similar to: Temporary failure in name resolution

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Temporary failure in name resolution"

2012 Sep 27
Puppetmaster with mongrel
Hey Guys, So i have puppetmaster running and well. I have a few questions 1) Even though i followed instructions on on using Mongrel, puppetmaster is probably still using webrick since the client connection timeout still occurs. How do i make it use mongrel? 2) Now after messing a little with /etc/sysconfig/puppetmaster i increased
2006 Nov 13
0.20.1 and sqlite3 error
Hello, I just installed the latest version of puppet and puppetmaster on an up to date RHEL4 system. If I turn on ''storeconfigs'' on the puppetmaster server I get the following error: debug: Calling puppetmaster.getconfigerr: Could not retrieve configuration: Uncaught exception No such file to load -- sqlite3 in method puppetmaster.getconfig I have gems and rails installed
2011 Jun 29
Setting up puppetmaster-passenger on Debian
I am at the end of my rope here so I pray to the gods that puppet-users can help. Using Debian apt-get install puppetmaster-passenger you get a fairly complete puppetmaster setup. I have the Pro Puppet book next to me and following Chapter 4 on setting up Puppet with Passenger I can see that apt has already done most of the ground work. For example the script is owned by puppet,
2017 Aug 29
Syncronize systemctl status with reality?
----- Original Message ----- From: "James Hogarth" <james.hogarth at> To: "centos" <centos at> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 2:03:44 PM Subject: Re: [CentOS] Syncronize systemctl status with reality? On 29 Aug 2017 17:58, "Leroy Tennison" <leroy at> wrote: The particular issue is with puppetmaster (which
2009 Feb 10
something wrong with mongrel?
Hi all, I''ve followed for configuring my puppet with mongrel. Al seems to work fine, except that, after a reinstall of 40 nodes atone time, I got many kind of errors like: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- err: Could not request certificate: Certificate retrieval failed: .tmp file already
2010 Apr 15
Could not create PID file error when .svn directory exists.
Getting some strange behavior when I try and start the puppetmaster. I keep my configs in a subversion repository so naturally there are .svn directories within the puppet config directory. Not sure why but one of my puppetmaster instances refuses to start until I remove one specific .svn directory. No puppet process running. [root@puppethc01 files]# ps -ef | grep puppet root 16417 13135 0
2010 Jul 01
Interesting "Bad Certificate" Problem
All, I''m having an interesting certificate problem with a host I provisioned today. The host was provisioned and puppet was installed as part of the post-os provisioning process. After I signed the certificate I see the following on the client side: [root@client ~]# puppetd --verbose --no-daemonize notice: Starting Puppet client version 0.25.4 err: Could not retrieve catalog from
2008 Dec 04
puppetmaster built via puppetd
hi, i''m trying to set up my puppetmaster infrastructure with multiple puppetservers behind load balancers in each of our datacenters. i''m using 0.24.6. i''ve read the howto on puppet scalability, and i think i''ve got the ssl config working correct, but i''m noticing that when puppetd is used to build a puppetmaster, some of the files in $vardir/ ssl
2017 Aug 29
Syncronize systemctl status with reality?
On 29 Aug 2017 17:58, "Leroy Tennison" <leroy at> wrote: The particular issue is with puppetmaster (which admittedly takes 4 minutes to actually start, setting TimeoutStartSec=300 in it's unit file stopped the false timeout report) but I have seen it one other time (don't remember the details). systemctl status puppetmaster ? puppetmaster.service - Puppet
2013 Jul 23
Debugging Puppetmaster with Apache/Rack/Passenger
Hi, I''m currently trying to debug a performance issue I''m having. Therefore I would need "DEBUG" output. When using one puppetmaster process, this is fairly easy by starting it like this: > puppet master --no-daemonize --debug Now I need to see this debug output when running puppetmaster the way I ususally do - using Apache/Rack/Passenger. After looking
2006 Aug 18
RH init scripts busted ?
Hi, I''m just getting started with puppet, and using the RPMS provided (on CentOS 4.3), and RedHat''s killproc is annoying me again. The process is called ''ruby'' instead of ''puppetmasterd''. $ ps 7869 PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 7869 ? Ss 0:00 ruby /usr/sbin/puppetmasterd [ etc ] So, service puppetmaster
2007 Nov 21
mod_proxy_balancer under heavy load.
So I''m still working on a ''perfect'' setup so I can document it on the wiki, and will submit some puppet patches against 0.23.2 next week, but here''s what I''ve done that has made a big difference to stability here. in puppetmasterd at line 261, I''ve modified the Mongrel instantiation from: server =,
2007 Jul 03
pupped on the puppetmaster: cert problems
I''m getting certificate errors when I attempt to run puppetd on the puppetmaster. As near as I can tell, this is because I''m using the same puppet.conf for both puppetd and puppetmasterd; but puppetmaster runs as user "puppet" and puppetd runs as user "root", yet both expect the certificates to be readable and chmod 600. I tried telling puppetd to use
2007 May 19
A little more on this puppetmaster thing
So one of the behaviors that seems to wedge puppetmasterd is if you re-initialize a client, the example here being that I installed an older version of puppet on a bunch of machines to test out how things work: * at some point in the past install older rev of puppet - client regiesters itself with the server, etc. - works fine. * recently, remove the old puppet in favor of a new version that
2009 Sep 22
Monitoring the puppetmaster
I''m using 0.24 with Webrick (in the process of migrating to 0.25 / passenger). Occasionally, the puppetmasterd becomes unavailable, and we see error messages along the lines of: Could not call puppetmaster.getconfig: #<Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer> I believe the puppetmasterd does not completely die, so it is still in the process list. I''m wondering what
2008 Dec 18
errors after 0.24.7 upgrade ..
After upgrading my puppetmaster to 0.24.7 from 0.24.6 i am getting the following errors in the puppetmaster logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thu Dec 18 16:11:39 +1100 2008 Puppet (err): Could not store configs: undefined method `environment='' for #<Puppet::Rails::Host:0xb72c0c38> I do not use environment''s and they are not defined anywhere in the puppet.conf
2017 Aug 29
Syncronize systemctl status with reality?
The particular issue is with puppetmaster (which admittedly takes 4 minutes to actually start, setting TimeoutStartSec=300 in it's unit file stopped the false timeout report) but I have seen it one other time (don't remember the details). systemctl status puppetmaster ? puppetmaster.service - Puppet master Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/puppetmaster.service; enabled; vendor
2011 Nov 09
passenger starts old pupper
Hello, I use Centos 5x with rpmforge for install puppet. It''s update''s itself. Today system update puppet to 2.7.x version. Puppen agent updates ok. But passenger start old version(2.6.x). Then I start puppetmaster init script (it''s start WEBrick) started new version. Apache vhost: RackAutoDetect On DocumentRoot
2014 Aug 29
Using puppet with Apache mod_disk_cache and passenger over SSL
I have tried to setup Apache with passenger to host the puppetmaster but I also want to cache. I have no problems running puppet within Passenger with httpd. I also enabled mod_disk_cache within Apache. However, I still see my puppet client htting the puppetmaster and the puppetmaster compiles the manifest every time. In /var/cache/mod_cache, I can see that the data was properly cached.
2012 Feb 06
Puppet / Passenger SSL Problems with DRBD
I am working on setting up a Puppet configuration where some of the data is stored on a DRBD volume. The modules and vardir are stored on the drbd volume. The puppet.conf files point to the drbd volume for vardir. I created a cert for a VIP puppet-master using the puppetca -- create command I had everything working on the primary drbd node, but when I fail over, everything starts up fine, but I