Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How write raster files after manipulation?"
2013 Feb 18
How to calculate the moving average for binary files?
I have 12 binary (raster) files
https://echange-fichiers.inra.fr/get?k=k3M2jatJyHy65Cs99G4 .
I would like to calculate the moving average for the 12 values for each
pixel in the 12 files.
For a simple vector we can get a moving average by using this :
x <- c(1,2,3,NA,NA,4,6,5,6,4,2,5)
movingmean <- rollapply(x, 3, FUN = mean, na.rm = T,fill=NA)
2011 Jan 24
writeRaster with raster package
I have a problem writing a raster with the raster package.
I have the raster object "mask" which has the following geoinformation:
---- R output
> mask
class : RasterLayer
filename :
nrow : 5198
ncol : 2813
ncell : 14621974
min value : 0
max value : 255
2013 Mar 19
How to get the rolling standard deviation in rasters?
I am using this code to calculate the moving average mean.It worked fine but
when I wanted to also calculate based on sd(stander deviation) I got the
error shown below.
I read this documentation of R movingFun and found that sd was mentioned at
I wonder if needs any other things to conseder or sd is not at all supplied
2013 Mar 21
Problems of exporting raster to ArcGIS
I am using R raster package to replace ArcGIS when processing multiple shp files. However, when I export R raster back to ArcGIS, it couldn't recognize R raster file correctly. For example, I used {raster} package and got a RasterLayer as followed.
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 8280, 18480, 153014400 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.008333334, 0.008333334 (x, y)
2013 Jan 29
Netcdf and Raster Package Questions, Need .asc File for GIS
Hello R-Group,
I am new working with netcdf files and the raster package in R.I am
trying to read in a netcdf file using the package "ncdf".I am able to
get the lat, lon and parameter I need and can plot using
fill.contour.Ultimately, I am trying to create a .asc file to reafd into
GIS.I am using the package "raster" to read the parameter.When I read in
2013 Jan 24
How to add a function to another written code?
I have two directories
https://echange-fichiers.inra.fr/get?k=AcHKdNI4No44GEsj7PK with 12 (global
maps)binary files in each.I used the code given below to calculate the
spatial correlation between these files and it worked well(the output is a
global correlation map). I wonder if there is a simple way to calculate RMSE
and bias along with cor.so finally we get three outputs (bias map,RMSE
2008 Nov 05
Using RGDAL to "copy" header information...
I'm trying to solve a problem to implement a line-by-line tiled
processing using RGDAL (read 1 line of an image, process the one line,
write one line of the image to a binary file). Everything except for
the final step I'm able to do using a combination of RGDAL and r-base
commands. Below is the basic structure, the input file "elev" can be
any image file
2013 Mar 18
Why stacking rasters return NAs?
I have several rasters that I want to do some calculations ,basically
calculating the moving average.
dir2 <- list.files("D:\\2010+2011", "*.bin", full.names = TRUE)
movi <- overlay(stack(saf),fun=function(x) movingFun(x, fun=mean,
n=3, na.rm=TRUE))
Error in .overlayList(x, fun = fun, filename = filename,
2013 Jan 17
How to calculate monthly average from daily files in R?
I have 365 binary files:
https://echange-fichiers.inra.fr/get?k=oy3CN1yV1Um7ouRWm2U ,I want to
calculate the monthly average. So from the 365 files, I will get 12 files.I
would like also to tell R not to take into account the no-data value
(-32765).for example, for the first month, there are 31 records: 3 of these
records has the value -32765,I want R to take the average of the rest
2019 Dec 06
long vector support
At first glance, a recent commit to R-devel (
appears to be related to long vector support. But as Henrik Bengtsson
points out at
writeBin() still prohibits long vectors. Are there any plans to add long
vector support to R
2002 Oct 07
Error in writeBin(object, con, size = 2)
Hi all,
I wrote a function (in R batch mode) which reads binary data,
interpolates sometimes and wrote a new binary file of the same size as
the input file. Her is a bit of code:
while (length( head <- readBin(si, integer(), 64, size=2))) {
data <- readBin(si, integer(), head[5], size=2)
## now write head to new file
writeBin(head, so, size=2)
## if head[4] is 9 or
2010 Jul 05
export VTK from R : impossible to write data as float
I've written a short code (below) to write 3D unstructured grid to binary
VTK files from R. Problem : I can only write integers with the command :
the function storage.mode(data)<-'long' looks fine, but the VTK file is not
thanks for any
2003 Apr 25
Open an r+b file connection on Windows
I am trying to open an existing binary file, seek to a position in the
middle, and then write one byte, while keeping the already existing data
after that byte. It seems to me that I am unable to open a connection to a
binary file in both read and write mode. I can open the "r+b" binary file
connection and seek around, but I can't write to the file. And looking at
the function
2024 May 21
wrtiteBin in conjunction with seek : the position in the file is not good when writing
Dear RHelp-list,
?I want to write at a specific position in a file without reading all
the file
because it is very large and I cannot read it in my RAM. But I miss
about the use of the command writeBin in conjunction with seek. In the
example bellow the seek
commands works well with the readBin command but not with writeBin, the
command write from the beginning of the file
2019 Dec 07
long vector support
>>>>> Will L
>>>>> on Fri, 6 Dec 2019 16:02:59 -0500 writes:
> All, At first glance, a recent commit to R-devel (
> https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/2c182014ecc8c2407a89092c9162d86046bd18da)
> appears to be related to long vector support.
yes, for a very limited case, with a very nice minimal
reproducible example and proper R bug
2001 Dec 07
Memory problem
Dear all,
I have written a little R program to convert images. See below. Within the
loop over j (the filenames) memory consumption grows constantly. rm( ... )
inside the loop did not help. Memory does not grow if I remove the writeBin
statements between the two #-------- marks. But obviously this is not
solution I want...
Thanks for any advice.
Manfred Baumstark
P.S. As I'm new to R:
2013 Aug 14
2 questions about signal & broken connection in R
Hi, all,
I have 2 questions about signal handling in R. Would you pls help give me
some suggestions? Many thanks!
[How to block the signal in one R function]:
If one R function hopes to be running without interrupting, how can we
avoid this?
To be more specific, for one R function "func1", it will do a loop to send
messages to another R process, and receive responses from peers. How
2008 Jan 23
writeBin doesn't "send" until readBin executed
Hi all -
I'm playing around with an attempt to do some serial communication from
within R to a microcontroller board. I open a connection:
zz = file("/dev/ttyUSB0",open="a+") ## text mode
... when I execute
I know the board receives the "0" because the board's serial comm LEDs light
up when submit the command at the R
2001 Jul 17
How to write the bytes 00 01 00 to a file/connection?
Is there any way to write (8-bit) bytes to a file which works on all [R]
platforms? I have been looking at
1) writeBin
2) writeChar
3) cat
and neither of them manage to write arbitrary sequences of bytes (0-255).
For instance, I would like to create a binary file of length three
containing the bytes 0, 1 and 0. I [R] I have the following vector of bytes:
bfr <- c(0,1,0)
1) For
2009 Apr 30
NA_real_ <op> NaN -> NA or NaN, should we care?
On Linux when I compile R 2.10.0(devel) (src/main/arithmetic.c in
with gcc 3.4.5 using the flags -g -O2 I get noncommutative behavior when
adding NA and NaN:
> NA_real_ + NaN
[1] NaN
> NaN + NA_real_
[1] NA
If I compile src/main/arithmetic.c without optimization (just -g)
then both of those return NA.
On Windows, using a precompiled R 2.8.1 from CRAN I get
NA for