similar to: spatstat error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "spatstat error"

2011 Jan 07
Error: unexpected string constant
I want to analize some points location using the ppp, but i have this problem: Datos=read.table("puntos_texto.txt",dec=".",sep="\t",header=T) > summary(Datos) id y x Min. : 1.0 Min. :1013581 Min. :1177842 1st Qu.: 821.2 1st Qu.:1014442 1st Qu.:1179658 Median :1641.5 Median :1014455 Median
2006 Jun 13
Top margin on PDF generated with PDF::Writer
Hi, A little question. I''ve written a method that uses PDF::Writer to generate a PDF document with some images and text. This is the code on my controller: def pdf gen_pdf redirect_to("#{@request.relative_url_root}/pdf/cupones.pdf") end private def gen_pdf pdf = => "A4") pdf.margins_cm(0) pdf.start_columns(2, 0) pdf.select_font
2006 Jun 18
Hosting timezone differs of clients timezone
Hi, I have a website in production wich uses a lot of date and time calculations to show specific information. The timezone of my hosting service (Dreamhost) is PDT, and the timezone of my potential clients is CEST. There are 9 hours of difference between them. Is there an environment variable that I could adjust in my rails application, so all date/time values be set to CEST timezone? Thanks.
2013 Jun 04
función recode
Buenos días No sé qué es lo que estoy haciendo mal al aplicar la función recode. Escribo: personas_LR2 <-recode(personas_LR$edad, '0:15="Menores de 16 años"; 16:44="Entre 16 y 44 años"; 45:64="Entre 45 y 64 años";>=65"65 y más años";', as.factor.result=TRUE) y me da el siguiente error: Error en parse(text = strsplit(term,
2010 Feb 24
Calling Data frame objects with spaces in their names
Hello I have the following data frame which I read from an EXCEL file, and when i try to call one of its columns with a space in their names I am not being able to. For example if I do EURODOLLAR$ED1.Comdty Date I obtain the following error: Error: inesperado símbolo en "EURODOLLAR$ED1.Comdty Date" I have also tried using . or _ instead of the space and have obtained no succes. How do I
2010 Feb 23
Excel Data Import using RODBC
Hello I am importing data from Excel to R using RODBC and I am ending up with the following data frame: names(AbioRep) [1] "Date" "US0001W Index" "US0002W Index" "US0001M Index" "US0002M Index" "US0003M Index" "US0004M Index" "US0005M Index" "US0006M Index" [10] "US0007M Index"
2006 Jun 07
Problem with a setter that converts euros to cents
Hi, I have some problems with an application where I''m using custom accessors to do currency conversions. In my model, I have a price attribute in the database that stores the value in cents, to avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros,
2011 Jan 28
Problems making subsets with [] or "subset"
Hi, I'm trying to make a model in order to know wich factors got?s influence in the intensity of a infection, but just in the individuals who's got this infection. In my data I've got a variable called "prevalence" with 2 levels: 1.- Infected individual 0.- Non infected So what i'm trying to do is a subset in a model like this,
2016 Aug 03
¿Qué hace as.numeric()?
Tranquilo que no te han hackeado tu "R"... Simplemente que al importar tu CSV, no has indicado que los decimales son las ",". Y ese campo lo importa como un character (un string). Y cuando lo conviertes a numeric, el resultado es un tanto impredecible. Si utilizas read.table para importar, simplemente incluye el parámetro "dec" de esta forma "read.table(..... ,
2016 Aug 04
¿Qué hace as.numeric()?
En general lo que yo uso en esos casos es as.numeric(as.character(X)) No se los términos correctos pero los factores aunque se muestren con los nombres de las diferentes clases, internamente son clases separadas que se nombran como enteros por ejemplo del 1 al n de clases. Cuando usas directamente as.nuemric sobre un factor, este toma los numeros de las clases y no el valor de clase. Fijate en
2004 Jul 16
Functions in a package not visible to a user
That's one of the purposes of the namespace. See Prof. Tierney's article in the R Newsletter, or the slides of his keynote lecture at the useR! 2004 conference. It's also explained in the `Writing R Extensions' manual. Basically you only export functions that the users should see. The manual also explains how to not document functions that aren't intended to be called by
2004 Sep 19
Nnet: Returning the response
Hello list. Maybe this is a simple question but I can't find the answer anywhere. With lm I use the parameter y=TRUE to have the response returned in $y. Of course, namely because of NA's in the data frame, this might not include all the values in the original column. For example: > data(airquality) > length(airquality$Day) [1] 153 > my.lm <- lm(Day~.,data=airquality,y=TRUE)
2012 Jan 11
problems with glht for ancova
I've run an ancova, edadysexo is a factor with 3 levels,and log(lcc) is the covariate (continous variable) I get this results > ancova<-aov(log(peso)~edadysexo*log(lcc)) > summary(ancova) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) edadysexo 2 31.859 15.9294 803.9843 <2e-16 *** log(lcc) 1 11.389 11.3887 574.8081 <2e-16 ***
2011 Jul 25
Problem with Gluster Geo Replication, status faulty
Hi, I've setup Gluster Geo Replication according the manual, # sudo gluster volume geo-replication flvol ssh://root at config log-level DEBUG #sudo gluster volume geo-replication flvol ssh://root at start #sudo gluster volume geo-replication flvol ssh://root at
2017 Dec 22
Estimados compañeros me tiene loco un problema de codificación que no logro resolver. Importo un fichero cuyo nombre tiene acento. Pongamos por ejemplo "Adrián.doc". Escribo el siguiente comando: mdoc<-list.files(path = dest,pattern = "*.doc", full.names = TRUE) Entonces mdoc, además del path, se me presenta como: "Adria´n.doc" Aunque le quite la tilde con:
2016 Aug 05
¿Qué hace as.numeric()?
Muchas gracias, Fernando y Javier. > pami$PP <- as.numeric(as.character(pami$PP)) Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion Y entonces los datos que antes convertía en labels(pami$PP) (v.g. 753,2256 a 61343 o 62,7688 ? a 17390, que me pa eran enteros del 1 al n de clases como decía Fernando), los convertía en NA.- Luego de probar también con read.table, pasé a: > pami <-
2011 Feb 11
[LLVMdev] LLVM wiki cannot upload files
Hi, I tried to add some info to the LLVM wiki and it seems there is still an unsolved bug. Uploading of files is not possible because permissions are not set correctly. I assume this is a bug, because this worked once. Can anybody have a look? Tobi
2011 Feb 13
[LLVMdev] Regarding CMake options for LLVM
Figuring out to insert new compiling options or changing some options are very hard for a CMake newbie. I'm working on Windows (both Visual Studio, MingW/MSYS) via CMake. In particular, I'd like to do following two things: (1) I'd like to add "-std=c++0x" for some files in lib\Transforms\Instrumentation. (I don't think it's good idea to put this option entirely) (2)
2011 Apr 20
[LLVMdev] Is this a bug in clang?
> [ Forgot to Reply-All first time, sorry. ] > > But how would it deal with: > > *p + *q++; > > It can't know in general whether *p and *q denote the same object. Shouldn't that be *p + (*q)++ ? -- Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd
2019 Nov 21
Virtual folder auto creation
> On 21 Nov 2019, at 4.32, sergio via dovecot <dovecot at> wrote: > > > After switching on Virtual Plugin and configuring it as specified on > > > the virtual folder is created for each user. > > Is it possible do not creater virtual folder automatically, only > manually, for specific