Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Netcdf file in R"
2013 Mar 11
New Stack
Hi Experts, I am newbie in R. Could you please share your idea to create a stack with no value or zero value? Nrow=1,Ncol=1, Ncell=1, I aim to work with looping, I want to make a first layer with zero values to add other layers further. Thanks.
Best Regards,
..................Anup KhanalNorwegian Institute of science and Technology (NTNU)Trondheim, NorwayMob:(+47) 45174313
2013 Apr 26
How to export graph value in R
Dear exports,I have created a hypsometric curve (area-elevation curve) for my watershed by using simple command hypsometric(X,main="Hypsometric Curve", xlab="Relative Area above Elevation, (a/A)", ylab="Relative Elevation, (h/H)", col="blue")It plots the hypsometric curve in "RGraphics window", My question is how can I export values which is used
2013 Feb 23
Extract, sum and Loop in R
Hi all,
I have gone through some basics of R in eclipse environment. What I need to
work is more than basic level so I could not find out the solution by
myself. could anyone help me ?
My case,
I have climate data (precipitation) in nc format with single layer for each
time interval in a day. That means for January 1, 2013, I have 8 separate
files each containing 3 hrs cumulative precipitation
2013 May 01
Thornthwaite Method in R
Hi,Has anybody worked with thornthwaite method to calculate the daily evapotranspiration ? I have used the following code to calculate monthly evaporation but what I need is daily evapotranspiration.
Epot <- thornthwaite(Tave, lat, na.rm = FALSE) # Evaluates evapotranspiration for each month.
Do you have any code which works for daily timestep ? Its more technical question, may be some
2013 Apr 05
How to see values of hypsographic curve in R
Hi Experts,
Could I ask one question ? I have plotted hypsographic curve for one watershed. I want to see the values of curve as I have to create elevation-volume curve from it. Could you please explain me how to see data that is used in curve ?
Best Regards,..................Anup KhanalNorwegian Institute of science and Technology (NTNU)Trondheim, NorwayMob:(+47) 45174313
2011 Nov 09
Error in drawing
I have got following error in drawing wavelet fitting. can some one help?
> library(faraway)
> data(lidar)
> newlidar<-lidar[c(1:128),]
> library(wavethresh)
> wds <- wd(newlidar$logratio)
> draw(wds)
Error in plot.default(x = x, y = zwr, main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab,
formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments
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2011 Nov 29
Problem in log
Hi all I have a function of log defined by y = log(1- exp(-a)), when
exp(-a) is greater, 1, it produce NaN. How can I remove this in R?
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2012 Dec 05
Import multiple data frames and combine them using "cbind"
Hi group,
I imported 16 data frames using the function "list.files"
temp <- list.files(path="...........")
myfiles = lapply(temp, read.table,sep = "")
Now I have 16 data set imported in R window.
I want to combine them by row and tried some thing like (Here I am
considering only 20 columns)
for(i in 1:16){
data<- cbind(myfiles[[i]][,1:20])
but it
2011 Nov 07
Correction in error
Hello R community, following is my code and it shows error, can some one
fix this error and explain why this occurs?
gibbs <-function(m,n, theta = 0, lambda = 1){
alpha <- 1.5
beta <- 1.5
gamma <- 1.5
x<- array(0,c(m+1, 3))
x[1,1] <- theta
x[1,2] <- lambda
x[1,3]<- n
for(t in 2:m+1){
x[t,1] <- rbinom(x[t-1,3], 1, x[t-1,1])
2012 Apr 06
Bayesian 95% Credible interval
Hi all,
I have the data from the posterior distribution for some parameter. I want
to find the 95% credible interval. I think "t.test(data)" is only for the
confidence interval. I did not fine function for the Bayesian credible
interval. Could some one suggest me?
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2011 Nov 18
Hi all,
why factorial(150) shows the error out of range in 'gammafn'?
I have to calculate the number of subset formed by 150 samples taking 10 at
a time. How is this possible?
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2013 Aug 26
Naming columns
Hi ,
I just imported a large data set from notepad. I want to label the columns
in R.
I used 'import Dataset' to bring in my data set
Now, I would like to label V1,V2,V3 etc??
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Naming-columns-tp4674595.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2011 Nov 16
Error in random walk Metroplis-hasting
Hi R community,
I have some data set and construct the likelihood as follows
likelihood <- function(alpha,beta){
data<-read.table("epidemic.txt",header = TRUE)
attach(data, warn.conflicts = F)
k <-which(inftime==1)
d <- (sqrt((x-x[k])^2+(y-y[k])^2))^(-beta)
p<-1 - exp(-alpha*d)
for(i in 1:100){
2011 Nov 21
Sub sets
I'd appreciate it if you'd keep on list for the archives. That said, I
think this function does what you were hoping for.
powerset <- function(n, items = NULL){
if(!is.null(items)) {
if(n != length(items)) warning("Resetting n in preference to
n = length(items)
smat <- do.call(expand.grid, rep(list(c(0,1)), n))
2011 Nov 08
Hi R community!
I am analyzing the data set "motorins" in the package "faraway" by using
the generalized additive model. it shows the following error. Can some one
suggest me the right way?
motori <- motorins[motorins$Zone==1,]
>amgam <- gam(log(Payment) ~ offset(log(Insured))+
s(as.numeric(Kilometres)) + s(Bonus) + Make +
2012 Oct 22
random forest
Hi all,
Can some one tell me the difference between the following two formulas?
1. epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action = na.fail,ntree =
300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F)
2.epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action = na.fail,ntree =
300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F)
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2011 Nov 18
Permutation matrix
Hi all,
I have a set of elements (1, 1, 0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1) with ten elements. I have
to construct the permutation matrix of this set which is of the size 10 by
2^10. Can some one help how is this possible? Is there is a particular
function in R or I need to make function?
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2011 Dec 05
Problem in while loop
Hi all,
I have the following code,
When I run the code, it never terminate this is because of the while loop i
am using. In general, if you need a loop for which you don't know in
advance how many iterations there will be, you can use the `while'
statement so here too i don't know the number how many iterations are
there. So Can some one suggest me whats going on?
I am using the
2012 Oct 01
Problem with nls regression fit
Hi all,
I got following problem in fitting the data.
Any kind of suggestions are welcome
> beta <- 3.5
> d <- seq(0.1,62.5,0.1)
> y <- exp(-beta*d)
> y1 <- y
> x <- read.table("epidist.txt", header = TRUE)
> data.nls <- as.data.frame(cbind(y1,x))
> #attach(data.nls)
> nls.fit <- nls(y1~dist,data.nls)
Error in cll[[1L]] : object of type
2012 Feb 10
Importing a CSV file
I have been trying to import a csv file to r. but I get the same message everytime. the message is
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'Users:/sezginozcan/Downloads/beer.data.csv': No such file or directory
I use mac.
I tried this command also