered this before and not very familiar with cpan. Constant subroutine __USE_POSIX undefined at
2007 Jan 26
Re-running CPAN setup
I just ran for the first time perl -MCPAN -e shell and answered all the question, but i made a mistake and selected an incorrect mirror. How can I rerun this perl setup? -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Erick Perez Panama Sistemas Integradores de Telefonia IP y Soluciones Para Centros de Datos Panama, Republica de Panama Cel Panama. +(507) 6694-4780
2004 Sep 23
CPAN problems?
Sorry if this is off topic, but the cpan mail list seems quite ded, and I was wondering if any of you have had the same problem. when ever I do a perl -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::CPAN" I get this error: ---------------------------------- Net::Telnet is up to date. Net::Cmd is up to date. Bundle summary: The following items in bundle Bundle::libnet had installation problems:
2006 Jan 20
[ANNOUNCE] Asterisk::LCR released on CPAN
Hi, After a few extra days of hard work, debugging, and many coffees, I am pround to announce that Asterisk::LCR has been released on CPAN. Asterisk::LCR is an open-source, Perl-based collection of tools to help you manage efficiently multiple VoIP providers with your Asterisk installation. It is capable of importing providers rates from multiple providers, comparing these rates, and
2012 Mar 11
install cpan module in /usr/lib/perl5
hello centos guru I encounter a problem with centos 6 perl -MCPAN -e shell install MyModule well I installed the module but in the standard repertoire of the user but not in the directory of the perl distribution how to remedy this problem cpan modules installed in /usr/lib/perl/ please help me I can not solve this problem alone sincerely --
2007 Mar 19
installing perl module in centos/rpmforge vs. cpan methods
Hi, I just used RPMforge package perl-Mail-Sender, and am looking at the perl cpan site for info, anyone got a simple way to determine if the module is working properly? I am trying to use the cpan info, but it's a bit cryptic (as perl is wont to be). -it says to use this: #!/usr/local/bin/perl use ExtUtils::Installed; my $instmod = ExtUtils::Installed->new(); foreach my $module
2006 Jan 19
CPAN module install problem
I could use some assistance getting CPAN functional again. CPAN stopped working on Centos 4.2 x64, and I can no longer install modules. I did a install Bundle::CPAN and upgraded to 1.8.2, and perl was updated afterwards via yum update. The error seems related to GPG, does anyone know if 1.8.2 added new restrictions on signatures? $ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan shell -- CPAN exploration
2004 May 21
Failure to preserve package attribute when coercing S4 objects (PR#6904)
If a class is derived from a superclass using 'contains', then coercion of an object from the class to the superclass fails to preserve the 'package' attribute of class of the object. This occurs only when the derived class has no additional slots. This is a problem because the 'new' function relies on the exact identity of the class, including the package attribute.
2007 Mar 31
Problem with S4 inheritance: unexpected re-initialization?
Dear all, To explain my problem I am attaching a demonstration package "myclasspkg": I have the following two S4 classes with similar inheritance: SubSubClassA <- SubClassB <- BaseClass SubSubClassB <- SubClassB <- BaseClass In R I am calling the following functions: > library(myclasspkg) > subA <-
2007 Mar 04
Problem using callNextMethod() in S4
Dear all, Maybe, I am doing something wrong, but using R-2.5.0 on my Intel-Mac, I have problems using function callNextMethod() in method initialize. I am loading the following code as file "testS4.R": setClass("baseClass", representation(myname = "character", mydir = "character", "VIRTUAL"),
2010 Jun 04
[LLVMdev] Speculative phi elimination at the top of a loop?
I am working on heavily optimising unusually static C++ code, and have encountered a situation where I basically want an optimiser that would speculatively unroll a loop to see if the first round of the loop could be optimised further. (I happen to know that it is possible.) The previous optimisations that produce the loop in the first place already do a magical job (relying heavily on constant
2008 Jul 21
perl module to parse httpd log on C5
hello, Looking for alternative ideas to parse the combined Apache log: /var/log/httpd/access_log (is how I named it) What I've tried so far is a CPAN search, which pointed me to a recently created module called ApacheLog::Parser >From the C5 shell, I used something like this (heavily refined from how I started) ---------- sh script --------- #rpm --import
2008 May 05
puppetmasterd --mkusers
I''m trying to run puppetmasterd the first time with --mkusers. It fails with the following error message: 001 # /usr/bin/puppetmasterd --mkusers Could not configure for running; got 1 failure(s) Adding --verbose and --debug does nothing to improve the output. How do I begin to debug this? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2011 May 18
[LLVMdev] 2.9 pass manager asserts "Unable to handle Pass that requires lower level Analysis pass"
Hi, I am trying to write an LLVM project, using LLVM 2.9. My passes are defined as follows, where the Pass2 requires Pass1. namespace llvm { class BaseClass : public ModulePass { // Name for printing const char* printname; protected: BaseClass(char id, const char* name) : ModulePass(id),printname(name){ } }; class Pass1 : public BaseClass { public: static char ID; Pass1() :
2008 Jul 28
security of auto-sign?
I am looking into alternatives for the initial cert sign for new puppet clients. We will have non-sysadmins kickstarting new hosts, and I am trying to minimize the time they have to wait for a cert sign while maintaining at least a marginally sane level of security. My question is this: does the puppetmaster check that a new cert request for host A (csr with subject "cn=A.mydomain") is
2007 Feb 13
CentOS 4 CPAN problem
Not sure if this is the proper list, but I've spent days browsing for the solution. This only happens on the CentOS machine, so I'll start here. After upgrading CPAN, I get the following: undefined subroutine &Compress::Zlib::gzopen called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/CPAN/ line 102. "gzopen" seems to refer to a PHP command. Am I missing a module, or have I hit a
2007 Feb 17
1 failure to install
Everyone, Have a new install of Centos 4.4 with a Supermicro dual processor. I was trying to install the perl module Astro::Time with CPAN and the initial setup of CPAN suggested a -j3 switch to be used with 'make' on dual processor machines. I followed the suggestion but when the CPAN module tried to use make it failed with the -j3 switch. I thought I would uninstall CPAN to start
2008 May 30
CPAN mirroring exclude syntax assistance request
I'm running a local CPAN mirror and there is one recursive subdirectory I desire to exclude. I've tried many different syntax variations with no luck. Someone let me know where I'm going wrong: /usr/bin/rsync -av --delete --exclude '/src/***' --no-implied-dirs \ --delete-excluded --prune-empty-dirs /cpan-mirror/ Thanks. -- Love feeling your
2006 Jun 23
Hosed CPAN installation on CNT4.x
Hi: I've hosed my CPAN installation and need to get back. What do I need to install via yum to get it back? I have tried: yum -y install perl-libwww-perl yum -y install Omni-foomatic perl-XML-Parser system-config-printer system-config-printer-gui perl-libxml-perl foomatic perl-libxml-enno perl-XML-Dumper perl-XML-Encoding Without success. Thanks Ed -------------- next part