Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "parSapply can't find function"
2008 May 07
function in nls argument
Greetings R users, maybe there is someone who can help
me with this problem:
I define a function "optim.fun" and want as output the
sum of squared errors between predicted and measured
values, as follows:
optim.fun <- function (ST04, SM08b, ch2no, a, b, d, E)
predR <-
2018 Apr 26
Buenas, ¿alguien sabe qué puede ser este error?
data es una df y las columnas 23 y 24 son las que quiero comparar; están bien.
testK<-kappa2(data[,c(23,24)], "equal")
Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list'
Have you called 'sort' on a list?
Dr Manuel Mendoza
Department of Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural
2012 Sep 06
choose() function returning anomalous results (zero instead of one)
(Apologies for length, wanted to get all the relevant detail in that I know
I've been having a lot of trouble with some code for an inventory analysis
problem I was doing, and finally came to the conclusion that it appears
that choose() is returning incorrect values. Specifically:
Browse[1]> nn
[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2013 Apr 18
snow: cluster initialization
Dear all,
I found a strange thing with the snow package.
This will work:
y = matrix(1:4, 2)
cl = makeCluster(rep('localhost', 8), type='SOCK')
parMM(cl, y, y)
This will not:
y = matrix(1:4, 2)
ncore = system('nproc')
parMM(cl, y, y)
Error in cut.default(i, breaks) : invalid number of intervals
I also tried:
cl = makeCluster(rep('localhost', ncore),
2008 May 09
Using lme() inside a function
Dear R-help
I'm working on a large dataset which I have divided into 20 subsets
based on similar features. Each subset consists of observations from
different locations and I wish to use the location as a random effect.
For each group I want to select regressors by a stepwise procedure and
include a random effect on the intercept. I use stepAIC() and lme().
(The lmer()-function doesn't
2011 Dec 08
How to plot multiple graphs in one go?
I am trying to do this, but it won't work:
> library(lattice)
> elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:20, geno=c('exp', 'wt'),
region=c('cor', 'cr', 'spine'), elem=c('fe', 'cu', 'zn')), conc=rnorm(360,
> elemconc$geno = factor(elemconc$geno)
> elemconc$region = factor(elemconc$region)
> for (i in
2011 Dec 23
cast in reshape and reshape2
> library(reshape2)
> x = melt(airquality, id=c('month', 'day'))
With reshape I can cast with multiple functions:
> library(reshape)
> cast(x, month+variable~., c(mean,sd))
month variable mean sd
1 5 ozone 23.615385 22.224449
2 5 solar.r 181.296296 115.075499
3 5 wind 11.622581 3.531450
4 5 temp 65.548387
2008 May 09
How can one make stepAIC and lme
Dear R-help
I'm working on a large dataset which I have divided into 20 subsets based on similar features. Each subset consists of observations from different locations and I wish to use the location as a random effect.
For each group I want to select regressors by a stepwise procedure and include a random effect on the intercept. I use stepAIC() and lme(). (The lmer()-function doesn't
2011 Dec 04
Complex multiple t tests in a data frame with several id factors
I have assayed the concentrations of various metal elements in
different anatomic regions of two strains of mice. Now, for each
element, in each region, I want to do a t test to find whether there
is any difference between the two strains.
Here is what I did (using simulated data as an example):
# create the data frame
> elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:3, geno=c('exp',
2011 Nov 23
Is there an easier way to iterate over multiple data frames in R?
> for (d in paste('df', 1:3, sep='')) {
+ assign(d, as.data.frame(replicate(3, rnorm(4))))
+ }
> dats = list(df1,df2,df3)
> for (i in 1:length(dats)) {
+ names(dats[[i]]) = c('w', 'l', 'h')
+ }
> dats
w l h
1 1.24319239 -0.05543649 0.05409178
2 0.05124331 -1.89346950 0.33896273
3 -1.69686777 -0.35963008
2006 Mar 14
rar Command Syntax
Hi All,
what is wrong with the below? Cheers.
Mark Sargent
rar -evx "TestKing 640-801 V69.rar" testking604801
2009 Jun 27
2 servers cluster
I am thinking of setting up two servers in load balance mode. I would really
appreciate your suggestions and hints...
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2014 Nov 10
Cursor not behaving properly
I found a strange bug in R recently (version 3.1.2):
As you can see from the screenshots attached, when the cursor passes the
right edge of the console, instead of start on a new line, it goes back to
the beginning of the same line, and overwrites everything after it.
This happens every time the size of the terminal is changed, for example,
if you fit the terminal to the right half of the
2011 Nov 03
Why can't this function be used with the 'by' command?
Why can't this function be used with the 'by' command?
> x = array(runif(16), dim=c(8,2))
> x = data.frame(x)
> x$group = rep(c('wt', 'app'), each=4)
> shapiro.p = function(x) shapiro.test(x)[[2]]
> apply(x[,1:2], 2, shapiro.p)
X1 X2
0.4126345 0.2208781
> by(x[,1:2], x$group, shapiro.p)
Error in `[.data.frame`(x, complete.cases(x)) :
2013 Aug 25
"block incomplete" error when compiling R
Dear list,
I am trying to compile R on a 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 machine and get the
following error:
make[2]: Entering directory
begin installing recommended package MASS
Error in untar2(tarfile, files, list, exdir) : incomplete block on file
make[2]: *** [MASS.ts] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
2019 Jun 07
Parallel number stream: clusterSetRNGStream
Dear All,
Is the following expected behaviour?
cl = makeCluster(5)
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = NULL)
parSapply(cl, 1:5, function(i) sample(1:10, 1))
# 7 4 2 10 10
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = NULL)
# 7 4 2 10 10
parSapply(cl, 1:5, function(i) sample(1:10, 1))
The documentation could be read either way, e.g.
* iseed: An integer to be
2009 Feb 07
New package test results available
We've added a column at
of test results using the Sun Studio compiler: it is intended that
these will be updated weekly.
The Sun Studio compiler is that used on Solaris: these runs were on
the Linux version. All the other platforms are using gcc 4, so this
provides an opportunity for checking for use of gcc-specific features
2014 Jul 02
parLapply on sqlQuery (from package RODBC)
R Version : 2.14.1 x64
Running on Windows 7
Connecting to a database on a remote Microsoft SQL Server 2012
The short form of my problem is the following.
I have an unordered vectors of names, say:
names<-c("A", "B", "A", "C","C")
each of which have an id in a table in my db. I need to convert the names to their corresponding ids.
2007 Apr 24
Error in clusterApply(): recursive default argument reference
I want to compute a distribution of the intersection of a graph and
'randomized' graphs induced by the permutations of node labels (to
preserve the graph topology).
Since I ll have many permutations to perform, I was thinking of using
the snow package and in particular "parSapply" to divide the work
between my 4 CPUs.
But I get the following error message :
Error in
2012 Oct 23
Typos/omissions/inconsistencies in man page for clusterApply
Here are the issues I found:
(a) Found: It a parallel version of ?evalq?,
"is" missing.
(b) Found: 'parLapplyLB', 'parSapplyLB' are load-balancing versions,
intended for use when applying ?FUN? to
'parLapplyLB' has no 'FUN' arg (more on this below).
(c) Found: 'clusterApply' calls 'fun' on the first