similar to: Finding the knots in a smoothing spline using nknots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Finding the knots in a smoothing spline using nknots"

2015 Apr 07
Consulta sobre el correcto uso de smoothSpline()
Hola a todos: quiero consultarles para estar seguro de que estoy entendiendo bien el funcionamiento de la función smoothSpline() del paquete 'timeSeries'. Tengo una serie temporal con datos mensuales a la cual quiero suavizar usando splines para, por ejemplo, comparar con otras series temporales. Por lo que estuve viendo, me conviene usar la función smoothSpline() que se basa en
2006 Mar 17
I have noticed a slightly puzzling behaviour exhibited by smooth.spline(). If I do sss <- smooth.spline(x,y) for a certain pair of data vectors x and y, and then do length(sss$x) I get the result ``18''. However if I do length(unique(x)) I get ``27''. Trying to force smooth.spline() to use more knots I tried sss <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE) but again
2011 Sep 20
Multivariate spline regression and predicted values
Hello, I am trying to estimate a multivariate regression of Y on X with regression splines. Y is (nx1), and X is (nxd), with d>1. I assume the data is generated by some unknown regression function f(X), as in Y = f(X) + u, where u is some well-behaved regression error. I want to estimate f(X) via regression splines (tensor product splines). Then, I want to get the predicted values for some new
2011 Apr 28
how to generate a normal distribution with mean=1, min=0.2, max=0.8
Dear all, This is a simple probability problem. I want to know, How to generate a normal distribution with mean=1, min=0.2 and max=0.8? I know how the generate a normal distribution of mean = 1 and sd = 1 and with 500 data point. rnorm(n=500, m=1, sd=1) But, I am confusing with how to generate a normal distribution with expected min and max. I expect to hear your directions. Thanks in
2009 Feb 08
Initial values of the parameters of a garch-Model
Dear all, I'm using R 2.8.1 under Windows Vista on a dual core 2,4 GhZ with 4 GB of RAM. I'm trying to reproduce a result out of "Analysis of Financial Time Series" by Ruey Tsay. In R I'm using the fGarch library. After fitting a ar(3)-garch(1,1)-model > model<-garchFit(~arma(3,0)+garch(1,1), analyse) I'm saving the results via > result<-model
2024 Jul 08
package spline - default value of Boundary.knots of ns
Dear Maintainer, Thanks for the excellent package splines. I am writing this email to request you to consider a suggestion I have with regards to the function ns. While trying to rework an example from a textbook, I couldn't call ns with appropriate arguments to reproduce the results. The package documentation also couldn't help me find the problem. Finally, I found a stack exchange
2003 May 26
knots fixed in gam(), library(mgcv)
Dear all, I have a problem with specifying the no. of knots in our function which include gam(). I last worked with this in mid September but since then I have reinstalled R and Simon Wood's library(mgcv), which he has changed since then. The statistician (and good R-coder) with whom I co-operate is now unfortunately overloaded with teaching, and I'm in the sprut of my thesis.... I
2009 Mar 12
Unable to run smoother in qplot() or ggplot() - complains about knots
I get the following error when I run qplot() qplot(grade, read,data = hhm.long.m, geom = c("point", "smooth")) Error in, data, knots) : x has insufficient unique values to support 10 knots: reduce k. I am not sure how to tackle this problem. When I take a subsample (< 1000) than I am able to run that function but with my sample
2009 Sep 20
How to choose knots for GAM?
