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2013 Apr 07
confidence interval calculation for gee
I have the following r-codes for solving a quasilikelihood estimating
>fit<-geese(y~x1+x2+x3,jack=TRUE,id=id,scale.fix=TRUE,data=dat,mean.link =
"logit", corstr="independence")
Now my question is how can I calculate the confidence interval of the
parameters of the above model "fit"?
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2013 Apr 09
R crash
I have a generalized linear model to solve. I used package "geepack". When
I use the correlation structure "unstructured", I get a messeage that- R
GUI front-end has stopped working. Why this happens? What is the solution?
The r codes are as follows:
2004 Dec 29
GEE with own link function
I want to fit a GEE with a user-defined link function.
For the user-defined link-function I still read
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp01/archive/6555.html and
Only for testing purposes I added a new link function
(corlogit) in make.link (as well as in binomial) with
exactly the same code as logit before using my code.
2013 Mar 07
Comparing Cox model with Competing Risk model
I have a competing risk data where a patient may die from either AIDS or
Cancer. I want to compare the cox model for each of the event of interest
with a competing risk model. In the competing risk model the cumulative
incidence function is used directly. I used the jackknife (pseudovalue) of
the cumulative incidence function for each cause (AIDS or Cancer) in a
generalized estimating equation. I
2010 Jun 22
Generalised Estimating Equations on approx normal outcome with limited range
Dear R users
I am analysing data from a group of twins and their siblings. The measures
that we are interested in are all correlated within families, with the
correlations being stronger between twins than between non-twin siblings.
The measures are all calculated from survey answers and by definition have
limited ranges (e.g. -5 to +5), though within the range they are
approximately normally
2009 Dec 08
Difference in S.E. gee/yags and geeglm(/geese)
A quick question. Standard errors reported by gee/yags differs from the ones in
geeglm (geepack).
mm <- gee(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks,
mm2 <- geeglm(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks,
corstr="exchangeable", std.err = "san.se")
mm3 <- yags(breaks ~
2008 Oct 29
call works with gee and yags, but not geepack
I have included data at the bottom of this email. It can be read in by
highlighting the data and then using this command: dat <-
read.table("clipboard", header = TRUE,sep="\t")
I can obtain solutions with both of these:
fit.gee<-gee(score ~ chem + time, id=id,
fit.yags <-
2003 Oct 24
gee and geepack: different results?
Hi, I downloaded both gee and geepack, and I am trying to understand the
differences between the two libraries.
I used the same data and estimated the same model, with a correlation
structure autoregressive of order 1. Surprisingly for me, I found very
different results. Coefficients are slightly different in value but
sometimes opposite in sign.
Moreover, the estimate of rho (correlation
2010 Apr 24
'geepack' and 'gee' package outputs
Hi, having used both the gee pacakge and the geepack package, i am unsure of
how to interpret the results.
Here are the results from the geeglm function from the geepack package
> gee2<-geeglm(data$erythema~data$product, data = data, id=subject,
> family=binomial, corstr="independence")
Warning message:
In model.response(mf, "numeric") :
2005 Oct 17
Ordinal GEE model
I am trying to fit a ordinal GEE model using ordgee {geepack}. In order to check the validity of the function, I specified the correlation structure as independence (i.e. constr = "independence") and compared the result with that using polr {MASS}.
Because a GEE model with an independent working correlation structure is equivalent to an ordinary GLM model, we would expect the same
2006 Aug 10
Convergence in geese/gee
We are currently analyzing data on children clustered in day care-centers (DCC). We have tried to use geepack and gee libraries to estimate an overall incidence rate for absences (=number of absences/risk time) by specifying
geese(number.absences ~ offset(log(risktime)), id=day.care.id,
family=poisson("log"), data=dcc, corstr="exch",
2004 Jan 30
GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output (summary with lme4 revised)
This is a summary and extension of the thread
"GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output"
In the new revision (#Version: 0.4-7) of lme4 the standard
errors are close to those of the 4 other methods. Thanks to Douglas Bates,
Saikat DebRoy for the revision, and to G?ran Brostr?m who run a
In response to my first posting, Prof.
2005 Jun 07
user-defined spatial correlation structure in geeglm/geese
Dear all,
We have got data (response and predictor variables) for each country of the
world; I started by fitting standard GLM and tested for spatial correlation
using variogram models (geoR) fitted to the residuals of the GLM. Spatial
autocorrelation is significant. Therefore, I think about using general
estimation equations (geeglm or geese in geepack) allowing for residual
2010 Apr 29
Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE): Why is Link = Identity?
I'm running GEE using geepack.
I set corstr = "ar1" as below:
> m.ar <- geeglm(L ~ O + A,
+ data = firstgrouptxt, id = id,
+ family = binomial, corstr = "ar1")
> summary(m.ar)
geeglm(formula = L ~ O + A, family = binomial,
data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, corstr = "ar1")
2009 Apr 22
Gee with nested desgin
Dear all,
Is it possible to incorporate a nested design in GEE? I have
measurements on trees that where measured in two years. The trees are
nested in plots. Each plot contains 24 trees. The number of plots is 72.
Hence we would expect 2 * 24 * 72 = 3456 data points. A few are missing,
so we end up wih 3431 data points.
This is what I have tried until now.
#assuming independence between trees
2006 Aug 25
Problem with geeglm
event.nab.2 is 0/1 and I dichotomized va to get va.2 to see if I could
get geeglm to work. glm has no problem with the data but geeglm chokes.
Each subject (patient.id) has at most 2 observations and more than 3/4
of the subjects have 2 observations. I have even worse problems trying
to use glmmPQL from MASS and worse still trying to use lmer from lme4.
But I figured a marginal model would work.
2011 Oct 17
Plotting GEE confidence bands using "predict"
Hello Fellow R
Users,I have
spent the last week trying to find a work around to this problem and I can't
seem to solve it. I simply want to plot my GEE model result with 95% confidence
I am using the geepack package to run a basic GEE model involving
nestling weights, to a Gaussian distribution, with "exchangeable" error
structure. I am examining how nestling weight varies
2009 Feb 09
gee with auto-regressive correlation structure (AR-M)
Dear all,
I need to fit a gee model with an auto-regressive correlation structure and I faced some problems.
I attach a simple example:
y <- rpois(500,50)
x <- rnorm(500)
id <- rep(1:50,each=10)
2007 Feb 02
Fitting Weighted Estimating Equations
Hello Everybody:
I am searching for an R package for fitting Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) with weights (i.e. Weighted Estimating Equations). From the R documentation I found "geese(geepack)" for fitting Generalized Estimating Equations. In this documentation, under the paragraph “weights” it has been written, “an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.
2011 Aug 29
defining "id" argument in geeglm
Hi all,
I am trying to do a generalized estimating equation (GEE) with the "geepack"
package and I am not 100% sure what exactly the "id" argument means. It
seems to be an important argument because results differ considerably
defining different clusters.
I have a data set of counts (poisson distribution): numbers of butterfly
species counted every month during a period of