Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Aggregate function Bagging"
2011 Feb 02
SVM Prediction and Plot
I'm trying to predict using a model I fitted with SVM.
I constructed the model (called Svm) using a training set, and now I want to
use a test set (called BankTest) for prediction.
The response variable is in the first column of BankTest.
> SvmPred = predict(Svm, BankTest[,-1], probability=TRUE)
> SvmPredRes = table(Pred = SvmPred, True = BankTest[,1])
I get this error:
Error in
2023 Feb 16
SVM plot duda
El mensaje es claro: el modelo svmfit no existe, tú has llamado al ajuste ?modelo?. De todas formas, aparte de eso tendrías que especificar qué dimensiones (variables predictivas) quieres representar. Si miras en la ayuda de ?plot.svm lo tienes explicado.
Esto sí funcionaría:
plot(modelo,df11, LDH ~ INL )
Gracias por proporcionar el código y los datos para poder reproducir el error.
2023 Feb 16
SVM plot duda
En este modelo no puedo hacer el plot(svmfit,df11 ) #AQUI NO TRABAJA
Le adjunto Excel
# Selección de una submuestra del 70% de los datos
tamano.total <- nrow(df11)
tamano.entreno <- round(tamano.total*0.7)
datos.indices <- sample(1:tamano.total , size=tamano.entreno)
datos.entreno <-
2013 Apr 08
Applying bagging in classifiers
Does anyone know how to apply bagging for SVM? ( for example)
I am using adabag package to execute bagging but this method, "bagging",
works with classification trees. I would like to apply my bagging to other
classifiers as SVM,RNA or KNN. Has anyone do it?
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2004 Feb 01
CART: rapart vs bagging
Is here anyone knows the difference between rapart and bagging when grow a
CART tree?
2006 Jul 18
Classification error rate increased by bagging - any ideas?
I'm analysing some anthropometric data on fifty odd skull bases. We know the
gender of each skull, and we are trying to develop a predictor to identify
sex of unknown skulls.
Rpart with cross-validation produces two models - one of which predicts
for Males well, and Females poorly, and the other does the opposite (Females
well, and Males poorly). In both cases the error
2011 Feb 22
why no "probabilities" from svm.predict?
> library(ROCR)
> library(e1071)
svmres.prob <- svm(traindx, traindy, probability=TRUE)
svmpred.prob <- predict(svmres.prob, testdx, probability = TRUE,
decision.values = TRUE, type="prob")
> print(length(attr(svmpred.prob, "probabilities")))
[1] 0
> print(attr(svmpred.prob, "probabilities"))
> print(attributes(svmpred.prob)$decision.values)
2008 Mar 06
Rpart and bagging - how is it done?
Hi there.
I was wondering if somebody knows how to perform a bagging procedure on a
classification tree without running the classifier with weights.
Let me first explain why I need this and then give some details of what I
have found out so far.
I am thinking about implementing the bagging procedure in Matlab. Matlab
has a simple classification tree function (in their Statistics toolbox) but
2009 Nov 02
Bagging with SVM
Dear sir,
If I want to use bagging with SVM, which package should I choose?Thanks!
Best wishes,Jie
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2009 Oct 25
Dear sir,I have a data set which name is "c78p",now I want to deal with it with bagging. % of data from c78p as training set is 50%,and number of bootstrap random samples with replacement from c78p is 5,use SVM in each run,can you help me to write the code?Thanks.Best regards,Jie
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2011 Feb 10
Prediction accuracy from Bagging with continuous data
I am using bagging to perform Bagged Regression Trees on count data (bird abundance in Britain and Ireland, in relation to climate and land cover variables). Predictions from the final model are visually believable but I would really like a diagnostic equivalent to classification success that can be used to decide if a model is adequate. Whereas with classification data an error rate is returned,
2011 Feb 21
ROC from R-SVM?
*Does anyone know how can I show an *ROC curve for R-SVM*? I understand in
R-SVM we are not optimizing over SVM cost parameter. Any example ROC for
R-SVM code or guidance can be really useful.
Thanks, Angel.
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2013 Jan 01
bagging algorithm
Dear Sir,
I am a R beginning user. I would like to apply the bagging algorithm to my
data in order to classify a certain disease by Bagging Support Vector
Machine Ensemble.
My problem is that even if I am reading the book, looking at the examples
in internet and available in R, learning a lot of theoretical things on
about SVM esemble or Bagging method, I can't apply Bagged SVM esemble or
2004 Feb 06
problem with bagging
I'm having the most weird problem with bagging
For some unknown reason it does not improve the
classification (compared to rpart), but instead gives
much worse results !
Running rpart on my data gives error rate of about 0.3
and bagging, instead of improving this results, gives
error rate of 0.9 !!!
I'm running both rpart and bagging with exactly the
same parameters, I even
2009 Sep 11
ipred bagging segfault on 64 bit linux build
I wanted to report this issue here so others may not find themselves alone
and as the author is apparently active on the list.
I havent done an exhaustive test by any means, cause I dont have time. But
here's a small example. Apparently the "ns" argument is the one that is
killing it. I've gotten several different segfault messages, the only other
one I remember said "out
2012 Dec 10
splitting dataset based on variable and re-combining
I have a dataset and I wish to use two different models to predict. Both models are SVM. The reason for two different models is based
on the sex of the observation. I wish to be able to make predictions and have the results be in the same order as my original dataset. To
illustrate I will use iris:
# Take Iris and create a dataframe of just two Species, setosa and versicolor, shuffle them
2007 Jan 22
Recursive-SVM (R-SVM)
I am trying to implement a simple r-svm example using the iris data (only two of the classes are taken and data is within the code). I am running into some errors. I am not an expert on svm's. If any one has used it, I would appreciate their help. I am appending the code below.
### R-code for R-SVM
### use leave-one-out
2003 Jul 23
Boosting, bagging and bumping. Questions about R tools and predictions.
I'm interested in further understanding the differences in using many
classification trees to improve classification rates. I'm also interested
in finding out what I can do in R and which methods will allow prediction.
Can anybody point me to a citation or discussion?
Specifically, I want to classify remotely sensed imagery where training
data is extracted on class membership by the user.
2013 Jan 08
bagging SVM Ensemble
Dear Sir,
I got a problem with my program. I would like to classify my data using
bagging support vector machine ensemble. I split my data into training data
and test data. For a given data sets TR(X), K replicated training data sets
are first randomly generated by bootstrapping technique with replacement.
Next, Support Vector Mechine (SVM) is applied for each bootstrap data sets.
Finally, the
2016 Apr 04
Does this code execute the bagging correctly ?!
the code :
positions <- sample(nrow(all_data),size=floor((nrow(all_data)/4)*3))
training<- all_data[positions,]