Hi, all I want to choose same knots in GAM for 10 different studies so that they has the same basis function. Even though I choose same knots and same dimensions of basis smoothing, the basis representations are still not same. My command is as follows: data.gam<-gam(y~s(age,bs='cr',k=10)+male,family=binomial,knots=list(age=seq(45,64,length=10))) What is my mistake for choice of
2002 Jul 29
Choosing knots of B-splines
Dear Sir, I am taking about the choosing knots of B-splines. Can you tel me the R docomentation for choosing the knots of B-splines automatically? It is possible to choose the knots by eye, but which is time consuming and a little arbitrary. Thanks for your reply. Shahid PhD Student -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 May 06
spm() default knots
Hi, When you use the default knot choice in spm() (library(SemiPar)) a figure showing the knot locations is sent to the screen and you have to accept the knots to move on. I am trying to run simulations using this function. Is there a way to get spm() to use the default "REML" knots without needing to approve each set of knots? Here is an example: library(SemiPar) data(scallop)
2004 Sep 09
Rd syntax error detected in CRAN daily checks
Please forgive me if you already received this. I had an e-mail sending glitch this morning. reported an error in Design.trans.Rd * checking Rd files ... ERROR Rd files with syntax errors: /var/mnt/hda3/R.check/r-devel/PKGS/Design/man/Design.trans.Rd: unterminated section 'alias' The .Rd file is attached. It begins
2012 Nov 29
[mgcv][gam] Manually defining my own knots?
Dear List, I'm using GAMs in a multiple imputation project, and I want to be able to combine the parameter estimates and covariance matrices from each completed dataset's fitted model in the end. In order to do this, I need the knots to be uniform for each model with partially-imputed data. I want to specify these knots based on the quantiles of the unique values of the non-missing
2010 Nov 17
where are my pspline knots?
Hi All, I am trying to figure out how to get the position of the knots in a pspline used in a cox model. my.model = coxph(Surv(agein, ageout, status) ~ pspline(x), mydata) # x being continuous How do I find out where the knot of the spline are? I would like to know to figure out how many cases are there between each knot. Best, Federico -- Federico C. F. Calboli Department of Epidemiology
2009 Oct 23
interpretation of RCS 'coefs' and 'knots'
Hi, I have fit a series of ols() models, by group, in this manner: l <- ols(y ~ rcs(x, 4)) ... where the series of 'x' values in each group is the same, however knots are not always identical between groups. The result is a table of 'coefs' derived from the ols objects, by group: group Intercept top top' top'' 1 6.864 0.01 2.241 -2.65
2006 Nov 28
GAMS and Knots
Hi I was wondering if anyone knew how to work out the number of knots that should be applied to each variable when using gams in the mgcv library? Any help or references would be much appreciated. Thanks Kathryn Baldwin
2009 Mar 30
Possible bug in summary.survfit - 'scale' argument ignored?
Hi all, Using: R version 2.8.1 Patched (2009-03-07 r48068) on OSX (10.5.6) with survival version: Version: 2.35-3 Date: 2009-02-10 I get the following using the first example in ?summary.survfit: > summary( survfit( Surv(futime, fustat)~1, data=ovarian)) Call: survfit(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian) time n.risk n.event survival
2007 Jul 04
Problem/bug with smooth.spline and all.knots=T
Dear list, if I do smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots=T) with the attached data, I get this error-message: Error in smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots = T) : smoothing parameter value too small If I do smooth.spline(tmpSec[-single arbitrary number], tmpT[-single arbitrary number], all.knots=T) it works! I just don't see it. It works for hundrets other datasets, but not for
2007 Sep 18
[LLVMdev] 2.1 Pre-Release Available (testers needed)
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 11:42:18PM -0700, Tanya Lattner wrote: > The 2.1 pre-release (version 1) is available for testing: > > > [...] > > 2) Download llvm-2.1, llvm-test-2.1, and the llvm-gcc4.0 source. > Compile everything. Run "make check" and the full llvm-test suite > (make TEST=nightly report). > > Send
2001 Oct 16
two way ANOVA with unequal sample sizes
Hi, I am trying a two way anova with unequal sample sizes but results are not as expected: I take the example from Applied Linear Statistical Models (Neter et al. pp889-897, 1996) growth rate gender bone development 1.4 1 1 2.4 1 1 2.2 1 1 2.4 1 2 2.1 2 1 1.7 2 1 2.5 2 2 1.8 2 2 2 2 2 0.7 3 1 1.1 3 1 0.5 3 2 0.9 3 2 1.3 3 2 expected results are